Social Issues Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Writing a Social Issues essay today is like starting a personal statement because it seems to be one of the most popular reflective essays regardless of your course. Starting with the Black Lives Matter social movement to various controversial topics like religious conflicts and bullying, essays on Social Issues represent the most popular ground for debates. However, if you are hoping to write a good argumentative essay, you must start with a thesis statement that you can support. See how it is done correctly by checking essays on Social Issues. If you are not sure about your topic's strength, see various samples below and create an outline with a list of social issues that you would like to explore. Remember to provide sources if any external information has been used.

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153 views 2 pages ~ 341 words
The Role of Women in the Progressive Era

The term progressivism refers to a range of responses, which focused on social and economic issues that industrializatio...

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The Relationship Between Nationalism and Globalization

In the 20th century, the system of nationalism which was developed to promote the social, political and economic interes...

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Immigration Reforms in the United States

The current American Government under the leadership of President Trump has come up with several political immigration p...

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The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King: Apostle of Militant Nonviolence by James A. Colaiaco was written in 1988. The book provides details ...

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The Relationship Between Communism Promises and The Needs of The People

An assurance is a word of trustworthy a person guarantees something will take place. The governmental assurances of the ...

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The Impact of National Association for Advancement of Colored People

NAACP; the acronym of “National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People”, is ultimately one of the foremost, ...

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History of Death Penalty in the United States

The United States is among the few western states still partaking in the death penalty.  An approximate of 30 states inc...

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Impact of Irish Immigration on Ontario

What was it like for Irish immigrants to settle in Ontario between 1815 and 1850? Ontario at the time of migration manag...

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NAACP Facts and History Timeline

Source 1: Alchin, L. (2014). NAACP Facts & History Timeline. [Online]. Available at:

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Niagara Movement (1905–1909)

Source 2: Christensen, S. (2007). Niagara Movement (1905-1909). [Online]. Retrieved from:

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