World Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Writing about the world is an interesting task because your World essay can deal almost with any subject, including Fashion Studies, Business Management, or Healthcare when you are dealing with various remote practices. It is all about the world we live in. As you are looking for inspiration, think about essays on world topics and think about what you can use as the foundation. These samples that you can see below will provide you with a list of competitive topics. See how these World essays are structure and how each thesis statement is connected to body paragraphs regardless of essay type. Always check with your grading rubric and do not forget to proofread your paper aloud to make it credible.

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66 views 3 pages ~ 595 words
Joseph the son of Jacob in Genesis 37: 18-36, 39:1

Jacob had a son named Joseph. His father loved him so much that his siblings were envious of him. Joseph had many nightm...

226 views 3 pages ~ 606 words
The Liturgical Calendar

The significance of the Passover celebration is covered in Deuteronomy 16 of the Bible. The feast was significant becaus...

132 views 2 pages ~ 343 words
Analysis of Variance

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Titles and Degrees Omitted] [Affiliation(s) with an Institution] Variance Analysis (ANOV...

142 views 6 pages ~ 1500 words
Hollywood Visions of Revolution in Reds and Doctor Zhivago

Unquestionably, the Russian Revolutions had an impact on the creative world, inspiring some of the most well-known books...

257 views 7 pages ~ 1838 words
Deepa Mehta’s Earth

The depressing political and social scenario India was in when the subcontinent was about to break up into two states is...

217 views 11 pages ~ 2969 words
Film Culture in China

China is currently the world’s third-largest distributor of motion pictures, after only the United States and India, and...

294 views 7 pages ~ 1892 words
The Cold War

The end of the cold war signaled the onset of tense relations, diplomatic difficulties, and Russian aggressiveness betwe...

239 views 4 pages ~ 878 words
The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

Germans rejoiced with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 because it signaled the reunion of East and West Berlin. East ...

180 views 7 pages ~ 1829 words
‘Ip Man.’

In this research paper, the political, historical, and literary aspects of the most well-known action director from Hong...

266 views 3 pages ~ 698 words
the colonial inequalities and Rabbit Proof fence

An Australian drama called Rabbit Proof Fence tells the true story of the author’s mother, who was forced to leave her f...

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