The Importance of Employee Engagement in Organizations

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A country’s education quality influences the type of workers to join the labor market. Where the education system releases highly qualified individuals to the market, the employees become productive fast. On the other hand, poor quality education systems release individuals who require extensive training for their new jobs (Sulisworo, 2016). For example, companies hiring incompetent employees spend their resources on developing the necessary skills in their workers rather than investing in profitable activities.

Trends Affecting the Future of Quality Management

The trends include a wider adoption of the six sigma and lean production approaches, change management for improved consistency in the workplaces as well as social equity and environmental sustainability (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Examples include the replacement of lean production with six sigma approaches in some organizations, the replacement of redundant and ad hoc practices with new and consistent procedures, and adoption of ISO compliant strategies respectively.

Importance of Measuring Customer Retention

Measuring customer retention enables organizations to increase their profits and understand the areas requiring improvements to satisfy the existing and attract new customers. According to Michael W. Lowenstein’s myth of customer satisfaction, it is essential to determine the organization’s customers and identify the most important products attributes (Ramachandran & Kalyanaraman, 2014). As such, it will be easier to arrange the characteristics in order of their importance and determine the satisfaction level.

Benefits of Partnering

Suppliers and customers need to partner during business to reduce costs and enhance efficiency in operations. The partnerships also minimize price volatilities and help in consolidating the supply chain. The exchange of feedback will also assist in the continuous improvement of the activities. For example, if a client feels that the offered products and services do not satisfy their needs, they will raise the concern directly to the supplier who will in return make the necessary adjustments (Lacoste & Johnsen, 2015). Additionally, taking advantage of the fixed pricing or scaled increases will ease the burden of massive price fluctuations to the customers. As such, the partnership benefits both the clients and their suppliers.

How Managers Can Ensure Effective Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are vital in organizations because they enable the workers to enhance their relationships with others and coordinate well during the execution of their duties. In ensuring that employees have effective interpersonal skills, the managers can offer mentoring sessions to one or several workers and communicate either verbally or non-verbally to ensure that the workers understand the strategy (Cheruvelil et al., 2014). They can also come up with different teams that help the workers in achieving a common goal. An example would be if a worker reports feeling sick and the manager allows them to seek medical attention and stay home until they feel well. With this approach, practicing empathy will encourage others to care for each other while at work.

How Managers Can Control Internal Politics

Internal politics in an organization entail various activities that apply influential tactics to enhance the personal or organizational interests. When controlling the politics, managers can ensure that all workers are satisfied with their jobs, encourage transparency and teamwork and encourage effective communication in the workplace (Saleem, 2015). An example is when employees hold positions which do not match their skills. They will always feel inadequate and demotivated. As such, they will look for avenues of airing their frustrations and end up engaging in workplace politics.


Cheruvelil, K. S., Soranno, P. A., Weathers, K. C., Hanson, P. C., Goring, S. J., Filstrup, C. T., & Read, E. K. (2014). Creating and maintaining high‐performing collaborative research teams: the importance of diversity and interpersonal skills. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12(1), 31-38.

Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson.

Lacoste, S., & Johnsen, R. E. (2015). Supplier–customer relationships: a case study of power dynamics. Journal of purchasing and supply management, 21(4), 229-240.

Ramachandran, S., & Kalyanaraman, S. (2014). Regaining lost customers. International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, 1(2), 55-57.

Saleem, H. (2015). The impact of leadership styles on job satisfaction and mediating role of perceived organizational politics. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, 563-569.

Sulisworo, D. (2016). The Contribution of the Education System Quality to Improve the Nation’s Competitiveness of Indonesia. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 10(2), 127-138.

October 24, 2023


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