Social Issues Explained

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The well-being of workers and societal concerns

The well-being of workers and the effects of the corporation on the interests of community members are two of the societal concerns that the management of a company must consider. It is important that an organization participates in initiatives that significantly contribute to the enhancement of the welfare of societal members, thus promoting social change in the world. According to Schaap (2006), the number of workers in a company is vital to the execution of an organization’s plans. However, an analysis of companies in different sectors reveals that worker well-being is crucial for the effective execution of a company’s plans. In the gaming industry, it is essential that the key stakeholders such as the government monitors the impacts of the industry on the welfare of the workers and initiate ways of ensuring that the firms in the Nevada gaming industry do not engage in activities that adversely affect the well-being of the employees. Apart from the government, stakeholders such as NGOs need to intervene in the gaming industry to educate the workers on the proper channels through which they can conduct their activities and avoid manipulation by the employers. The health of the workers influences the nature of equipment that an enterprise uses in their offices.

Training programs and employee implementation

Schaap (2006) argues that in the implementation of the strategies in an organization, it is important that an organization trains the workers on the plans that the cmpany has. In contrast to the claims that Schaap makes concerning the education of the employees, senior managers need to note that the training of the employees on the plans of an enterprise cannot aid in the successful implementation of the programs in a given company. For instance, an organization can train the employees, but the latter end up exiting the company thus leading to wastage of resources. Also, the training of the employees concerning the plans of a business is not necessary as some of the workers may become scrupulous and sell the business ideas to a company’s rivals. Consequently, the senior managers in the Nevada gaming industry need to direct the workers instead of coming up with training programs.

Communication and relationship between managers and workers

According to Schaap (2006), the communication between the managers and the workers need to be useful to help an industry efficiently execute its roles. My analysis of the operations of various firms in the economy indicates that the communication between the senior managers and the subordinates is not the only factor that can aid in the successful implementation of the strategies in the Nevada gaming industry. Notably, the relationship between the workers and the top managers is crucial in the implementation of the policy in an enterprise. For instance, an antagonistic relationship between the leaders and their subordinates will immensely impede the implementation of the plans that a business has regardless of the levels of communication between the senior managers and the workers. As a way of developing a proper relationship between the workers and the managers in the industry above, the latter need to involve the former in the decision-making processes.

The perception of society members and company operations

Finally, there is the issue of perception of the society members concerning the activities a company undertakes. A senior manager in Nevada gaming industry needs to influence the society members into having a favorable view concerning the operations of an enterprise. The proper relationship between the society members and an organization is critical in the determination of the marketing strategies that the firms in an industry need to utilize. According to Schaap (2006), the senior managers in the Nevada gaming industry need to employ workers who are hardworking as a way of attaining the goals of the organizations in the sector above. In contrast to the proposal by Schaap, senior managers in the Nevada gaming industry need to focus on developing the relationships between their firms and the society to help in the implementation of various business strategies.

Political issues

The political activities in a nation significantly influence the operations of the industries within the given country. In reality, the nature of politics in a country affects the policies that guide a given industry. Therefore, it is critical for the senior managers to analyze the political situations in a nation to help make proper decisions. Notably, the information concerning the political status in the US will aid in the course of formulating policies that concern the human resource in the Nevada gaming industry. Also, the political situations in a nation are crucial when deciding on the methods of operations in a given industry. Some of the major stakeholders in the political affairs in a business environment are the leaders of a nation. According to Schaap (2006), the employees in an industry need to comprehend and agree with the strategies that the senior managers intend to use in steering the business. However, an analysis of the operation of various industries indicates that it is not necessary for the employees to accept the strategies that a company needs to apply. Notably, the workers in an industry only need to conform to the policies that exist in a particular sector. Therefore, contrary to the proposal by the author above, the acceptability of the workers is not a necessity for the success of the Nevada gaming industry.

Government taxation and its impact

Government’s taxation is a critical political issue on the operation of the businesses in a given industry. Notably, high levels of taxes significantly reduce the profits that firms obtain from their activities. Therefore, the high levels of taxes that government wages on the companies in a given industry critically affect an industry’s revenues. Schaap (2006) opines that training the employees on the strategies of an organization significantly increases the success of the firm concerning the set targets. However, an examination of various companies in the different industries indicates that the levels of taxation critically affect the ability of the businesses in the Nevada gaming industry to attain their plans. Apart from tax, the relationships between a business and the government officials play a critical role in the timely attainment of the targets that a company has set. Therefore, it is evident that the training of the employees concerning the strategies that an enterprise has is not a necessary factor for the success of companies in a given sector. Contrary to the assertions by Schaap, an organization that intends to succeed should formulate a proper relationship with the government officials and establish appropriate methods of countering the effects of taxation on the revenues that a company obtains.

Government stability and its influence

The final political factor that plays a critical role in the gaming sector is the stability of the government. Schaap (2006) argues that leadership behaviors of the senior managers are crucial for the attainment of the goals that an organization has set. However, the behaviors of the leaders in an enterprise cannot aid in the attainment of the strategies of the firms in the Nevada gaming industry if there is political instability in a nation. In most cases, the managers in an industry can only aid in the attainment of the goals of an enterprise if there is peace in a nation. For instance, the presence of peace in a state helps in the collaboration between the managers in an organization and other stakeholders in the gaming industry.

Economic status and its influence

The economic status of an area is critical for the progress of an enterprise. Schaap (2006) argues that the behaviors of senior managers are a significant factor for the successful implementation of the plans of the companies in Nevada gaming industry. However, an analysis of the operations of the firms in various sectors indicates that the prevailing economic situation in an area critically influences the ability of the top managers to implement the plans of an enterprise. Notably, during recess, businesses do not generate significant revenues. Consequently, managers of the firms in Nevada gaming industry need to analyze the statuses of the economy before making any investment decisions. On the other hand, during the boom, businesses will generate substantial revenues that will significantly aid in the successful implementation of the strategies that an enterprise has set. Therefore, through the analysis of the economic conditions of Nevada gaming industry, the managers can adequately make decisions on when to invest.

Competition and its influence

Competition influences the implantation of the strategies that an enterprise has formulated hence it is necessary that senior leaders properly examine the business strategies in a given industry. According to Schaap (2006), the leadership styles that a manager exhibits are crucial in influencing the success of an enterprise. Contrary to Schaap’s assertions, the availability of resources in an enterprise critically determines the level of implementation of the strategies in a given industry. Precisely, the marketing strategies of a firm in Nevada gaming industry influences the manner in which the managers will implement the organizational plans.

The influence of employees and customer confidence

Schaap (2006) argues that the number of employees in a given enterprise also plays a critical role in the course of implementing the strategies that a business has. However, the operations diversified economies indicate that the implementation of the plans in a given enterprise also depends on the confidence levels of the consumers. In reality, a company can efficiently implement a given set of ideas and succeed in business when the customers have high levels of confidence in the activities of the enterprise. For instance, in the case of Nevada gaming industry, a manager can promptly implement the changes in the gambling strategy when the clients believe that the leader’s approaches are suitable for the latter’s case. On the other hand, clients who do not have confidence in the operations of a given enterprise will shun the organization and resort to the business’ rivals.


From the analysis of the operations of the firms in various industries, I have learned that the successful implementation of strategies in an industry requires proper relationships between a business and the society, sound economic status, and customer confidence in the operations of an organization.


Schaap, J. I. (2006). Toward strategy implementation success: An empirical study of the role of senior-level leaders in the Nevada gaming industry. UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, 10(2), 2.

December 15, 2022

Social Issues Life


Workforce Goals

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