The Importance of Operational Sustainability in Business

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The definitions of the business terms have been perfectly presented. To enable a deeper understanding of the terms, the student has outlined real-life examples that occur in the business sector. Therefore, I agree with the student’s responses. For businesses to expand, owners need to ensure that the assets purchased do not incur lots of expenditures. Prior to establishing a business, business owners need to conduct research about the business. This way, individuals gather relevant information that will be important in steering them towards achieving their business set goals (Parisio, Rikos & Glielmo, 2016). In an organizational setting, employees need to abide by the set objectives and initiatives (Thomas, 2015). This helps employees to work towards the vision, and mission of the organization. On the six sigma, the student has clearly defined the term and elaborated on the impact of six sigma in an organizational setting. I agree with both the advantages and disadvantages of the six sigma as stated.

Section 2

Despite slight differences in the definitions of the business terms, I agree with student’s definitions. To maintain the quality of deliverable, organizations need to deliver their products or services to customers in cost-effective manner. For organizations to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors, all business operations within the organization need to be performed better than competitors (Jacobs, Chase & Lummus, 2014). This way, an organization is said to easily outperform its competitors. Business needs to adapt to trends. Failure to which businesses can collapse due to the misuse of resources. As described by the student under the operational sustainability, business owners need to ensure that business operations are conducted in such a manner that they do not compromise resources. I also agree with the definition of six sigma. Six sigma entails the measure of quality by organizations with the aim of striving for near perfection (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014).


Jacobs, F. R., Chase, R. B., & Lummus, R. R. (2014). Operations and supply chain management (pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Parisio, A., Rikos, E., & Glielmo, L. (2016). Stochastic model predictive control for economic/environmental operation management of microgrids: An experimental case study. Journal of Process Control, 43, 24-37.

Pyzdek, T., & Keller, P. A. (2014). The six sigma handbook(Vol. 4). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Thomas, D. S. (2015). Social Aspects of the Business Cycle (RLE: Business Cycles). Routledge.

January 19, 2024

Business Economics

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