The Effectiveness of Leadership in Biometra

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Any form of change in any company is normally met with a lot of resistance from the employees within that company (Beech 2017, p. 25). In many cases, change is only possible in the event that all the drivers of it go beyond the force of the inhibitors of the same. There exist a number of reasons why people are repulsive to change (Carnall and By 2014, p. 46). Among them is and not limited to demolition of status quo, disbelief, ignorance, disbelief, options, loss, frustration, anxiety, alienation, small rewards, and mistrust (Beech 2017, p. 29).

            Resistance is healthy and natural and not by any stretch of the imagination wrong since it is now and then the best solution for terrible choices, which is both functional and rational relying upon circumstances (Carnall and By 2014, p. 46). For successful change administration, a few elements should become possibly the most important factor, for example, utilizing the power and experts vested in administrators and other best representatives of the association (Carnall and By 2014, p. 47). In any case, preparing, satisfactory remuneration and enlisting of qualified workers in the occasion where there is none in the association and in addition moving the angry representatives to different divisions or terminating them demonstrate essential (Dawson and Andriopoulos 2014, p. 36)

            The basic reason for insufficient internal correspondence at GMCT is poor Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Rahim, 2017, p.34). The organization, by not keeping each other educated, did not support their organization’s psychological and social setting (Rahim, 2017, p.34). The faculty of the two associations partook in counterproductive work practices that influenced their authoritative viability. Acquisition of knowledge, sharing, and utilization did not occur in a way that would energize HPWPs (Rahim, 2017, p.34). A standout amongst the most critical issues that Peterson confronted at GMTC was the absence of communication. Various individuals were employed or set in positions without the correspondence that would commonly be normal. The weakness of this strategy was that Peterson ended up being not sure know who he was supposed to answer to, so he was indistinct on particular capacities that was in charge of and additionally his association with other individuals at HMTC. Peterson at first made some mixed up suspicions about working specifically with Jenkins when he joined GMTC, and did not look for elucidation that would have would have filled in a portion of these gaps

            Also, Peterson needed particular working information of the cell business that was important for him to perform well and Hardy additionally needed comparative experience. Solid was along these lines unfit to tutor Peterson in the territories where he required training. Additionally, Peterson was given many obligations but was not given the specialist to run with it. He was second-speculated on a number choices, despite the fact that there were most likely no tenets or rules that he was particularly advised to follow.

The effectiveness of change initiatives at GMCT includes the following:

Offering leadership (positive action)

            Peterson demonstrated initiative in attempting to advance a spirit of collaboration inside his group. The strength of this strategy made him additionally endeavor to determine issues that he kept running into. In the meantime however, he neglected to indicate authority by not tending to a few difficulties proactively, for example, disclosing to Delavo that he would answer to Stevana. In the same manner, the issues with Todd and Trevor’s compensations could have been exceptional taken care of with all the more arranging and research.

In the GMTC case, Peterson’s uses his position of power to exercise authority. For instance, he appoints Melisa to the position of being a secretary since he believes she can undertake the financial roles effectively. As a result, Peterson asserts his reward power in ensuring the change process is efficient. Consequently, Peterson embraces his structural power as he dictates the agenda to be followed despite the fact that he does not get adequate support from both Hardy and Knight. Influencing control plays a vital role in managing a change process. The strength of this strategy is, by using the influence power, Peterson instills belief in the workers over their capabilities to undertake the diverse roles present. For example, he influences Toddy, Melisa as well as the employee who conducted the purpose of the supervisory position with regards achieving the set goals.

In this particular Biometra case, it is apparent that the most effective way of management would be synergies of know-how in medical devices and know-how in business management. Despite the fact that Erik demonstrated good leadership in his managerial role, the few discrepancies with people strong in medical area would not have occurred in the event that the synergies of know-how were implemented and utilized within the organization. As one of the problems I would mention lack of information and from the very beginning- this could solve the awkward communication between Erik and Hardy. 

Managing the New Operation (positive action)

Peterson receives various reviews for his viability. Peterson adequately recognized Curt as one wellspring of planning issues, yet he was not able get Hardy’s collaboration in exchanging him to a position that better coordinated his aptitudes. Peterson likewise employed or exchanged individuals to perform basic assignments that required doing. Peterson on the other hand, abstained from requesting determination or data when essential and was more alright with simply staying away from strife. Peterson was likewise ambivalent over and over.

            A misstep in this case would in regard to the management’s visit. Peterson was not able to manage his manager and to aggravate the situation, he did not offer any form of communication. Both Knight and Jenkins did not provide a schedule, and Peterson did not ask for any agenda or even recommend one. As a result, he did not have any idea of what would transpire and thus was made to be in reactive mode always and felt ill at ease. Peterson also allowed himself to be misled by Knight’s reassurance concerning Dash’s and Jenkin’s visit. He probably was aware of how the poor communication within the organization and thus should not have allowed that to happen. Most probably, Knight gave the information he knew and most probably, Dash and Jenkins were not clear about why they wanted to visit. What aggravated this was the fact that for many months, the two did not seem to have communicated with Peterson regarding what he was expected to do.

Question 2

            For starters, under extreme circumstances followers can take the reins to become leaders, and leaders can also crumble under pressure and vice versa is true. With the question does Erik have the “capacity” to lead, I might have to argue that no, and he does not. He is a very hard worker and puts in 60-80 hour each week, but most of the work does not necessarily translate to leadership. I think he is trying his best and trying to work out what he can, but he seems to fall short at times and forget that he needs to just get the job done.

            As Erik’s boss, I would probably tell him to stop wasting time, and instead ask him to put efforts to rearrange the system, as well as start working. Explain once to him that the task at hand had been in planning for some time and that the best people were on the job and that only the best results would be anticipated. I would push him to work and get it done, but reassure him with the knowledge that he can.

            Additionally, I would look for ways of educating Hardy on the operation and make him take part in making of decisions. I would ensure that he is also he is board with the choices made and that sees his own success depending on the success of Peterson. I will also look for reasons to meet with his boss’s boss (Jenkins) to ensure that he understands the good job that Peterson was doing.

            I would establish partial effectiveness criteria in order for it not to be important to wait until start up to decide whether Peterson did a good job or not. Additionally, significant milestones offer excuse for inviting brass to visit and/or visiting brass to construct presentation. I would also write periodic reports that explain organization of development and additionally offer reasoning behind (unpopular) choices – document issues and actions. I would also establish lateral associations with individuals who had know-how in starting up operations, and publicized this source of professional counsel.  

From the case, it is apparent that Peterson failed a number of times to demonstrate leadership. This is despite the fact that he demonstrated it particularly when he promoted the spirit of cooperation inside his group. If I were him, I would have addressed some of the challenged that he faced in a proactive manner.

            Lastly, it is imperative to note that not even a single issue confronted by Peterson lent themselves to short-term answers which could be turned around in time for the visit by Chip. If I was in his place, I would make sure that communication within the organization is enhancing communication between the workers. The much that Peterson or anyone in his capacity could have done in the short-term would be to identify the issues he was confronting alongside their answers, and at the same time provide Chip present status. So as he ensures that they cover for all, Peterson ought to offer Chip an official program and status report for their scheduled meeting


Beech, N. and MacIntosh, R., 2017. Managing change: enquiry and action. Cambridge University Press.

Carnall, C. and By, R.T., 2014. Managing Change in Organizations 6th edn. Pearson Higher Ed.

Dawson, P. and Andriopoulos, C., 2014. Managing change, creativity and innovation. Sage.

Rahim, M. A. (2017). Managing conflict in organizations. Routledge.

January 19, 2024


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