United States, Hispanic American Community

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The Spanish American Community

The Spanish American Community is the largest minority population in the United States. They are from Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and other Spanish-speaking countries. According to research, there are around 46.9 million of them. The Hispanic population is expected to exceed 62 million by 2020. Spanish culture values family bonds, such as gender norms and childbirth, among other things. Furthermore, cultural norms emphasize the importance of family connections, greater family network engagement, and relationship harmony. Women are expected to care for the family in traditional Hispanic homes, while males are expected to provide for the family. This is known as machismo. Partners’ communication promotes strength, harmony, as well as growth in the family (Halloran, 2009).

The Importance of Elders in the Hispanic Community

The Hispanic group feels unsafe to forego the past because of their pride and affection. Also, they resist assimilation. They have a colorful and a beautiful dance that unites people and acts as a way of keeping in touch with their culture. Moreover, dancing promotes health, as well as helps in the process of meditation. Because of their experience, the Hispanic elders play a crucial role in the family structure. Members of the community seek advice from the family elders, especially in matters of health.

Religion and Spirituality in the Hispanic Community

Most of the Hispanic homesteads have shrines with statues and pictures. They light candles, visit shrines, as well as practice offering prayers. The elderly population aligns themselves with religious matters to reduce the stress they have. Life is made bearable through religious beliefs. Also, their spiritual relationship is determined. In the United States, most Hispanics identify themselves with Catholicism or evangelical Protestantism since both have traditions tending to embrace social values, for instance, opposing abortion.


Halloran, L. (2009). Teaching transcultural nursing through literature. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(9), 523-528.

May 10, 2023



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