The Persian Gulf

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The Persian Gulf: A Habitat for Marine Life

The Persian Gulf is a habitat for various species of marine life. For instance, green turtles can be found in the Gulf’s waters. These creatures are crucial indicators of the health of the marine ecosystem. Their intricate molecular mechanisms and unique reproductive cycle allow them to survive in salt water. In fact, they are able to grow in the most hostile of environments, including the Persian Gulf. However, mangroves are threatened by the development of artificial islands in the Gulf. This destruction is affecting the survival of their offspring.

The Impact of the Strait of Hormuz

The Persian Gulf is connected to the Indian Ocean by the Strait of Hormuz, which has a profound impact on the water supply in the Gulf. The region also receives high levels of precipitation, which supplies the Gulf with water. However, this freshwater is depleted rapidly, and the rate of evaporation is much greater than the amount of water input. Thus, there is a water deficit of about 416 cubic kilometers (100 cu mi) in the Gulf.

The Persian Gulf Coast: Home to Vibrant Cities

The Persian Gulf coast is home to some of the largest cities in the Middle East. For example, the capital city of the UAE, Abu Dhabi, is located on the Gulf’s coast. Kuwait City is home to a population of 4.1 million people, and other major cities include Doha, Bahrain, and Al-Faw in Iraq.

The Persian Gulf: Officially Recognized Name

The Persian Gulf is also referred to as the Persian Sea. The historical name for the Gulf is Persian Sea, but all legal international organizations refer to the bay as the Persian Gulf. Some Arab countries, however, have recently attempted to change its name to the Arabian Gulf. Therefore, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) continues to use the Persian Gulf as its official name.

A Significant Waterway: The Persian Gulf

The Persian Gulf is a body of water that lies between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Its area is about 87,000 square miles, making it the third largest waterway in the world. It is connected to the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Hormuz. The Gulf is also bordered by the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait. The Persian Gulf coast is home to some of the largest cities in the Middle East. For example, the capital city of the UAE, Abu Dhabi, is located on the Gulf’s coast. Kuwait City is home to a population of 4.1 million people, and other major cities include Doha, Bahrain, and Al-Faw in Iraq.

Health Syndromes Associated with the Gulf War

The United States military, British, French, Australian, and Danish servicemen who served in the Persian Gulf have reported increased cases of the same symptoms. The findings led to clinical care initiatives that focused on the emergence of a distinct syndrome of illness after the war. In addition, the Gulf War has been linked to other unexplained health syndromes. The postwar symptoms are likely responses to the physical and psychological stressors that occur in war zones.

The Geographical Features of the Persian Gulf

Although the Persian Gulf is a mediterranean sea, it is a branch of the Indian Ocean. It is situated between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran and connects to the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Hormuz. Its northwest shoreline is characterized by the Shatt al-Arab river delta.

September 12, 2022




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