The Australian Culture

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The majority of the culture descriptions comprises of the main theme of the practices being shared, the customs, various beliefs and social performs of a set of persons that have been passed one from the previous generation to the next. The shared beliefs, knowledge and values are not essentially known or expressed, nonetheless, it works beneath the outer molding on how people act and reason. Every person tends to identify the beliefs and practices of various societies or states, say the practices and beliefs that compose the culture of the Australian. This intricate process can be to a certain degree apparent as you give an overall intuition and scrutiny (Pepper & Rosemary, 2016). Though, with the passing time, everyday life is allowing the change of culture with maximum expectation as it becomes even conversant. Every state has some cultures that are unique and different from another country; naturally, that is what makes a country different from the other. Such cultures, however, need to be diverse and to be practiced by at least three-quarter of the nation to be unique enough for state identification. In some cases, we find several states sharing some culture through each must have their unique ones. Additionally, within the country, there exist some cultures that are practiced by various communities differently. All the same, it identifies a country be it religion, politics, celebrations, art and many more.

The Australian Culture and Art

Political Makeup

Even though with the lack of its appraisers, the idea of the political culture is possible of increased value to help explain the political behavior and process. Though, tactlessly, main information regarding the political culture seems to be rare for several countries, with Australia being one of them though there is a nice pact of unfocused prose that states the reliefs of the political culture in Australia. The Australian politics does take place by a civic, governmental empire. The parliamentarians are elected to the Australian federal parliament, a body that brings together the entire hierarchy. The political culture is as well one of the vital cultures that help to stabilize the country by ensuring its security, maintaining peace among the citizens, ensuring a good economy for the citizens and much more. Australia, mainly functions as a bi-party system where voting is a must. Political makeup is one of the country’s backbone for its operation and economy to be stable. This means a country needs to have a stable political culture to help protect and sustain its citizens (Ewing, 2011).


Australian parliament is as well called the Commonwealth parliament, and it is a governmental, judicial branch. Australian parliament is a two-house that have affected the US federalism and Westminster process. Concerning section 1 of Australian constitution, parliament comprises three elements such as the Senate, monarch and representatives’ house which has about 152 memberships. It is the sixth oldest democracy globally.


The duties of the Australian head of state are alienated among the two individuals that are the Australian Governor-General and Australian Monarch. Governor-General employs judges, ministers, ambassadors, etc. Ministers are elected by the members of the parliament that have been elected by the citizens. The Australian cabinet is the senior council of ministers who are responsible to parliament. This cabinet is appointed by the Governor-General who is also the president of the federal executive council and the commander in chief of the defense force of Australia.


The Australian high court is the Supreme Court in the court ladder of Australia. It has the appellate and unique power to review and pass the law through the Australian parliament. It as well infers the Australian constitution. The Supreme Court is a superior court in Australia. Unlike another court, the Supreme Court can object the parliament matters, which is not the case for the secondary cords whose decisions can be taken to the Supreme Court


Elections do happen after every three years at the national level. The representatives’ house is chosen by voting where the one with the leading votes wins. Senates are elected using the same system. The power limitation through this system has made the government to always acquire the help of other parties or standalone senators to protect their schedule for legislation. This way, it is easy to win a seat by using minor parties than the House of Representatives (Ewing, 2011).


Nearly everyone loves the holidays. Like any other state, Australia has some holidays that celebrated at any time of the year. During which, some businesses, banks and the offices of the government (Pepper & Rosemary, 2016). Places like packs, however, remains open for people to get places to go to and have fun. Everybody is often busy celebrating at such time and getting together with their families. The calendar of the Australian is full of holidays which differ in one state to the other. Some of these holidays include New year holiday. This is usually celebrated on first January in the welcoming of a new year. It is usually celebrated as from 12 am till the day ends.

Australia Day holiday. Celebrated of 26th of January. This celebrated to remind them of the day the foreigners arrived in their country, unlike in other many states, where their independence, the day in which they, at last, chased away the foreigners, and regained their power.

Good Friday holiday. Celebrated in the late March and early April liable on where Easter falls that year. This holiday is celebrated to remind the death and crucifixion of Jesus Crist to the Australian Catholic Christians. Individuals fast, spend time with families, reflect on themselves and pray. The Christ’s resurrection is also commemorated on Easter Sunday and Monday. Christmas day holiday. This is celebrated on 25th of December yearly. This is a holiday that is celebrated globally by nearly every state if not all. This day, the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated, and every individual feels happy. Some individuals share their belongings such as food and other with those who do not have (Pepper & Rosemary, 2016).


The Australian religion is so diverse. According to (Pepper & Rosemary, 2016) history, the percentage was very high. Currently, the religion scene of Australia is moving and expanding. Even though Australia has a robust tradition of nonspiritual government, the religious societies have taken a very vital place in the life of the community. For an instant, development of schools, health centers, and many other facilities have been led to due to the Catholic churches and Protestants of the same. Currently, about half of the Christians go to church on a regular basis, half of the school students are Christians and go to schools allied with churches.

Native Australian Religion

During the time the British arrived, Australian had their native tradition of religion. As placed by (Fiske, Hodge & Turner, 1987), it was called dreaming. This was a belief that everything that exists was created by a particular mystical being who disappeared after that by either ingoing the earth or ascending to the heavens. Before the colonization of the European, there exists a contact with native Australian from persons of several beliefs. This included the adventurers, fishermen and those who survived from many wreckages.

