The Effects of Fast-Tracking Employees Through the Management and Leadership Training Program

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Training and Leadership Program in an Organization

Training is one of the avenues that a company utilizes to gain effective and dependable leadership in an organization. There is a need for a company to have an effective training program for employees but most importantly the management. Management training offers a company an effective platform to prepare leaders for different positions and offer paths for succession while allowing employees to grow professionally and personally. Management training is crucial for a company to achieve set goals and objectives hence the need to ensure competent and dedicated personnel heading the leadership and training program for efficiency and competency.

Potential Negative Impact of Fast-tracking Employees

Fast-tracking the employees through the management and leadership training program could be detrimental to the working relationship with other employees and develop a breed of poorly trained managers. The employees fast-tracked through the program could miss essential training on engagement and people development, which will considerably affect their ability to engage with others and to help employees below them to grow. The impact will be low motivation and morale for the workforce. Miryala (2015) relates low morale to limited opportunities for growth for employees. Lack of engagement by the managers owing to insufficient training from being fast-tracked will also make them less interested in the employee welfare resulting in low productivity and loss in work time (Klussmann, 2009). The other skills the fast-tracked leaders would miss include collaboration skills, effective leadership strategies, strategic formulation, and compelling mission and vision strategic formulation. The leaders could also lack the ability to motivate the employees towards a given goal and have an inadequate understanding of the strategic direction for the company. Agreeing to fast-track some of the employees would have detrimental consequences for the company as they will be ineffective leaders with no in-depth leadership and lack strategic direction. These leaders would lead to reduced employee morale and make decisions that could erode the company’s competitive advantage resulting in losses and loss of market share.

Negative Repercussions on Employees

Fast-tracking some of the employees in the leadership program would make me viewed as unfair and unfit to lead the program. The employees would also see the discriminatory practices in fast-tracking some of their colleagues through the program. The employees who have to complete the program could feel disrespected and undervalued, which could affect the morale and lead to significant leadership and productivity challenges (Rusen, 2016). The situation could worsen when these employees refuse to collaborate with the fast-tracked managers because they were unqualified to hold their current positions. These negative aspects of fast-tracking some employees through the program on the other employees would be more costly to the company.

Ethical and Leadership Implications

My ethical and leadership skills would be put into question even if the managers fast-tracked through the program do not make any mistakes. The reason is the long-term impacts on the employees who missed on the fast-tracking and feel they were unfairly treated. When the managers fast-tracked cut corners and damage aspects of the company, my credibility and ethics will be affected considerably to the extent that I might not be fit to lead the program. As a leader, my role is to promote professionalism in those below me and to inculcate a positive working environment. Poor management by employees I fast-tracked would reflect poorly on my leadership skills calling into question my credibility. Ethics also requires that I treat all employees with value and dignity; hence being unfair in the training program would even dent my credibility and negatively affect my commitment to ethical leadership. These aspects would affect my position at the company and would erode the role of the leadership and training program as employees would not see its value anymore.


The analysis evidences the many negative consequences of management decisions to be unfair in treating employees in training and leadership. These aspects would have long-term negative impacts hence should be avoided even at the expense of personal relationships at the workplace. Fair and just treatment of employees is beneficial for high morale, productivity, and professional development of employees.


Klussmann, W. (2009). Philosophy of Leadership-Driving Employee Engagement in Integrated       Management Systems. Diplomica Verlag.

Miryala, R. K. (Ed.). (2015). Trends, Challenges & Innovations in Management. Zenon             Academic Publishing.

Rusen, M. (2016). The Mirror method: How to build productive teams by ending workplace       dysfunction. BookBaby.

October 30, 2023

Business Economics

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Company Leadership

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