Visual representation of the Effects of Global Warming on Animals in the Media

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The media is significant in the twenty-first century. Most people rely on the media to inform them about events in their community. As a result, the media has an important role to play. They are in charge of information transmission. Despite the crucial role that the media plays, not all media organizations are doing their jobs well. Despite this, media outlets are making the residents of the world aware of the situation. As a result, it is important to educate the media on the vital role that they play in informing the world’s inhabitants. At the same time, the media should ensure that it disseminates only factual information that is a balanced and verified.

Nevertheless, there are some media outlets that are relaying this important information to the masses although the information is not exhaustive. Most media houses will not major on the effects of global warming in their reporting, not unless there is a calamity related to the global warming effects. This paper aims to establish the role of media in showing the effects of global warming.


Global warming is the gradual increase in the temperatures of the earth (both the land, water bodies and the atmosphere). The increase in temperatures is as a result of the earth’s heat being retained within the atmosphere. The retention of the temperatures is a result of the blanketing of gases on the ozone. This, therefore, makes it difficult for re-radiated rays from the earth to escape. The retention of the heat leads to the general increase in temperatures. The leading ‘greenhouse gases’ are methane and carbon (IV) oxide. These gases are both naturally produced and artificially produced. Temperature changes have been due to both the natural factors and manmade effects. Natural factors have a lesser bearing on the impact of global warming as compared to the human factors. Over the last 100 years, there has been a gradual increase in the temperatures. An increment of 0.75 degrees has been recorded (Hughes, 18). The changes in temperatures have a far-reaching effect on both the flora and the fauna. This paper, therefore, is dedicated to deducing how the media has depicted the effects of global warming on animals (fauna).

Scientific studies have shown that if things are not corrected in time, there will be an increase in the global temperatures by eight degrees. This figure (8) might not ring an alarm, but this means disaster for all the occupants of the earth. Therefore urgent measures need to be taken to avert possible extinction of life on earth. Living beings are known to adapt themselves to the changing environments, but a drastic increase in temperatures will leave them without a choice to adopt to. In the long run, extinction might come in handy.

Global warming effects are many and profound. Recently India experienced heat waves that resulted in the deaths of many addition most of the coastal towns and cities stare at imminent dangers. The water levels have constantly been on the rise, and there are fears that these cities might soon be submerged under the sea (England, 22). At great risks are nations founded on islands such as Kiribati. Scientists have explained that should there not be an affirmative action to tame the effects of global warming; these countries will become submerged. Those are some of the grave consequences of global warming.

The reason as to why the ocean waters are on the rise is quite simple. As the global temperatures increase, there is a meltdown of the polar ice as a result. These ice blocks get melted in large blocks giving millions of metric tons of water. The waters resulting from this meltdown after that finds its way into our water bodies (Root, 24). As a result of this increase in the volumes, the ocean levels rise. In the recent past, the rise has been quite drastic as compared to the last a hundred years. This shows that there have been heightened activities that are posing a threat to the global populations.

Growing Visual representation of the Effects of Global Warming on Animals in the Media

The media has a key and central role to play in the fight against global warming. Where media has been involved in spreading information on the effects of global warming the results have been almost instantly achieved. This is because the media has a wide reach and can reach a large number of masses in a very short time. Currently what is required is that the media be sensitized further to adopt ethical reporting that is issue based. As such, global warming shall have a higher priority when it comes to reporting.

Previously very little emphasis was put on in the media reporting’s of matters to do with global warming. This was partly due to ignorance and lack of knowledge on global warming, and secondly, the effects were not that much as they are today. Fifty years ago very little emphasis was laid on the global warming issue because the effect was quite minimal but today the effects are quite founded and can be easily identified (Cline, 21).

The impacts of global warming are on a larger scale ranging from heat waves in India to floods and hurricanes in America. The effects have often been quite disastrous with huge losses of properties and lives. As such it is quite necessary that the media takes an active role in spreading the word on global warming. The media should bring to light the various climate pats that are geared towards safeguarding and maintaining global warming at considerably lower levels. The world citizens should be told what is expected of them at an individual level to curb the effects of global warming. The media should also educate the masses on the existing climate agreements such as the Paris climate agreement

Loss and destruction of the natural habitats

Lately, the visual media has been playing a crucial role in passing information on climate change. In this era where there are very many calamities and disastrous associated with global warming, the media has been swift to bring these issues to the limelight. They continuously demystify the rather less understood myths about the effects of global warming. The media has effectively captured people’s imaginations and perceptions of what global warming is. A clear cut line between myths and the truths has been put forth by the media.

It is often said that images speak a thousand is indeed true and the impacts are far and wide reaching. Recently a media outlet shared an image of a bear on an ice island. The image evoked a series of mixed reactions among those who came across it with a majority of the (over60%) acknowledging that it is indeed true that the effects of global warming are real. Raging waters surrounded the ice island. To the ordinary eyes, the bear was stranded and seemed helpless. But that was not it at all. Bears are good at swimming and as such swimming or wading through the waters would not have posed a great threat. So, what was the main issue with the image? Well, this is now where the effects of global warming became manifest.

