Social Issues Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Writing a Social Issues essay today is like starting a personal statement because it seems to be one of the most popular reflective essays regardless of your course. Starting with the Black Lives Matter social movement to various controversial topics like religious conflicts and bullying, essays on Social Issues represent the most popular ground for debates. However, if you are hoping to write a good argumentative essay, you must start with a thesis statement that you can support. See how it is done correctly by checking essays on Social Issues. If you are not sure about your topic's strength, see various samples below and create an outline with a list of social issues that you would like to explore. Remember to provide sources if any external information has been used.

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Employment Background Checks

This case analysis involves the study of two companies; Dollar General and BMW manufacturing plant that is suspected to ...

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Arguments Against Animal Testing

Animal testing also referred to as vivo testing or rather animal experimentation is termed as the use of animals in eith...

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Bully in the Workplace

1. How can experienced nurses bully new nurses/ keep in mind this is a personal statement. I currently work in an em...

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The Determinants of Health

The determinants of health can be described as the underlying structural conditions of daily life that play a major role...

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Social and emotional wellbeing is a crucial part of human happiness and health (Rook, 2015). Promoting positive social a...

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Abortion is the most controversial social problem around the world. It cannot be compared to other social issues since t...

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The Impact of Overfishing on Marine Ecosystems

Humans throughout existence are dependent on oceans not only for food but also for recreation, economic opportunities, t...

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The Application of Free Speech in America

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.[1]  That is the common phrase that ...

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Color Blind Racism in Mississippi Masala

The film to be used in this case is the Mississippi Masala. The film is a drama, romantic related produced in France in ...

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