The Unrighteousness of the US Penal System

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I have learnt several things aligned with the US penal system. It is evident that America has always faced unending discussions about the righteousness of the American panel system. I have learnt. In my opinion in line with the assignment, the issue of the US panel system arises because different states hold different morals. I thought about this statement and I agree that America does not exercise equal justice to its citizens. This approach classifies the US penal system unrighteous because they do not practice equal justice to all its citizens. I agree that the problem of righteousness is exigent in America because legal rights are not appreciated by the Criminal Justice System (CJS). This is the main reason why more African American continues to suffer at the hands of judicial services.

              I support the survey conducted in the year 2016 by Gallup which state the many Americans lack confidence with the US CJS. This is as a result of the biasness that the people continue to face in the corridors of justice. This is as a result of the inequality attributed to race and ethnicity. From my experience with the essay, I agree that there is unfairness when it comes to protecting the rights of Americans. The whites seem to be favored more than the African Americans. This has resulted to numerous challenges that continue to affect the penal systems in America. I agree that the issue of race is one of the major factors that have played a major role in unrighteousness. Most of the African Americans continue to face tough punishments as a result of their skin color. One the other hand, the whites face lesser or no punishment at all because they are protected by the government (Arrigo, & Bullock, 2007).

In my own opinion, I believe that the administration of US is responsible for the biasness that is felt in the Criminal Justice System. I agree with the research conducted by Eberhardt at Cornell in the year 2006 that disclosed that blacks are more likely to receive capital punishment when they commit murder than the white victims. In my opinion, I believe that the US penal does not exercise its jurisdiction as required by American constitution. This has always been an issue associated with interpersonal conflicts between the blacks and the whites. Rather, I believe that the Judges state their verdict based on stereotype that African American are violent, dangerous, and are more opt to commit murder (Eberhardt, Davies, Purdie-Vaughns, & Johnson, 2006).  

Therefore, I strongly agree that the US Justice Department has abused the issue of race the most. This manly seen on racial profiling where the blacks are promptly admitted to prison without further clarification on whether they are criminal or not. In that case, I believe that 23% of Hispanic and 24% of African Americans are likely to receive punishments more than the whites. This is based on whether the two groups have committed the same crime. I conclude by strongly stating that the US penal system is unrighteous because the CJS base inequality through discrimination. I disagree with the people that claim that the CJS is perfect because there is enough evidence on how they continue to treat non-whites (Benforado, 2015).


Arrigo, B., & Bullock, J. (2007). The Psychological Effects of Solitary Confinement on

Prisoners in Supermax Units. International Journal Of Offender Therapy And Comparative Criminology, 52(6), 622-640. doi: 10.1177/0306624x07309720

Eberhardt, J., Davies, P., Purdie-Vaughns, V., & Johnson, S. (2006). Looking Deathworthy.

Psychological Science, 17(5), 383-386. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2006.01716.x

Benforado, A. (2015). Unfair: The new science of criminal injustice. Broadway Books.

August 01, 2023

Crime Law Sociology


Race and Ethnicity

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