The Function of ANHE

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The Alliance of Nurses for a Healthy Environment (ANHE) strives to educate nurses about the important link between the environment and human health (Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environment, 2017).

To improve people’s health by educating nurses on the value of healthy settings. ANHE promotes healthy environments through research, policy development, and evidence-based practice.

Vision: Nurses who are leaders in implementing necessary improvements in environmental health policies and practices.

This organization brings practitioners and academics together. Members can share information with their peers about how to enhance practice in order to foster healthy settings. We keep members updated about the relevant policies. Nurses are busy professions and individuals may not find time to get acquainted with all the news regarding policy issues.

ANHE has a practice group that creates networks and webinars that promote safety in practice. You will receive education on health influences from the environment and how to keep yourself and your patients safe,

ANHE supports research on environmental issues. You will have access to the new knowledge created through this research.

Resource Information for New Members

This organization brings together all nursing professions, both in practice and in the academia. To become a member, one needs to be a registered nurse holding at least an Associate Degree. If interested, please get in touch with us using the following contact information:

2901 Shepherd St

Mount Rainier, Maryland, MD 20712

+1 240-753-3729

Collaborations and Organizational Endorsements

This means that ANHE enjoys collaboration with a large number of nursing organizations. They include American College of Nurse Practitioners, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and American Nurses Association. The partners help in coordinating issues like policy advocacy, education, research and practice through their representatives in the steering committee. Currently, these organizations are supporting ANHE to protest EPA’s delay on implementing methane rule (Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environment, 2017).

Notice to Existing and Potential Members

In order to help interested members get acquainted with our activities, we will hold a seminar on The Role of the Endowment in Patient and Nurse Safety on 30th August. Please keep in touch for details on the venue and time of this meeting.


Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environment. (2017). About ANHE. Retrieved from

May 17, 2023
Subject area:

Nurse Organization

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