Setting up a network security

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Any organization serious in putting up a network security should guarantee it has a cutting edge and inventive firewall to provide top notch protection. The organization should also think about:

Updating routers-Businesses should guarantee that their internal networks are isolated from the guest network, which is shared with visitors.

Identify the intended goal of the security network-Business owners should determine the intended purpose of the wireless networks; is the network intended to connect PCs locally? Wilkins 1.

Password theft is one of the security issues that enterprises face. Firms should consider how frequently employees enter into a website while communicating over wireless networks. If it sends passwords out over the network, and their site doesn’t use SSL or TLS, that password is vulnerable and sitting in plain text for an attacker to read. Encryption and constant change of passwords are some of the ways to get around various methods to steal the password (Cesca 1).

In May 2014 eBay the online auction giant reported a cyber attack that it said exposed names, addresses, dates of birth and encrypted passwords of all of its 145 million users. Hackers got into the company network using the credentials of three employees had complete inside access, during which time they were able to make their way to the user database. It asked its customers to change their passwords although financial information such as credit card numbers was not compromised (Wilkins 1). One way to mitigate the risk is by using firewalls, by installing a hardware firewall and ensuring APs firewall is enabled (Cesca 1).

In conclusion business owners should remain vigilant and ensure they constantly upgrade their wireless networks and procure the right network components to ensure maximum security.

Works Cited

Cesca:, Vincent. “Types of Wireless Network Attack.” Phoenix TS (2016): 1.

Wilkins, Sean. “Wireless Security Considerations.” PluralSight (2016): 1.

June 12, 2023


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