Saying Farewell To The ANT101C01 Cultural Anthropology

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At the beginning of the ANT101C01 Cultural Anthropology, I was excited to obtain knowledge in various courses such as culture, social organization, religion, and language. These are the primary elements that connect people to form a united community. For example, people who belong to the same culture share many things and are likely to understand one another well. Similarly, language, social classes, and religion unite individuals.

The course provided more information than I expected. For instance, I learned that the environment significantly influences people’s behaviors. Culture, language, and religion enable individuals to have similar beliefs and respect one another. However, even people from different ethnic backgrounds might relate well with each other as long as they communicate.

The lessons obtained in this course are relevant to my life and to my journey of fulfilling my future goals. For this reason, I have learned that the only way that a person can interact with others well is by avoiding prejudice and being open-minded. Moreover, for me to achieve my future goals, I need to be diverse, which means relating well with people from different cultures.

The content of the course worked out well for me and enhanced my understanding of various essential things about human relationships. However, the structure of the course should be reviewed and amended to promote students’ participation. For example, it would be a good idea to involve field trips so that learners can know how people from different communities interact.

I would highly recommend this course to a friend since it helps a person acquire more knowledge about human behavior and interaction. By learning how individuals relate to each other, one gains a proper understanding of society. Furthermore, the person knows how to solve various problems that emanate from conflicts.

March 31, 2024


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