The Game of Security and Privacy

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In the process of playing the game, there were various ways in which it was so captivating and easy regarding security and privacy challenges. First, the game has an initial segment that gives a full overview, which involves explaining every step of gaming (Ryutov et al. 67). With such demonstrations, I was able to get a clear outline of the whole game. Additionally, the player is guided on what is expected during gaming, a situation that makes one understand the game before playing. Moreover, I was able to navigate through various papers without difficulties, responding to all questions appropriately. Therefore, it could be very challenging to respond to security and privacy questions without clear guidelines of the game.

Additionally, the game is motivating to the player giving him or her the urge of carrying it on. On hitting the correct answer, the highlights are selected together with a voice alert which makes the player choose wisely before proceeding. Also, additional blinking information is displayed to update the player on their progress (Pan et al. 233). These provisions are encouraging to the players especially if the response is positive. This situation draws the attention and concentration of the players facilitating easy response to the challenges. Moreover, the lease section has well-organized spaces which make the player predict his/her next question depending on the part of the game. For instance, if a player chooses an office section, he/she should be ready to answer office questions such as taking laptops outside the office. This is beneficial since the players are prepared to face the security and privacy challenge.

Furthermore, the game has a soft spot when it comes to animated videos which give visuals rather than audio signals. The visual signal makes the player understand the game easily and compete successfully (Nagurney et al. 390). This is made possible because the videos are designed to predict the meaning of the characters and challenges to be posted. Moreover, this process is covered by showing of different places of work, putting on official attires, and using treatment equipment. Furthermore, the texts are availed alongside the pictures to describe them to facilitate full understanding. All the steps as mentioned earlier ease the game such that the level of understanding is maximum regarding the security and privacy challenges.

After each round of the game, the points and results are displayed on the screen. This is done with the prospect of given questions, its security and privacy category, and corresponding response about the challenge displayed. The basic benefit I acquired from this game is that I learned how to analyze my self-worth concerning my points and answered questions whether correct or wrong. For proper analysis, I compared the results with the previous to gauge my next step. This game is a good way of making the player understand security matters as well as bringing him/her close to the security responses.

Question 2

The disturbing and challenging part of the game is the good computer maintenance challenge posed to me. The challenge was about the procedural measures to be employed on security and privacy after the current workplace technology has been updated to replace the old computers. The puzzling part of this question was that I was not privy to the privacy and information security measures which govern the change and dispositioning of the old computers. I was not fully aware that wrong disposal of computers, disposed of hard drive hackers or malicious personnel can add unauthorized information to organization’s information. Additionally, I was not in a position to determine whether the computers can be used again or disposed of permanently.

Question 3

As the chief security officer of an organization, the security policy of mitigating such security risks concerning privacy and security challenges that I encountered above will be as follows. Any computers of the organization which should be disposed of ought to pass through proper channels of protecting, retrieving, and freeing sensitive and crucial information from the hard drives (Turner and Musman 140). This should be facilitated in an effective manner to prevent leakage of data. Also, in disposing of the old computers, the storage drives such as the hard drives must be destroyed. This is possible so that all the sensitive data is not recovered and acquired illegally in any way after disposing of the computers

Question 4

Finally, in dealing with the security issue in the game, I used the concept that PHI should not be acquired authoritatively by anyone inside or outside the organization (Aggarwal et al. 34). This theory helped me respond to many challenges. It helped me learn to handle issues, such as login credentials. It also assisted me in responding to challenges regarding where and how appliances, such as portable devices like laptops and tablets should be utilized. I was further able to learn how to respond to external emails effectively. Moreover, the concept helped me know encryption of credentials and how to perform it. Finally, it helped me learn how physical access to computers should be handled.

Works Cited

Aggarwal, Palvi, et al. “Cyber Security: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Defender and Attacker Strategies in Defacing-Website Games.” Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA), 2015 International Conference on. IEEE, 2015.

Nagurney, Anna, Ladimer S. Nagurney, and Shivani Shukla. “A Supply Chain Game Theory Framework for Cybersecurity Investments under Network Vulnerability.” Computation, cryptography, and network security. Springer, Cham, 2015. 381-398.

Pan, Yin, Sumita Mishra, and David I. Schwartz. “Board# 133: Gamifying Cybersecurity Course Content for Entry Level Students.” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2017.

Ryutov, Tatyana, et al. “A Game-Theoretic Framework for Modeling Adversarial Cyber Security Game among Attackers, Defenders, and Users.” International Workshop on Security and Trust Management. Springer, Cham, 2015.

Turner, Andrew J., and Scott Musman. “Applying the Cybersecurity Game to a Point-of-Sale System.” Disciplinary Convergence in Systems Engineering Research. Springer, Cham, 2018. 129-144.

September 04, 2023
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Computer Security

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