Rewards and Managing Performance in Bradford College and MacDonald’s

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A crucial component of human resource management is the management of performance and rewards. To assure efficiency and profitability, performance management through appraisal is used by the majority of successful firms. In this regard, Mac Donald’s and Bradford Institutions are demonstrating a high level of dedication to supporting award exercises that are linked to some HR initiatives and the organizations’ goals for inspiring, retaining, and luring talent. Effective compensation aids in attracting outcome-driven professionals who can flourish and thrive in a performance-based environment. Thus, it is a principal promoter and can facilitate the improvement of the productivity of the workers when applied appropriately (Eden 2016, p.670). An efficient reward scheme has to be associated with the performance growth structure, which concentrates on performance built pay and provides sufficient learning chances along with a conducive work atmosphere. Flexible payment may show a vital role in enhancing the performance of the workforces, particularly the star performers rather than the static pay packages (Imrie 2014, p.34). A few reward activities might take the methods of equity grounded initiatives, bonuses, profit sharing, team-based efforts, and gain sharing awards. This paper examines and compares performance management of Bradford College with that of Mac Donald’s.

Organizations with effective management of award arrangement can have a favorable result on the performance in diverse perspective. These might involve installing logic of possession among the workers, facilitating long-term concentration with constant development, encouraged teamwork, reduced service operating expenses, lessened workers’ dissatisfaction, and enhanced workforce interest in the economic performance of the institution. MacDonald’s Corporation and Bradford schools reward their workforces for achieving new knowledge which might add quality to the organizations’ output and, hence, facilitate self-managed work teams, cross training, and job rotation (Daft 2014, p.61). They as well recognize extraordinary performance by offering lump-sum quality awards and appreciation awards for winning worker attaining and commitment long term valuable results. Consequently, these two organizations progress Performance Management scheme which tailored to the particular wants of every goal and Reward Schemes that improve employee retention and motivation, performance, creating a complete performance and contemporary, and reward framework (Eden 2016, p.684). This paper seeks to explore the critical review and assessment of performance management for Bradford College and McDonald’s Corporation. It further examines how the administration of these organizations has enhanced their performance.

Administration and Leadership in Bradford College

Administration and leadership are good at Bradford College because many of its aspects are outstanding. The College principal is a motivational leader who, with the reinforcement of senior managers and governors, has transformed Bradford’s culture and basic morals to be more of student concentrated (Bradford et al. 2016, p.65).The tactical goal is properly matched to national and local priorities. Bradford College impart well to the re-engagement and to economic rebirth of disadvantaged individuals which makes it be regarded highly in the region (Eden 2016, p.673). The cooperative job is good and assists Bradford to expand participation. The school works with native institutes and plays a vital role towards the development of curriculum. Success level for lengthy courses at many stages have upgraded significantly.

The workforce is well knowledgeable about college issues and consulted appropriately. The Bradford College has an excellent team working spirit that has enhanced the production and profitability (Imrie 2014, p.51). In the collage, decision making is appropriate, and staff members have a better understanding of their places of accountability and responsibility. Preparations for performance administration are healthy, connected where suitable to the procedures and quality of teaching to progress areas of under-performance. Chances for professional growth in Bradford College are good and focused on top most priorities with activities to share better practice.

Quality assurance is highly enhanced in the collage, and learner’s opinions are sensibly considered and acted on. Statistics is precise and applied well to monitor set targets and progress. The lesson remark system has aided to advance the quality of education in the institution (Bradford et al. 2016, p.32). They added that the capacity of outstanding training, an area for enhancement at the last inspection, has improved. Consequently, the rate of insufficient teaching has been lowered. The collage’s curriculum management is adequately established to focus on improving the value of education. The administration of job for managers and of own and society progress learning are as well good. According to Eden (2016, p.677), the variations in the grown-up and public work are well accomplished by the school. However, the associations between some curriculum parts and institution’s business unit are still under-developed. Besides, the school’s self-assessment report is highly accurate with the plans indicating precisely provisions to be developed.

The school governors make an outstanding impact on college performance and strategy. They have a better range of proficiency and are currently more representative of the institution and the region as compared to last inspection (Eden 2016, p.670). The standards committee analyzes school performance healthily. The Financial Management of Bradford College is decent, and value for school capital is outstanding (Bradford et al. 2016, p.45). They added that college had maintained its monetary stability. The expansion of the Bradford school’s estate has been properly planned and organized in expertise manner. The facilities for engineering, sports, and construction are brilliant and have substituted much of the lower accommodation renowned at the previous inspection. The qualified staff together with the management has proposed ambiguous new building.

Diversity, equality, and the rise of society cohesion is, as the self-evaluation report revealed, outstanding (Daft 2014, p.45). The school has received national and regional recognition for good performance. Diversity and equality feature prominently in entire place of work. The college is broadly valued in the diverse society it serves with the minority cultural groups making real evolution. Institution community is treated with respect and fairly; moreover, workers receive appropriate training on the wants of diverse groups attended by the college.

