The illness of diabetes

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The primary goal of this paper is to critique an essay. A writing form or methodology that entails analyzing a piece of work in a systematic review is referred to as critique. A criticism may be either analysis or a piece of writing in its own right.

The problem of health is a critical one that must be addressed by every human being on the planet. It is fair to assume that everyone desires a decent life as well as a good health care system (American Diabetes Association, 2014). Centered on a Health post, I wanted to indulge in my criticism. The main article of discussion, in this case, is an article based on mortality and cardiovascular disease in type 1 and 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a killer disease that is mostly referred by doctors as Diabetes mellitus (American Diabetes Association, 2014). This is a disease that is associated with high blood pressure that results from high blood glucose levels in the blood system. There are different types of Diabetes: for instance, we have diabetes type 1 and 2.



The title of the article that I chose to discuss on is ‘mortality and cardiovascular disease in type 1 and type 2 Diabetes.’ This article was written in the year 2017, April 19th (“Mortality And Cardiovascular Disease In Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes — NEJM”). The main authors of this book are Aidin Rawshani, M.D., Araz Rawshani, M.D., Ph.D., Stefan Franzén, Ph.D., Björn Eliasson, M.D., Ph.D., Ann-Marie Svensson, Ph.D., Mervete Miftaraj, M.Sc., Darren K. McGuire, M.D., M.H.Sc., Naveed Sattar, M.D., Ph.D., Annika Rosengren, M.D., Ph.D., and Soffia Gudbjörnsdottir, M.D., Ph.D (”Mortality And Cardiovascular Disease In Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes — NEJM”). The main argument that is based on this article is about Diabetes, its form and types. After reading the entire article, it is safe to say the fact this article is very informative and relevant when it comes to relaying information about the disease. According to this article, type 1 diabetes mostly occurs among young people in the Society.

This type of diabetes weakens the immune system of the body hence making it vulnerable to attack from different body diseases. Type 2 of Diabetes on the other hand affects the body in a way that it makes it not produce insulin that is enough for running the body functions (Schaper & Van Netten & Apelqvist & Lipsky & Bakker & International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot, 2017). In reference to the argument that is made in the article, both types of Diabetes are very problematic in the health system of any individual. Other arguments that are based or discussed in the Health article are about the preventive or precautionary measures against this disease. Just like the other forms and types of diseases, Diabetes is a disease that can easily be cured (”Mortality And Cardiovascular Disease In Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes — NEJM”). Moreover, this is a disease that can be well prevented. Some of the preventive measures in relation to this article include minimizing or cutting the intake of sugary foods, eating a balanced diet. This involves taking foods that are rich in Proteins, Carbohydrates as well as fats and oils. Engaging in regular exercises is also vital as well as limiting on the alcohol intake.


Diseases and infections do not have a target audience. It is important to note the fact that any one is vulnerable to being infected with Diabetes. This disease does not choose on the basis of gender, sex or class. Based on the writers’ argument in the article, it is safe to say that the main audience that is being targeted is the entire Human population. As discussed above, Diabetes has very many forms and types. Each type of Diabetes has a preference age that it targets. Type 1 mostly targets people who are at as tender age while type 2 targets people from age groups. The article is written in a way that it creates sense and interest among people who come from the same age groups. Entirely, the words that are used in this document are not biased on age. The clusters of words used are age sensitive. It is safe to say the fact that this article does not focus on one group of age: the information being displayed in the article is relevant for everyone to read and take points from.


The term Ethos refers to a means of convincing someone about the credibility or character of someone else (Cnop & Welsh & Jonas & Jörns & Lenzen & Eizirik, 2005). Pathos on the other hand refers to an emotional appeal that is used at convincing the audience about a given argument: mostly, this is done by creating a response through emotional means. Logos on the other hand refers to the process of persuading an individual or the audience by using logic (Cnop & Welsh & Jonas & Jörns & Lenzen & Eizirik, 2005). A fallacy on the other hand can be defined as a belief that is mistaken and is normally based on an argument that is of unsound nature and reasoning (Cnop & Welsh & Jonas & Jörns & Lenzen & Eizirik, 2005). Based on logos, it is very logic that incase one does not take good care of their body. They are likely to contract and succumb to this type of disease. The Writers’ of this article use emotional responses and statements to create logic or sense into the minds of the readers. It is important to note the fact that logic is very important when it comes to Human behavior and character. Based from the article, logic comes in when the reader goes or skims through the article and gains information that is very important when it comes to saving their lives. The application of logic on the other hand come in when we see the readers practicing what they have read in the article.

Examples of Pathos in the article include an instance where we get to see the Writers’ sympathizing on the lives that were lost as a result of this deadly disease (”Mortality And Cardiovascular Disease In Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes — NEJM”). In this case, the Writers used an emotional response to explain on the repercussions that come along with diabetes. Based on the article, the type of language and tone that is used in explaining the signs and symptoms of the disease is sympathetic. The main reason for using this type of language and tone is to create an emotional appealing to the readers (”Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes — NEJM”). Based on the results from various scholars and researches, it has been identified that articles that are written using a language tone that is sympathetic and revolves around responses that are emotional in nature capture the reader’s attention and interests at a higher rate as compared to other types of articles. Ethos has not been used widely in this article. Generally, this article focuses on ensuring that it captures the reader’s interests. It also aims at convincing them about the implications that are related to this disease. The repercussions that come along with this disease if it is not carefully treated or considered.


Every article that is written has a specific goal that it aims to accomplish. Based on this article ‘is mortality and cardiovascular disease in type 1 and type 2 Diabetes:’ after a close analysis and evaluation of the content written in it, there were very many instances that the Writers’ engaged the readers in (Cnop & Welsh & Jonas & Jörns & Lenzen & Eizirik, 2005). This appeals are well written and laid out in a way that makes it suitable for the target audience to understand the information been passed out. The first appeal is the type of language used. The writers’ of this article use a simple but well laid out language that creates a sense of importance among the readers. A sense of emotional appeal is laid out in the article since the Writers’ use words and disease based instances that create a sense of an emotional response to the reader (”Mortality And Cardiovascular Disease In Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes — NEJM”). The writers’ at one point can be seen to argue about the lives that would have been saved if these individuals had paid attention to the precautionary or preventive measures that are associated or related to this disease. Other instances from the article can be used to prove the fact that the fact that the appeals are well laid out is the fact that this article is divided into different sub sections that have an appeal of their own. Each sub section has its own story or information line that it aims at delivering to the audience involved. Generally this article is well laid out and has a great sense of appeal to its readers.


American Diabetes Association. (2014). Executive summary: standards of medical care in diabetes—2014.

American Diabetes Association. (2014). Standards of medical care in diabetes—2014. Diabetes care, 37(Supplement 1), S14-S80.

Cnop, M., Welsh, N., Jonas, J. C., Jörns, A., Lenzen, S., & Eizirik, D. L. (2005). Mechanisms of pancreatic β-cell death in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, 54(suppl 2), S97-S107.

Mortality And Cardiovascular Disease In Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes — NEJM”. New England Journal of Medicine. N.p., 2017. Web. 1 June 2017.

Schaper, N. C., Van Netten, J. J., Apelqvist, J., Lipsky, B. A., Bakker, K., & International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot. (2017). Prevention and management of foot problems in diabetes: a Summary Guidance for Daily Practice 2015, based on the IWGDF Guidance Documents. Diabetes research and clinical practice, 124, 84-92.

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