Uncoverage Post vs. Response Coverage

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Uncovering Approach in Education

When the covering strategy is used, it’s likely that the teacher ignores the unique characteristics of each student in the class. The instructor might not alter the lesson plan to suit the demands of the current class. I prefer the uncovering method that you mentioned since it exposes the learners to the presumptions, truths, and principles involved in information transmission. According to Wiggins and McTighe, the uncovering process involves finding, analyzing, challenging, verifying, and generalizing the material that has been presented. Additionally, this method of learning teaches students that knowledge is not absolute or definite. Additionally, the uncovering strategy helps learners build the abilities to find and evaluate information before adopting it.

Implementing the Uncovering Method

To embrace the uncovering approach, the teacher should draft a comprehensive plan that outlines how the content of the curriculum will be covered. Then each lesson plan should be customized to fit the five steps proposed by the uncovering approach. For example, in a unit like community nursing, the teacher should facilitate learning through the uncovering method in the following manner.

Step 1: Unearthing

First unearthing would involve giving learners an assignment to find out a need/problem in the community through primary obtaining of the information. The data collected in the community can now be taken back to class for further analysis.

Step 2: Analyzing and Making Meaning

After the students analyze and make meaning out of this information, the teacher may now provide critiques and questioning of the results and their analysis.

Step 3: Critical Analysis

The students will now critically analyze the results disputing and affirming the knowledge acquired. After vetting the information, the learners can now make a generalization about the course with the teacher helping them arrive at the established body of knowledge.

March 10, 2023

Education Life


Learning Experience

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