The polar bear was standing on the top of a very small island of ice. It is unusual for then ice blocks to be small as such. The ice block depicted the increasing effects of global warming. The polar ice block had melted so much due to global warming. As a result the water levels had risen. Subsequently, the fish habitats had been altered. As a result, the bear had to wade and swim through the waters in search of its prey. Humans are also affected by an equal measure and in some instances severe measures. Also notwithstanding the fact that countries such as Fiji, Kiribati among others are at a great risk of getting submerged. Scientists have explained that should there not be an affirmative action to minimize the effects of global warming; these countries will be wiped out of the universe. Those are some of the grave consequences of global warming. The reason as to why the ocean waters are on the rise is quite simple. As the global temperatures increase, there is a meltdown of the polar ice. As a result, these ice blocks get melted in large blocks giving millions of metric tons of water. The waters resulting from these meltdowns after that finds its way into our water bodies. As a result of this increase in the volumes, the ocean levels rise. In the recent past, the rise has been quite drastic as compared to the last a hundred years.

Therefore the rise in the ocean levels has resulted in the destruction of the natural habitats for the wild animals while at the same time resulting in massive losses for human beings. When there is a rise in the sea levels, high chances are that there will be the occurrence of strong waves from the water body. These strong waves wash the adjacent lands and lead to massive destructions to property and loss of lives.

Acidic rains

The media has taken the lead in sensitizing the global citizens in their fight against global warming. Global warming has several impacts on the environment. Various media outlets have shared images depicting where the world is headed regarding global warming. It is astonishing how human beings are actively living their lives with very little concern for their actions. For instance, large manufacturing firms have continued their dependence on fossil fuels for their productions. Consequently, there has been an increase in the amounts of carbon (IV) oxide gases produced. Carbon (IV) oxide is one of the primary greenhouse gases that are actively leading to the greenhouse heating effect. Also, these gases when they come into contact with rainwater they lead to the formation of acid rains. Acid rains have a devastating effect on both flora and fauna. Of great significance in this study is how the animals are affected by the global warming phenomena. In this case, once the plants have been scorched there is less food that is available for the consumption the animals. As such, the animals may suffer from lack of sufficient foods leading to the death of the animals. A human being is the key drivers of pollution. They have engaged in massive industrialization in the last one hundred years. Their civilization has come at a great cost. Often civilization comes with the use of technology to achieve certain goals and objectives.

Effects of global warming as depicted by the media.

Time and again the media has shown images of starving herds of cattle in the sub-Sahara or animals often migrating over long distances in search of food. In the recent past, this has become so widespread. Some might wonder how droughts are related to global warming. The relationship between the two has a direct correlation. Droughts are as a result of lack of water or where the water is available in very little amounts. Usually, areas experiencing droughts receive rainfall that is less than 250 mm annually. Droughts arise as a result of continued heating of the earth’s surface.

The continued heating is as a result of an increase in the temperatures of the earth’s surface. The increase in temperatures is as a result of the earth’s heat being retained within the atmosphere. The retention of the temperatures is a result of the blanketing of gases on the ozone. This, therefore, makes it difficult for re-radiated rays from the earth to escape. The retention of the heat leads to the general increase in temperatures. The leading ‘greenhouse gases’ are methane and carbon (IV) oxide. These gases are both naturally produced and artificially produced. Temperature changes have been due to both the natural factors and manmade effect.

Once the gases earth’s surface gets heated water in the soil evaporates into the atmosphere. This leaves the soils dry and the plants with very little water for processes that are necessary for their growth. As a result of lack of water, the plants wilt and die. This death in plants will lead to a decrease in the amounts of food available for the people thereby leading to the death of animals.

Droughts in the national parks

Recently, droughts in several parks made headlines with their diminishing number of animals. A documentary over the same was also aired to bring to people’s attention the devastating effects of global warming. In the recent past, there has been a sharp decrease in the amounts of food available for the animals in the parks. Competition for food has been on the rise. This has been as a result of global warming. Global warming has resulted in the decrease of food in that there are no new plants that are growing in the parks. This, therefore, implies that the animals that rely on grass for their meals have had very little food to feed on. On the other hand, animals that are carnivorous have had to do with very little food to feed on. Their prey has often died as a result of the drought. This has resulted in less food and more competition for the limited resources. As documented in animal discovery films most of the food fights are often fatal. They have resulted in fatalities and the death of animals.

