The influences of the Dust Bowl drought on the Great Southern Plains

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The Dust Bowl

The Dust Bowl is a symbolic title obtained from the destructions of a drought in the Great plain of America. This destructive drought occurred in the mid-1930s. Historical documents show that it was a major fabricated disaster in civilization. According to Don Worster, “The Dust Bowl” had various impacts on the Great plains of the southern portion of America. This disaster caused a few destructions in civilization. Primarily, it headed to one of the long-term impacts on the environment that have become a global problem. Suggestively, the name indicated a continuous shift in regional boundaries. Worster listed the event as one of the causative agents of desertification in the country. During this period, numerous droughts hit the society within the era of the experimentation. Evidently, the Southern plain became deficient in soil moisture and the plants dried up over time (Worster 16).

Impact on Desertification

Desertification has become the epitome of agricultural production in the world today. Numerous aspects of drought in the southern plains bear great link to the history of dust bowl. Therefore, Worster claims that the event is a key aspect in the rise of global threat of desertification in the globe. Secondly, the event resulted in the occurrence of storms. The storms affected the production level among the farmers since the stormy winds destroyed the natural vegetation in the landscapes. Evidently, the stormy winds presented potential threats to the life of every member of the society.

Health Issues and Calamity

A myriad cases of health issues occurred because of the calamity and it claimed the lives of various individuals during the progress of the events. Cases of lung diseases as well as other respiratory concerns were notable in the events. Thus, the event of the calamity marked a historical moment in the progress of the southern plains. Prominently, the period presented critical scenario in the societies. Individuals of the society became skeptical of the environmental concerns during this period (Worster 23).

Impact on Livestock and Wildlife

In addition, the disaster had a great impact on the livestock and the wildlife within the plains. Some cattle suffered the consequences of huge storms that buried the plants as well as the vegetation matter in the environment. This way, there were countless impacts of the events in the southern plains. These effects ranged from social concerns to the environmental aspects as well as the health issues. The major health concerns in the society included high cost in economic value. Moreover, the southern residents suffered the impacts of fear elements in the social setup. People feared the uncertainty of the continued storms within the landscapes. Practically, there were elements of emotional unrest in the society. People kept waiting obliviously of the danger ahead. It was practically a misfortune in disguise for most people in the southern plains. However, members could never be discouraged owing to their social strength in progressive social organization (Worster 24).


In conclusion, “The Dust Bowl” is a remarkable fabricated event that highly affected the communities in the southern plains. Many historians related the event to the numerous cases of drought in the plains. Ideally, drought is a major challenge in the world today that presents potential threat to the agricultural production levels in most societies.

Work cited

Worster, Donald. Dust bowl: the southern plains in the 1930s. Oxford University Press, 2004.

October 07, 2021



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