Social Issues Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Writing a Social Issues essay today is like starting a personal statement because it seems to be one of the most popular reflective essays regardless of your course. Starting with the Black Lives Matter social movement to various controversial topics like religious conflicts and bullying, essays on Social Issues represent the most popular ground for debates. However, if you are hoping to write a good argumentative essay, you must start with a thesis statement that you can support. See how it is done correctly by checking essays on Social Issues. If you are not sure about your topic's strength, see various samples below and create an outline with a list of social issues that you would like to explore. Remember to provide sources if any external information has been used.

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177 views 6 pages ~ 1626 words
The Niagara Movement

Source: Long, S. (2016). The Niagara Movement. Niagara Falls Museums. [Online]. Retrieved from: https://niagarafallsmuse...

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The History of The NAACP

Source: NAACP. (n.d). The History of the NAACP. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Pp. 10. Avai...

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To my Understanding, Development is a Broad Concept

To my understanding, development comes from a broader perspective, touching on social, political, equality, and economic...

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The 9/11 Attacks and the War on Terrorism

The September 11 attacks have on many occasions been likened to the attack by the Japanese on the Pearl Harbor (Bamford,...

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Capital Punishment in Virginia

One of the most controversial and debated issues is capital punishment. Washington became the twentieth state to elimina...

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The Role of Federal Government in Civil Rights Movement

Civil rights movements emerged in the twentieth century with the prime efforts in fighting to improve the quality of lif...

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The Civil Rights Movement of African American Women

In the book “For Freedom’s Sake,” the main agenda was about the civil rights of workers. The author addressed the plight...

220 views 7 pages ~ 1833 words
Alexander Hamilton and Immigration

According to American community survey data, there was a population of over forty-three million immigrants in the United...

77 views 3 pages ~ 633 words
Analysis of the Racism Website

The intended audience of the site are the rest of the world population who are cautious about the effect of racism and d...

210 views 3 pages ~ 658 words
The Riverside Speech

Martin Luther King is widely known for his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech that is quoted when discussing his fight for c...

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