About two centuries before the arrival of the European deckhands, the native Australian had inquired whether the religion was only on the other side of the world from Europe, and if that is the case, descendants from Adam and Eve have been converted by God. In the late 17th century, the Christian leaders, most of which came from Europe saw there was a need for the indigenous Australian to convert to Christianity (Fiske, Hodge & Turner, 1987).


This is the art of believing that Jesus Christ, the creator of heaven and earth exists and will come back one day. The first British to come to Australia introduced Christianity to the native Australian. Among the felons and the pilgrims were mostly Catholics and Anglicans with a few of them being Methodists. The first convoy fetched pressures to the Australian. This revolution took place until early in the 20th century where it started being accepted and spread on the better parts of the state. With Christianity came various facilities like education centers, health centers, and schools that are church affiliated. Currently, the better part of the country’s education centers, hospital, and care centers are established through Christianity.

Even though few settlers started coming in the early 19th century, the immigration maximized in the 1910s. The new pilgrims who arrived came with their varied religion cultures such as Scottish, Irish Catholicism, English Anglicanism and many more. Later, freedom of Christianity became one of the Australian rights where every person had the freedom to choose what religion they want to be affiliated with and whether to be a Christian or not.

Other Religions

The first Convoy of the British who arrived in Australia had about 14 Jews, with 12 pilgrims and two children. Afterwards, several Muslims and prisoners arrived in Australia and settled there. Later in early 19th century, the government opted to control this immigration by monitoring who is entering the country and for what reason. By controlling this immigration, persons of various faiths arriving in Australia was controlled leaving Christianity the main religion that was practiced by the majority in Australia (Lattas, 1992). The first census of the country done in the same year approved Christianity as the leading religion by about 95% of the people identifying themselves as Christians. With the Catholic being the main denomination that is widely known in Australia. This means, as long as other religions such as Islam, Buddhism and many more exist in Australia, Christianity is the main religion that is practiced by nearly every person in this country.


Art in Australia is a good image of not only the tradition of various societies like dating but also their modernity (Bean, 1993). The native Australian community who are called Aboriginal remained to be an assorted group of persons with some cultural practices, beliefs, and ethnicities. They are believed to have been speaking many languages. The establishment of the many arts available in Australia is believed to be based on the traditional culture of the Aboriginal. The current art and culture of Australia have more of its spur from the Aboriginals, Anglo-Celtic Australian and many other cultures of those who migrated to Australia.

The execution of the Australian art is purely filled with liveliness, diversity, passion, and uniqueness. Widely known organizations such as Circus Oz, Australian Chamber Orchestra are some popular Art companies all over the world. Native groups like Aboriginal, Bangarra and Islander dance theaters are among the popular art centers. The several ways of executing the Arts are like; dancing, cinemas, playing music and literature.

Music, specifically Aboriginal music. This is an essential section of the Aboriginal culture featured by the popular wood instrumental, known by the Aboriginal clans in Australia. Currently being practiced by the Australian who is not Aboriginal as well. The music of Australia entails various music genres that are incredible.


Popular companies such as Sydney Dance and Australian Ballet are visited regularly by people from various parts of the world of different class. The new audience is discovered every day by the dancers from Australia. As it was even in the indigenous Australian, dance is associated with a song and is being understood to make the reality of the present. Dancing costumes and related body decorations are won during this time to show the culture.


Literature adds to Australia meaningfully to how the culture of Australia is defined and appreciated in every part of the world. Various literary global awards have been won by the Australian from the time Patrick White got a Noble Prize award in 1972. The main theme of this literary work was mainly mateship, aboriginal, democracy among other. Other who worn the award prize include Banjo Paterson, Thomas Keneally, and Clive James.

Graphic Arts

Graphic Artists hold an important part in making the Australian image. In late 1969, the leaders of Northern Area Pintupi persons relocated the mythical Dreamtime projects from paintings of the sand to appeals and panels. This is among the several creativities that advanced new relations among the native and modern people of Australia. Paintings formed by the native Australians remain to interest the attention of people from all over the world. Therefore, the Australian culture and art have certainly redesigned the innate uniqueness of Australia in many facets.


Australia is one of the countries that are rich in culture, some of which were brought about by the immigration of the British and Europeans into Australia (Acciaioli, 1985). Some of the Australian cultures are dated back from their indigenous traditions, culture such as Aboriginals music that is still practiced even by the modern people of Australia. Many of the Australian cultures, with Christianity as an example, has helped in contributing to the country’s economy by introducing education centers where children learn, health centers where the sick get treated up-to-date, care centers for the old aged persons or homeless individuals and many more. Likewise, the indigenous art culture is modified to interest many people from all over the world regardless of it being a native art. All cultures of a country aid in its thriving economically and there is a need for a country to have its culture with which it operates.


Acciaioli, G. (1985) Culture as art: from practice to spectacle in Indonesia, Canberra Anthropology, 8(1-2), 148-172, doi: 10.1080/03149098509508575

Bean, C. (1993). Conservative Cynicism: Political Culture in Australia International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, 58-77. Retrieved from

Ewing, R. (2011). The arts and Australian education: Realising potential.

Fiske, J., Hodge, B., & Turner, G. (1987). Myths of Oz. London: Routledge.

Lattas, A. (1992). Primitivism, nationalism and individualism in Australian popular culture, Journal of Australian Studies, 16(35), 45-58. doi: 10.1080/14443059209387117

Pepper M., & Rosemary L. (2016). Climate Change, Politics and Religion: Australian Churchgoers’ Beliefs about Climate Change.

November 13, 2023

Culture Life



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