The Real College Experience

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You Will Develop a Caffeine Addiction

I hated the taste and flavor of coffee before I started college. Now, as I am typing this, I have just completed my fifth cup! As an undergrad, I possibly have an unhealthy chemical reliance on caffeine, yet what else will keep me alert throughout the night during the midterm season?

You Will Learn the Value of Friendship

When you are far from your family, you realize that your friends are your most essential support team. On campus, your friends are the ones you turn to when things go wrong, as well as when they go right. They will listen when you whine or gush and are always in unity with you. With any luck, your companions will likewise be the ones who will call attention to occasions when you are acting stupid, and you will begin listening to them since they care about you. Also, you will come to understand what is meant by becoming completely protective of and loyal to your friends.

You Will Learn That Rejection Isn’t Bad

Regardless of whether it comes about because of the professor who despises your paper or the person who never responds to your messages, you will confront rejection in college more than once. In the beginning, it will sting, and you will console yourself by saying that the professor may have written some books and has a Ph.D., but he does not have a clue about what he is saying. You will attempt to persuade yourself that you did not even care for that boy or girl. Sooner or later, you will understand that rejection is a healthy, albeit sad, part of life. Possibly, you will listen to that professor’s proposals and redo your paper, or perhaps you will begin dating individuals who are right for you. Still, eventually, you will figure out how to utilize rejection as a means of self-improvement.

You Will Realize You Can’t Please Everyone

In college, you will discover that there are individuals who do not like you. You can try to please them, yet nothing you ever do will change their minds. Move on; it is not the apocalypse! Whenever you see them, be friendly (regardless of the possibility that their response to your friendly smile is a terrifying glare) and make friends somewhere else.

You Will Find Yourself

You will be tested like never before. You will start to find your identity under the mask you wear for the outside world, and in the long run, you will understand that most of your mannerisms are what makes you extraordinary.

You Will Trim Your Social Circle

It gets to be distinctly hard to see your companions in school. Between work, classes, homework, and the always-depleting search for an internship, there will scarcely be enough time for yourself, let alone other individuals. In high school, there is always time to see your friends, and you meet with them no less than five days a week, whether in class or during lunch, grumbling about assignments. However, during college, everybody follows their own schedule, and it sometimes takes days, even weeks, before you see some of your companions. Nevertheless, despite the fact that time is a precious thing during your college years, you will figure out how to fit the individuals you care about into your busy schedule.

You Will Meet People Who Come from Different Backgrounds than Your Own

From my first day in college, I started meeting individuals from everywhere throughout the nation and the globe. Having the capacity to become acquainted with those who originate from different backgrounds has been a standout among my most exciting experiences in college. Diversity adds spice to life, and the best place to realize that is a college.\\

Take a Class or Two that You Think Is Interesting

If you think a class sounds fascinating, you should take it. It may uncover a passion you did not realize you had, and you may wind up discovering what your career was truly intended to be. Or it could simply be an exciting class. In any case, it is worth putting time and effort into it.

Try Not to Rush the Experience

The majority of the above proposals stem from one idea: taking on new encounters and having a "no regrets" strategy to guarantee you get the most out of your college experiences. College years do not last forever; they do end rather fast. Make the most of them by having as many experiences and memories as you can.

July 10, 2024




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