The Effect of Early Childhood Education on Crime

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Although the rates of in America have reduced with time the number is still large with nearly ten million crime reports around the country (Strong Nation, 2017).

The high number of criminals has led to the usage of a lot of money to keep the prisoners in jail which is a great loss on the economy of the country.

Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education is very important in helping to decrease this crime rates in the country. According to a survey, more than 89% of the children who receive education from early ages are performed better in the other levels. With education the children grow up being well knowledgeable about most things and also education helps them to get jobs which keep them bust and therefore they do not have time to engage in unlawful activities such as crime (Strong Nation, 2017).

Guidance and Counselling

Talking to young adults about the issue of crime and explaining to them the risks of engaging in crime may help to reduce crime in the country. By creating programs that educating them on such issues as crime, parents and teachers increase their thinking skills and they are more aware of what is right and what is not right (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention). Also to motivate them to apply what they have been taught punishments and rewards may be introduced. For example, give praises and gifts to those who do good deed and punish those who engage themselves in unacceptable behaviour.

Strict Landlords

Landlords should be on the lookout of the things that the tenants are doing and in case of any suspicious activities like drug abuse they should report to the police immediately to avoid the crimes from continuing for a long time or worsening (National Neighborhood Watch, 2018). Since they are closest to everyone living in the tenants they should work at getting information of those living in their buildings. In addition, in case of occurrence of crime in the premises they should be held responsible for neglect and not preventing it. This would be very effective to reduce crime from the grassroots.

Increased Police Patrol

Conclusively, since people fear being arrested, as such increased police surveillance ultimately reduces crime rates. According to research, areas where police patrol is high the crime rate is reduced significantly, concerning this, people tend to engage in criminal activities particularly when they are confident they would get away with their crimes; hence, escaping punishment from the criminal justice system which serve as a deterrence. However, increased police patrol is likely to deter them from engaging in criminal activities due to fear of being arrested. The police therefore should be placed in places where crime occurrences are high to arrest the crime doers and preventing possible crimes from occurring (Ortega, 2016).


National Neighborhood Watch, (2018). Understanding Landlord Accountability and What You Can Do! National Neighborhood Watch. Retrieved from:

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, (2000).

 School/Classroom Environment. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Retrieved from:

Ortega D, (2016). Reducing crime by making better use of police time. Bookings. Retrieved from:

Strong Nation, (2017). Washington: Preschool is the Key to Reducing Crime. Strong Nation. Retrieved from:

November 24, 2023

Crime Government Law

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