The Importance of Internal Selection Factors in Employee Retention and Deployment

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Staffing in organizations

Staffing in organizations remains an integral factor that determines the success regarding acquiring, retaining, and deploying a workforce that best suits an organizations goals and objectives (Heneman III, Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012).

Internal Selection Factors

Different selection factors determine the success of an organization regarding employee retention and deployment. Concerning internal selection (evaluation and assessment of employees within an organization), different essential factors provide the success of internal selection. The three most reliable internal factors include; an employee attendance, education levels/skill levels, and finally job performance.

Employee Job Performance

An employee job performance in an organization can be a crucial indicator of his or her commitment/dedication to a job, ability to achieve required goals in time as well as individual’s loyalty to the overall organization objectives. On the other hand, education or skill level determines the employee’s best ability within an organization. Moreover, education levels determine an employee’s ability to perform to the best of his knowledge. Finally, the factors determine an employee’s suitability to the task in the organization, dedication, and desire to do their best at any time.

Weaknesses in BioGlass Inc.

As it can be seen from the case scenario provided different factors can be attributed to weakness in BioGlass Inc. The three primary spots that need improving include: unstructured promotion policy within the organization, overreliance on the employee’s performance for internal promotions, and finally, the organization recognized an individual’s seniority within the organization rather than merit, and in turn the numerous issues arising from the promotions.

Addressing the Weaknesses

To address the weaknesses identified, different approaches can be adopted. Developing and integrating a well-structured promotion policy, other factors other than seniority and performance have to be considered. Such move would enable them to have different ways to evaluate the best candidate to occupy any position or for any internal promotion. To prevent an occurrence of a similar incident as provided in the “Changing a Promotion System” case scenario, the organization should develop, adopt and implement strict promotion policy.


Heneman III, H. G., Judge, T. A., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D. (2012). Staffing organization (7th ed.). Middleton, WI: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

October 30, 2023


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