Teamwork as an essential aspect

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In addition to dispute resolution and management, teamwork is a crucial component of every organization. A team’s productivity as well as the relationships among its members might be hampered by several forms of conflicts. Conflict can support growth and change, encourage team members’ invention and creativity, and enhance the teams’ decision-making. On the other hand, conflict can cause organizational and team divergence when it comes to knowledge management, lowering performance, decreasing commitment, and increasing instances of teams with reduced cohesiveness. Different sources of conflict can be easily identified using the team in which I have participated. These include ambiguity, incompatibility with time constraints unavailability as well as difference in dedication.

Different sources of conflict can be experienced within a team. This can range from person aspects/demands to outside sources. Different conflict have a different way of manifestation not forgetting different conflict outcome. With reference to my team settings, one major source of conflict is time scheduling. With the team members having different time schedules, it was a challenge to fix a common time for the team work. However, by submitting every member’s schedule for the week, there was an agreement the best time to meet. Nevertheless, this came after some members compromised their schedule, accommodating other peoples schedule and compromising. Accommodating, sacrifice and compromise for some members allowed for agreement on the best time for the team meeting.

On the other hand, unequal contribution to the team work, made it look more like individual work. Lack of commitment to the team course was another challenge and frustrating. However, through communication, member’s contribution to the team was highlighted and effective communication and every members’ commitment to the team was voiced. Competition, the difference in values and personalities were some of the factors contributing to conflict in the group/team. In summary, the role of conflict can highly be undermined for the success of a team or a group. Different causes of conflict can be identified. However, effective conflict management is key to the success of a team, and hence can highly be ignored.

February 01, 2023



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