the pushing of privacy for the greater good

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The court fight between Food Lion and ABC News

The court fight between Food Lion and ABC News sparks controversy over the ethical questions posed by the use of concealed cameras and undercover reports. Media celebrities are experts and must adhere to a strict code of ethics. ABC News was concerned about the hygiene of the Food Lion Company’s production operations (Los Angeles Times). As a result, the Food Lion v. ABC News Case placed stakeholders and courts in a bind because it is difficult to rule in favor of either Food Lion or ABC News. Food Lion has the right to security and privacy thus anyone found within the Food Lion premises without permission is rendered liable for trespass. In this case, ABC media personalities trespassed and committed fraud when investigating the allegation that Food Lion stores sold contaminated or spoiled meat to the unsuspecting consumers (Baltimore Sun). Food Lion indirectly challenged in court the truth Prime Time Live report which was released to the public in 1992. Instead, Food Lion bypassed the libel suit, undermining the approaches used by ABC and concentrated on the falsification of the application for employment and the worker’s failure to finish their assigned duties. The jury bought the argument of Food Lion and seemingly arbitrarily on a $5.5 million punishment against ABC.

The court outcome and consideration of the interest of the majority

The court outcome was right as far as the trespass and fraudulent issues are concerned, but the Jury did not focus on the fact that ABC was concerned about the interest of the majority in the society. The media act as the overseer of the society. Spoiled meat can hurt innocent people in the society including children, youth, and adults who consume the Food Lion products. The court should have considered the interest of the majority. However, I agree with the court’s outcome because ABC should have used the hidden cameras as the last resort but according to the statement made by ABC, there was no other technique which was applied by ABC prior to the use of hidden cameras thus it is clear that court made the decision based on reasonable grounds (Baltimore Sun).

ABC’s invasion of Food Lion’s privacy

ABC invaded Food’s Lion privacy because they disguised themselves to acquire the information for the great interest of the society at large. ABC had a vital mission because they were interested providing the facts regarding the spoiled meat which was alleged to have been sold by Food Lion. But failing to follow the required processes subjected the media to trespass liabilities. The greatest interest was achieved through inappropriate technique thus ABC was supposed to be punished because liberties and justice are supposed to be served as a way of adhering to the Constitution (Washington Post). After acquiring the information regarding the spoiled meat, ABC was supposed to report within a reasonable time but the media delayed until other media reported (Prime Time Live journalists) thus it make some people in the society believe ABC had other reasons apart from the great interest of the society. Therefore, other media should learn impacts of acting unethically from the Food Lion v. ABC case.

Work Cited

Baltimore Sun. Food Lion says ABC send Undercover Reporter. Accessed on July 31, 2017

Los Angeles Times. U.S. Jury Finds ABC used Fraud in Supermarket Expose. Http://articles Accessed on July 31, 2017

Washington Post, Howard Kurtz. Does Finding Truth Justify Lies by Reports? False Identities, Hidden Cameras, Raise Questions Accessed on July 31, 2017

January 05, 2023

Sociology Crime


News media Workforce

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Media Stakeholders Security

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