The Evolution of the Printing Industry

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A printing industry is a market sector involved in the activities of producing printed materials (Cie 47). Printing covers all the activities of printing process from the creation through to the distribution of printed and non-print services that it offers (Cie 47). Printing industry allows customers to get the message through some of the published materials such as newspapers, magazines, books as well as the product packaging. In the early year’s individuals were not able to read and write, more so, church officials, as well as the university professors, were the only people who could possess the books. It is during the 1440’s where the first printing press was invented in Germany by Johannes Gutenberg (Cie 47).

Furthermore, Gutenberg became famous when his printing methods widely spread from Germany through Europe to the rest of the world (Dunn 25). On the other hand, more printing ideas were generated and individuals started to come up with the new printing presses as a modification of the Gutenberg printing press. The invention of printing press brought people into new era of easily acceptable information (Dunn 27).

At present, printing has evolved enormously. The evolution of the newspapers, as well as magazines, comes from huge printers which have a capacity of producing millions of copies every day (Dunn 25).

Contrary, printing industries are being forced to adapt to the green printing. It means that cutting of trees will be minimal and individuals will have to adapt to the modern technology by reading news online through their phones and personal computers. By adapting to this trend, it will facilitate the industry to continue the evolution as well as the success of the intercontinental printing industry.

Types of Printing Industries

The ad campaigns have increased in number due to the growth in market turnover of printed products as well as the demand created as a result of different types of printing available. High amount of different printed products on the market also lowered the price for the goods, especially considering the fact that many new printing techniques do not involve work with paper. Some of the printing techniques available include:

Digital Printing

Digital printing encompasses reproduction of texts without the application or the presence of ink and uses different digital apparatus to print the required materials (Ben-Zur, Ofer and Yossi Pearl 90). The machine, however, operates at a higher speed enabling mass production of documents. Moreover, the process also saves time as well as cost. The machines can be customized to suit an individual’s taste making the results to be satisfactory and appealing to the buyer. Digital printing does not require ink as compared to other manual printing machines (Zur, Ofer and Yossi Pearl 97).

Display Reproduction and Vinyl Banners printings

This kind of printings is a form of open-air publicizing posters. However, most of these banners are digitally printed on large inkjet printers which have the capacity to print full color outdoor billboard on a single section of material. This type of printing is used globally due to its little maintenance cost as well as its long-lasting nature (Vall et al. 54).


The type of printing makes use of the heat to produce a distinctive appeal. Most of the published materials produced to be used for businesses purposes (Pervan, et al.5).


This type of printing makes use of the original copy to make a similar one. The machine may be set in a way to reproduce many copies as well (Veis et al. 98). The machines are used in most of the offices since they have the capacity to produce a number of documents in a given duration.

Offset Lithography

Offset printing is a way of mass production printing in which the images are transferred to rubber blankets from a metal plate and later printed to the media. The type of printing requires no ink as compared to the manual printing. The time used to produce given amount of copies is minimal. Conversely, offset lithography has transformed the printing industry by making individuals do more work with lesser time (Veis et al. 98).


Packaging is one of the most crucial activities in the industry. Packages are the physical features that attract a customer to buy a given product (Fang et al. 422). Flexography allows printing on wrapped goods, price brands, plastic flasks, boxes as well as cardboard boxes.

Market Research and Market Value

Most of the firms are looking for more ways to assist their customers as digital printing as well as packaging markets are growing. In the North America report, ink industry managers are discussing how the ink and printing fields are dynamically changing (Fleischhacker 90). Most companies acquired new machines which meant that printing was improving. New companies were coming up with a new product development to allow them to compete favorably with other existing firms as well as deliver unique services to the customers. (Veis et al. 98). On the other hand, in the European printing business, a similar trend is being observed. As per the Sean Milmo, a European editor, the fastest growing print sector in Europe was the inkjet printing (Lutz 754). The level at which the inkjet in Europe was being used to print represented at least thirty-six percent increase from 2014 to 2018 (Lutz 754). More so, most pigment and ink selling companies are experiencing a tremendous growth in pigments demand which are the components used by numerous printing firms.

In addition, ink suppliers have been working to put themselves into a position to upsurge with their clientele as well. As per the global print market, printing was predicted to $869 billion by the year 2018 (Veis et al. 90). Furthermore, Northern America at the moment is leading with a market share of thirty-one percent in 2008 (Hill 87). However, Asia was holding a market share of about 35 percent due to the emerging markets in the country in 2014 (Hill 87). As stated by the 2017 Drupe Global print report, the development of numerically reproduced wrapping is on the upsurge with 35% of wrapping laser printer giving digital inkjet print up from 25% in 2014 (Dijksman and Pierik 65) Further, digital printing will continue to grow rapidly in commercial as well as wide layout application.

Consequently, as improvements in productivity as well as reliability make printing more cost-effective; more market values are being gained. As stated by, Smithers Pira, offset shares are falling while the digital printing market grows from $132 billion in 2013 to $188 billion in 2018 (Philippidis 6) Further, customers currently are looking for digital platforms with near counterbalance value, in addition, vibrant ink solutions at revolutionary speeds. For this reason, printing industries are one of the top leading manufacturing in the world (Hill 26).