Extinction of animal species

Media in the 21st century has laid so much emphasis on an age-old animal species. The media has continuously shown the image of a dinosaur. It is reported that the animal lives millions of years ago. The illustration of the dinosaur as an extinct animal points out to the fact that some animal species will get wiped out in the fullness of time. The dinosaurs have been represented as some vicious, gigantic and huge animals. Today the much we can do to figure it how huge the dinosaurs used to be. As the temperatures increased, it became unadaptable to the environment. Gradually the dinosaur species was brought to an. Just like the dinosaur, it is possible that in the next a hundred years or so there shall be another species that shall have become extinct due to our actions of today. When a species becomes extinct, it can never be brought back into existence any eve through genetic engineering.


Floods have often been depicted as messed up places that are deficient of so doing the media has created awareness among the people what the dangers of global warming are. There can never be any positive side effect of global warming and as such the floods have been displayed in such a way that the media creates awareness among the people of the devastating effects of global warming. The media has aired places that have received very high rainfalls. High rainfall amounts are associated with the high temperatures on the earth’s surface. This is because, as the water bodies get heated, they lose their waters through evaporation. Where the heat intensities are quite high evaporation takes place at a greater magnitude. This, therefore, implies that with the increased global temperatures there will be high volumes of water vapors condensing at high altitudes. Due to their rapid condensation, the condensed waters falls back to the earth’s surface in large volumes. These large volumes of water are known as floods. Floods are known to cause so much destruction of properties. In extreme cases has resulted in deaths of human beings.

Changes in their ecosystem

Both the print and the electronic media have taken a leading role in creating awareness among the global citizens about the changes in the ecosystem that are as a result of global warming. An ecosystem is a self-sustaining system that is in a perfect state of balance. An interruption in the system of balance has far and wide-reaching effects on the ecosystem. When an ecosystem is thrown into a state of imbalance, there are several possible outcomes. First, because the food chains in an ecosystem are interdependent, high chances are that some of the species may become wiped out of the ecosystem. A reduction in the number of species in the ecosystem has a far and wide-reaching effect.

Less fresh water

The media has been used to spread the word on the diminishing freshwater sources. Several campaigns have been launched to address the issue of declining fresh water sources in the world. The campaign has been fairly successful to an extent. The diminishing fresh waters sources are as a result of the increased temperatures. Higher temperatures translate into high evaporation rates. This, therefore, means more water losses into the the water sources lose the fresh waters, there emerge highly concentrated water sources. These water sources are often salty.

Several methods may be used to help minimize the global warming phenomena. These methods include and are not limited to the following; use of renewable energy. Renewable energy can be harnessed from sources such as wind, solar and geothermal sources. Green energy or renewable energy has a very little impact on the global warming phenomena. Use of green energy can help maintain the global temperatures relatively low for the following reasons. Renewable energy has a source of energy that can never be depleted. Therefore, there is the generation of power without the necessity of burning fossil fuels for the production of power. Fossil fuels release carbon (IV) oxide and other poisonous gases that are key recipes for global warming.

Also, consumers should ensure that they only make use of energy-efficient appliances only. Energy efficient appliances are important in the sense that they save on energy that would have rather been wasted. Consequently, they reduce the necessity to generate more energy on the fossil fuels. The media should take an active role and always remind the consumers to look for the energy star label on every appliance they purchase to make use of electricity efficiently. None the fewer consumers should be encouraged to buy better lighting devices such as bulbs that are energy efficient.

Moreover, people should make use of fuel-efficient vehicles where vehicles that consume clean energy are not available. Such kind of practice will minimize the greenhouse gases produced on our roads. Subsequently, the global temperatures will be kept in check

Lastly, there should be strict adherence to the global pacts. Each country should take its role seriously and ensure that it complies with the requirements. Containing global warming is a fete that can be achieved but calls for collective responsibility both at the individual level, corporation’s level and at multinational levels.

In conclusion, global warming is one of the most serious dangers that are being posed to the existence of life. There has been a constant rise in global temperatures. The increase in temperatures is as a result of the earth’s heat being retained within the atmosphere. The retention of the temperatures is a result of the blanketing of gases on the ozone (Agarwal, 19). This, therefore, makes it difficult for re-radiated rays from the earth to escape. The retention of the heat leads to the general increase in temperatures. The leading ‘greenhouse gases’ are methane and carbon (IV) oxide. These gases are both naturally produced and artificially produced.

Temperature changes have been due to both the natural factors and manmade effect from the incidences discussed above; it is quite evident that the effects of global warming are many and have a far and wide-reaching consequences. All over the world traces of global warming are visible in one way or the other. As such it is important that a collective role is taken by everyone to help reduce the effects of global warming on animals and life on earth in is therefore necessary that the necessary steps be taken in the shortest time possible to ensure that the global temperatures are kept low.

From the above findings, it is evident that the media has a crucial role to play in ensuring that the message on global warming is received by all. As such it is quite necessary that the media takes an active role in spreading the word on global warming. The media should bring to light the various climate pats that are geared towards safeguarding and maintaining global warming at considerably lower levels. The world citizens should be told what is expected of them at an individual level to curb the effects of global warming. The media should also educate the masses on the existing climate agreements such as the Paris climate agreement

Work cited

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