school community introduction

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After a number of Northern California elementary schools merged, Lodi Unified School was founded in 1969. The institution has two continuation high schools in addition to kindergarten through twelfth grade (Lodi Unified District School, 2017). The district supports the growth of many children in the area and is one that is under consideration for upgrades. One must examine the school’s standards for bringing about improvements for the students and community in order to comprehend. This essay examines the school’s goals, creative initiatives, guiding principles, and commitment to academic success.

The Lodi School District established a Board of Education to lay out its aims, philosophies, and goals. The Board of Education consisted of at least one representative from the seven districts of operation in the region (Lodi Unified District School, 2017). Their developed philosophies align to the needs of the community and the goals they sought to achieve after a few years after the merger. Apart from that, the board had to supervise each member within the region to ensure they adhered to the set rules and regulations, working to fulfill the goals of education.

Philosophies and Missions

The education theories set by Lodi Unified vary according to their defined roles and rules. Their list of ideas at the Lodi District included the use of technology for at least three years in improving the needs of education (Lodi Unified District School, 2017). These aims to ensure application of technology as a teaching aid for advanced research. Studies in the region did not improve and the District needed an improvement strategy.

Another area was the achievement of curriculum goals using telecommunications in education. These coupled the speed at which teachers and students accessed instructional materials without much physical contact with the teachers. After such an acquisition, the District geared towards improving the community learning alongside the goals. In doing so, the district redesigned a budget to meet these goals and attain the education standards as planned (Lodi Unified District School, 2017). One advantage was the inclusion of the accountability measures in their budget to ensure issues of fraud were kept off. With such readiness, a timeline was to be decided on when the students were to acquire the technology and machines with the safety on the internet and other social sites assured.

Innovative Programs

After setting the objectives and the strategic plans, the institution needed to execute their plans and realize the goals. One of the structures set was to invite the community members to participate on roles assigned to them (Lodi Unified District School, 2017). Community members worked to complete the strategic plan by creating a lineup of supervisors, strategist, experts and coming up with innovative programs to benefit the people. Their innovative programs were to improve research in the schools and other institutions of learning they developed.

Using technology for research was an idea the school had in their plans and goals. They needed to form a stronger mechanism for improving the investigation and teaching methods. Lodi District had to use the system for development and achievement of their goals. With the experts from their departments, the school achieved their first miles in this sector (California Department of Education, 2007). However, there were also ideas of empowering the community around. One way of doing that was to set a market for farm produce that came from the surrounding farms. A nearby market ensured the community received empowerment to work more on their farms and provide healthy and fresh foods for their lunch program (California Department of Education, 2007). Additionally, the school worked to save on their energy costs by developing a biomass system for their use in the school food-preparation program. With these innovation programs, it reduced the extended costs that would pass to the parents as a way of improving their education.

The areas of interest in the Lodi District are technological advancement and innovations. The school highlighted these amongst their philosophies and goals in their planning for the achievement needed. California district developed a measure for these interests by creating a score sheet for these strategies. Upon doing that, several institutions alerted to achieve their plans in the education system. However, it is wise to consider the records from the educational authorities of whether the California school met the training criteria set by them.

Assessment data for the Unified schools highlighted some areas of development and changes they made. Different levels of grading were set for all the students in the various grades for the educational institutions in the region. There were improvements in the teaching and passing of the English language. From year 2 to 9, there were increases from 2005 to 2008 (California Department of Education, 2007). However, in technical areas, the institution needed to make some improvements in grade 7 and 8. These were Mathematics and Sciences, according to the California District report. Earlier, there were concerns that ethnic students needed to improve their performance. These were possible because of the systems that included each group of people in the region (California Department of Education, 2007). The District report stated that they needed to upgrade their systems to improve their performance. In that regard, the 2009 plans focused on updates to ensure students reached their maximum programs for the students.

The plans set by the school were the best for any improvement in the educational sector. Knowing the needs of the community, then combining all of them under one management drives a particular focus at a time and changes the direction the organization takes for the improvement of the systems (Stephanie Kaylor, 2017). The school worked on developing an educational plan for the students and schools, then designs programs from the use of experts (California Department of Education, 2007). Teachers worked to utilize their chances and time in developing the right technological system for education and improving them for the benefit of the schools. Innovation like reducing costs of management, acquiring proper and healthy foods for the students’ lunch program was a good idea for the desired changes.

The goals above should reflect on the teachers’ abilities to deliver their best and improve the performance of the student. There are existing teaching standards for teachers, which all of them must adhere to and make the best in their profession. Some of the roles the teachers and administration authorities must work on to realize improvements in the sector include the insistence on the planning on the syllabus and planning, preparing the learning environment for the studies, teaching, professional responsibilities, and reward to the community. With these goals, the school achieves more of their goals and works to deliver the best in their education.

In conclusion, the growth of schools in California was slow but determined to bring changes by using technology to improve learning. A board of educators worked to improve these by ensuring teachers understood their roles. After the implementation of their plans, they realized improvements in some areas, but there was need in improving technical subjects’ performances. Analyses by California Department of Education indicated these improvements and proper use of technology for development. They need to do more for improvements in their future.


California Department of Education. (2007). Local Education Agency Plan. Retrieved from California Department of Education website: http://district-lusd-

Lodi Unified District School. (2017). School Philosophies. Retrieved from

Stephanie Kaylor. (2017). ACEI Standard 5.2- Collaboration with families, colleagues and community agencies. Retrieved from standard-52.html

March 10, 2023

Education World

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