the availability of resources

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The availability of resources and their distribution within a college setting is a critical factor in determining students’ well-being. The services vary from those that are shared to those that are confidential. For example, transportation and communication systems, the availability and adequacy of lecture rooms, the diversity of library books, proper sanitation, and waste disposal systems, the availability of hostels, proper administration, welfare, accountability in exams, and community support. For a well-balanced college environment, the variables must be at their peak, lest they have a negative impact on students’ success and comfort within their institutions. The survey aims at extracting information regarding the following:

The availability and efficiency of the transport and communication system, availability and adequacy of lecture rooms, library books and their diversity, proper sanitation, and waste disposal systems, availability of hostels, proper administration, security, transparency in examinations and community support. For a balanced college system, the factors have to be at their optimum, lest they negatively affect the students’ performance and comfort within their institutions.

Objectives of the survey work.

The survey aims at extracting information regarding the following:

The availability and efficiency of the transport and communication system within the college.

Whether the accommodation system within the institution is satisfactory.

Accessibility of the library, and the availability of library resources.

Availability of waste disposal system and whether the students are satisfied with it.

Security levels within the institution.

The following were the responses obtained from the survey questions:

Q. Which kind of transport system is dominate within the college, and how reliable is it?

A. Road transport system is dominant and vans arrive at intervals of twenty minutes.

Q. On average, for how long do you wait for a van at the bus stop?

A. Approximately ten minutes.

Q. How many students share one hostel room?

A. On average, two students may share one room. At times, students miss rooms and opt for aprivate residence.

Q. Do you access the library conveniently..? And are all books required available?

A. Most of the times, the library is congested, hence some students opt to study from their rooms. Every desk usually has five extra students.

Q. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the waste disposal system?

A. The waste disposal system can be rated at 9.5. At no time will you find spillages or any waste at its inappropriate place.

Q. Is the school well secured? How frequently do you notice insecurity issues?

A. The school is well secured. Each hostel of 300 students has 3 security guards, who work day and night.


The institution lacks other modes of transport such as the use of motorbikes, which is more convenient. The library is 70% efficient in operation, and accommodation is also average. Waste disposal system has an efficiency of 95%, which is good for the satisfaction of students’ comfort. From the responses, every 100 students is secured by one security officer. Generally, resource availability and usage is at 65 percent.

Works Cited

Bethlehem, Biffignandi. Handbook of Web Surveys: Survey Methodology. New Jersey: John Willey and Sons, 2016. Document.

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