Test Validity and Test Reliability

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The extent to which a test accurately gauges what it is meant to examine is characterized as test validity. There are several sorts of test validity, including criterion validity, which assesses the performance of measuring devices. The point at which a scale gives adequate coverage for the subject under test is referred to as content validity, also known as face validity.

Other validity characteristics include predictive validity, which refers to how well a score on a test or scale predicts the outcomes of some criterion measure. Similarly, concurrent validity assesses how a new test relates to an existing study. Predictive and concurrent validity share similarities as they are both measured as the correlation between some criterion measure and a trial.

Reliability denotes the extent to which a measuring tool provides consistent results when the measuring is repeatedly done. Approaches used to evaluate reliability test includes internal consistency technique, alternative forms and or test-retest.

Assessment interview

Similar to a regular job interview, an Assessment interview focuses more on an individual’s personality. Furthermore, it is more psychological and usually plunges deeper. Various tactics such as verbatim playback, reflection, random probing, perception check, confrontation, use of concrete examples, feedback, summary statement, and self-disclosure among others have been proposed and studied. However, the relevant skills in interviewing do not come from memorizing these tactics but developing from an actual-live or taped interview session.


This is the initial phase of an interview. Practitioners are required to ensure that they adequately deal with: the organization of the interviewing room physical characteristics to make the room appear as used and the sitting arrangements; introduction while indicating the preferred mode of addressing – doctor, first-name; outline the interview’s purpose and describe the confidential nature of the information among others.

Directive verse non-directive interviews

In a directive interview, the practitioners maintain complete control as well as walk the patients through the discussion. However, the degree in which the clinician decide to structure depends on both practical and theoretical consideration (Groth-Marnat, 2009). On the other hand, no prearrangements are done for a non-directive interview.

Sequencing of interview tactics

A practitioner is expected to begin with open-ended questions and progress with more direct questions after observing the patients response. This is important as it enables the patients to comprehend, express, and organize themselves with little outside structure.


The prime focus of an assessment interview needs to be the definition of problem behavior and its causes. Practitioners, therefore, may need to use a checklist in ensuring that they cover all the necessary areas. Moreover, they can begin with the more general questions and complete with the more specific questions.

Avoidance of “Why” questions

The ”why” questions are known to enhance the respondent defensiveness and therefore should be avoided. The ”why” questions sound accusatory and may force the respondent to account for his or her actions. alternatively, one can preface with either ”what” or ”how.”

Wechsler Intelligence Test

This test, developed in 1950 by David Wechsler, is a standard tool that is used in various academic institutions and by psychologists to aid in intelligence interpretation. The test has some version, which are updates from initial implementations. The latest version includes WAIS-IV for adults and WISC for children.

These intelligence test as the primary advantage measure abilities in four categories which are processing and organization, verbal comprehension, reasoning, and retention of information (Yang et al., 2013). The analysis does not incorporate factors such as judgment, creativity or individuality in its trial. Moreover, the category score individually and the overall results are utilized in obtaining the IQ (Intelligence Quotient)

The test however, has some disadvantage similar to any standardized testing. For example, the individual undergoing stressors situation may fail to score well. Other factors that may result in this include mental illness, disabilities such as speech barrier.


Groth-Marnat, G. (2009). Handbook of psychological assessment. New Jersey NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Yang, P., Cheng, C. P., Chang, C. L., Liu, T. L., Hsu, H. Y., & Yen, C. F. (2013). Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children 4th edition‐Chinese version index scores in Taiwanese children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 67(2), 83-91.

April 26, 2023


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