Comparison of Printing Companies Internationally




Middle East

East Asia







$5.8 billion

$159 billion

$ 27 billion

$35 billion






Application of 3D

Applies 3d approach for design and production

For research and development

In constructing i.e. hospital models

Uses the technology in manufacturing


Printing was done on woodblocks.

Printing was done on wood cuts books.

Printing was done on papyrus

Printing evolved from ink rubbings made on cloth and woodblock s.


.Most of the printing companies are privately owned.

There are efficiencies in packaging to all firms in all the states.

Countries started by using papers as their inputs.

Most of the firm’s in these continents are adopting to new ways of printing.

Packaging and labelling are growing consistently while the publications are decreasing.

There is short of analogue machinery due to the digital equipment being introduced in all.

Source: Philippidis 6.

Printing Industry differences in America, Europe, Middle East and East Asia

Most items used in printing in the ancient days originated from Asia such as clothes and the woodblocks (Philippidis 6). Some of these items were used in Europe as well East Asia. However, in America, printing industries have been improving at different paces depending on the nature and the economy of the nations. In the printing industry Europe is seen to have employed most of the workers as compared to the rest of the continents. Europe also, has many numbers of firms ranging from 120,000 as compared to America which has 57,000 employees (Zapka 20).

Application of technologies has been adopted at different paces, i.e. America emerged to be the best in adapting to research and design as compared to Middle East which is trying to adapt to the new technology in designing the construction projects. However, in terms of income generation, Europe gives the greatest share of the income with $159 billion dollars as compared to the rest continents followed by East Asia with approximately $35 billion dollars (Philippidis 6).

On the other hand, in 2016, the industry made per capital investment of about seven hundred million US dollars, making it to accumulate profits of up to seven hundred and seventy-five US dollars in the same year (Zapka 20). For this reason, the economy of America has been boosted by the presence of the printing industries. More individuals have been employed, and hence a number of unemployed people was reduced by a great margin (Zapka 19).

Economic Effects of the Industry

The printing industry came along with major benefits to the economy. Printing led to the nourishment of trade throughout the Europe countries. Individuals would now minimize the distance from traveling from one place to the other because of the availability of the printed materials (Zapka 20).Information will be widely available to all individuals having the electronic means which they can Google and obtain information online. The demands for the published material were increasing as a result of the strong economy. Moreover, individuals are now familiarizing themselves with the trending information. The availability of information helps individuals to understand what is happening elsewhere from those places they cannot be able to visit (Helliwell and Rogers 17).

Nevertheless, printing has given opportunities to every individual worldwide to be able to read and get the information from the printed materials (Helliwell and Rogers 17). Due to the competition that emerged as a result of high demand and the establishment of publishing firms, the books are made of high quality. The prices of the books and the newspapers with time were reviewed and got much lower (Helliwell and Rogers 9). Additionally, individuals from low social classes in the society have had an opportunity to study just like those persons from the well to do social classes. Printing industry has also created more job opportunities to the individuals living around or near the firms.

Changes in the Industry

The printing industry is the fifth largest manufacturing industry around the globe. Printing serves many sectors ranging from global institutions to small firms (Helliwell and Rogers 17). Establishment of the printing and publishing firms has facilitated in the generation of revenue for the local governments (Hill 90). Nevertheless, printing contributes to one percent of the gross domestic product of a country and three percent of the manufacturing turns over governments (Hill 90). However, there are several changes that have continued to come up in the printing industries and they include

Smaller Print Quantities

The old use of the newspaper is slowly being eliminated by the digital form. Individuals find it expensive to purchase the newspapers but rather opt to go for the online sources which are relatively cheap. However, those individuals who use the prints are demanding so from the suppliers so that an order can be made (Hill 6).

Lower Print Prices

The customers have become wise and they are going for the cheapest substitutes which are the online information.

Paperless Revolution

Most of the institutions are looking for ways of shifting from analog to digital means of acquiring and storing information. Institutions such as banks have started automating their services and the use of manual invoices has diminished as a result of digitization. On the other hand, companies that used to print and make profits out the activities are now turning to websites, social media as well as newsletters to spread information that used to be printed. Printers now are being used to create marketing campaigns in that they can work on brand standards, logo development as well as messaging.

Personalized Printing

Printings of individual communicators have been made easy due to the lower prices of the digital printing as well as the variable data software availability. Individual wants to feel the personal touch when it comes to the printed advertisement (Goyanes et al. 98). Nonetheless, printers are producing numerous formats according to individual specifications. For this reason, people who need short runs but could not purchase are now in a position to afford them now.

Online Shopping

Individuals are now in the comfort of their home are able to view items from their personal computer and make orders and goods and services (Goyanes et al. 98).

Online Payment

Most of the people nowadays do not make payment through the use of the hard copies. Further, individuals have been able to use their cell phones to make payments and to bank their money.

Quick Turnaround

Traditional printing was dominant and involved lengthy preparation of the printing press. Contrary, digital printing is a quick printing method where documents are produced faster (Cie 15).


Technology has brought about the accuracy of the content being published. Good quality documents are being produced due to the modern printing (Cie 201). Moreover, digital printing has eliminated out waste that used to be there when using the analog method.

Changes in the Packaging

In 1980’s, rotary letterpress that dominated new press sales changed to flexo process in 1990’s packaging trends change very quickly (Goyanes et al. 98). For this reason, packaging providers should press the limits, in addition, strive to continually evolve. Designing packaging has become more collaborative in that customers are becoming more involving in the creation process of the goods. For this reason, the suppliers find themselves in connection sharing ideas that press the limits (Dunn 87). However, working together with the customers allows the supplier to be in a position to get insights about the branding strategy. With customer packaging involving so fast, collaboration is becoming more important for the success of the printing business (Dunn 20).

Due to competition, packaging suppliers are obliged to create those packages which are outstanding so as to deal with the competition. Furthermore, clients would always want to collaborate with a packaging supplier who has the expertise to enhance packaging giving it an edge to the competitors. For this reason, customers want to come up with packaging designs that will get their customers hooked. Most of the goods producers want a supplier of packagers who can offer direct mail printing .as a result, packaging suppliers need to be more responsive because of the likely adjustments that they may need to be made.

Changes for the Printing Machines in the Future

Printing is more subtle to the future; the current mode of printing may be replaced by a 3D printing machine. The use of Charles Hull printing machine, which was invented in 1983, would be outdated (Costa and Aguzzi 15). Moreover, Hull went ahead and came up with 3D systems from the stereolithographic machine. Some of the fields that apply the 3D approach include, the hospitals, schools as well as in the road construction activities. In the hospices doctors can look at in addition to practice on a customized 3D printed model prior to surgery. (Costa and Aguzzi 15).

Therefore, improving and modernizing the health services and amenities results to individuals improving their way of living. Moreover, 3D printing in the transportation sector is useful in creating more effective parts of cars as well as airplanes. The 3D application makes it even possible to create an entire vehicle. Additionally, 3D is also applied in the printing house models (Costa and Aguzzi 15). For this reason, 3D printed homes could help address the issue such as homelessness and housing shortages. 3D printing has countless possibilities in many industries as well as the areas of life.

Changes in the paper printing industry.

Digital techniques are becoming more sophisticated while still being affordable for the client. Most of the countries are adopting to the new technical know-how to accomplish their activities. The printing papers are slowly being eradicated from the system. For hose reason, individuals are moving from a single channel media consumption which included the use of the newspapers and journals (Costa and Aguzzi 15). With the invention of 3D printing the use of the papers in the arts industry has been rendered useless in that all the drawings can be made and done using the modern technology.

Changes in Printing Industries in Materials

Most of the materials applied in the ancient days may end up being optimized for reading. However, some of the materials used for printing exist, some of them already used, but all combined with the 3D technology bring out the possibilities as well as might one day shape our world (Dijksman and Pierik 56)

Companies that Succeeded in the Print Industries.

Several companies are able to strive and succeed in the competitive field of printing despite the enormous changes that are arising. Some of the companies include

Banta Cooperation. It was a major printing firm based in the Menasha in the United States. Banta was functional for a hundred and five years. It started operating in 1901 but later acquired by Donnelley in late 2006 in Chicago (Daly 55).

Camelot Ghana was another major firm in the city of Accra, Ghana. Camelot was founded in 1963.camelon was managed by John Colin Villars (Haas 222).

Further, the companies had to apply some techniques and strategies for their success. Some of the strategies were

Branding, Marketing, and Image

According to lane, branding, and marketing is an essential part of the business (Lane 15). Taking one’s time to understand your customer as well as know how he or she reacts to your products is one of the key objective of an organization as well as a way towards success. One should plan and connect with customers online and through social media to help build a network (Richardson 13).

Customer Value

When thinking about creating a lasting business success, it is important to provide value to the lives of your customers (Chen, et al. 206).The worth an individual consumer places on a merchandise or a service is what is termed to as the consumer value. Providing a consumer with the best cost as well as the product helps deliver the customer value services.

High-Quality Products

The firm engages in delivering the quality to the customers. More so, most of the firms providing high quality product hardly experience competition because the firms produce quality merchandises and sells them at a lower price that the other firms cannot afford provide the services at. (Chen, et al. 16). Spending the time to plan, organize as well deliver high-quality products are everything that the customers need.

Having a well Written Plan

Having a firm without a plan is a waste of time. Every organization should come up with a good plan that will oversee the success of the printing firm. For this reason, A firm should have clear objectives, strategies as well sales and marketing plan (Hormadaly and Prudenziati 201).


The print was instrumental in bringing about major skills in science as well as religion. The printed materials thus helped improve the human understanding and the knowledge capacity. Moreover, the printed word is being used for interaction and for individualized progression using the printed materials. Managers should apply their skills and ensure that the companies they work for are thriving. In a nutshell, firms should compete with and embrace the current trend of modern technology which is green and reliable. From my humble view, the manual use of paper in publishing is coming to an end which symbolizes that the paper industries are also diminishing with time since people are adapting to the current trends in technology.

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