Additionally, the school encourages free to debate which made it host state seminars on what it entails to be British and operate teaching programs on citizenship. The college management has ensured that it is very secure and inclusive learning atmosphere (Imrie 2014, p.51). He furthered that safety preparations are unobtrusive and effective. This claim is also supported by Bradford et al. (2016, p.49) who writes that preparations to protect vulnerable adults and children are admirable. The school conforms to the necessities of the appropriate legislation regarding diversity and equality founded, and there is a suitable emphasis on critical performance improvement and indicators. Bradford institution has a quality team which plays a vital role in challenging and supporting staff to improve.

The Quality of Training at Bradford College

In the college, the content and structure of training are brilliant, except for modern foreign languages which have significant weaknesses. The dominant training is reinforced adequately by adequate college-based training. Assignments are properly managed to provide trainees with a better variety of experiences, such as the post-16 provision and Key Stage two. Branford tutors and visiting speakers are well utilized in delivering features of subject training and professional studies. Training in curriculum includes recent improvements, like the Secondary Tactic and transformation to examination specifications.

Branford Institute’s unique elements of the teaching cohere well. The variety of topics covered in the center rounded functional studies program is suitable and connect efficiently to features of the theme training. The studies programs balance the other aspects of the training better (Eden 2016, p.671). The curriculum of school-based practice assists to affect the uniformity of training in the schools. There is good communication between mentors and tutors, and instructors are quick in replying to guide concerns. The quality of the large majority of subject training is good. According to Daft (2014, p.54), tutors draw healthily on their topic knowledge and model better exercise in their teaching; sessions are collaborative and engage learners adequately. The support and pastoral care provided by mentors and tutors is magnificent, thus, improving performance.

Learner’s personal wants are addressed adequately in the most subjects. As a portion of the collection procedures, those learners with particular needs set pre-course duties or are provided with places provisional on acquiring wider experience. Improvement courses in science and mathematics are used effectively by the management to ensure that learners have a better understanding of topic knowledge before the commencement of their training (Bradford et al. 2016, p.48). Within the school, programs are accessible to strengthen weaknesses with ICT and literacy, and additional targeted backings have been offered for trainees who want assistance with mathematics. The follow-up and use of unit audit in Bradford college are more efficient in some units than in others (Daft 2014, p.61). He clarified that this is done specifically well in citizenship and science where loopholes are recognized and met in the centrally taught school program.

The improvement of trainees is often monitored through the course during lesson reviews and observations. Trainees have consistent, weekly assemblies with their mentor to review set targets and progress (Imrie 2014, p.57). Lesson reflexing response from subject mentors and tutors is frequently good, though the reply from a minority of teachers and mentors is inadequate. However, not all the counsellors finish the needed number of official lesson observations. Bradford college student’s summative profiles progress is systematic and offers useful data about weaknesses and strengths for the second placement institution. Difficulties with personal learners’ progress are rapidly recognized, and appropriate actions are taken by the subject tutors. This includes individual action and extra visits plans for learners where required.

Conversely, procedures for evaluating students in contrast to the standards and for moderating assignments and assessments are satisfactory in the College (Bradford et al. 2016, p.60). Students have some jointly observed lessons to assist tutors to average mentor verdicts. Teachers often work good with mentors and help them in growing their assessment exercises through mentor conferences and college visits (Daft 2014, p.41). He also added that tutors’ official quality declares the work of mentors, though they do not regularly employ sufficient time in college to convey out this role successfully. There are varying practice and understanding in mentors’ recording of growth compared to the standards set at the completion of the initial placement.

The partnership that the college has is very efficient in reinforcing trainees to aid them to achieve their potential. There exists a clearly understood logic of determination in the business that concentrates on supporting the natural supply of better teachers and strengthening the professional growth of teachers within the institution. Communication among the schools and college is adequate, and the schools respect the access to vibrant documentation. Furthermore, better knowledge of the weaknesses and strengths within partner institutions permits proper settlements to be pursued for trainees. The counsellors are of standard and trainees respect their impacts. But, this is not the situation, and there are other irregularities in the superiority of mentoring though. Daft (2014, p.31) argued that at times of challenges, school and tutors work together successfully to address the difficulty. There is always a comprehensive plan of meeting for mentors. Moreover, the institution has a productive relationship with some benefactors in the region to give an agreed agenda of instructor training, thus, avoiding duplication.

Recognizing Performance Dimensions in the McDonalds

The Mac Donald’s Corporation Performance assessment starts by understanding the aspects of performance which regulate efficient work performance. Mac Donald’s identifies that individuals perform better if they feel well in their work, therefore, they go out to generate the correct working surrounding for everybody. That is lots of people to take into account which is the reason Mc Donald’s strives to give a diversity of benefits and rewards to outfit all the types of lifestyles (Eden 2016, p.671). By attaining the outstanding working experience for their individuals, they target to offer the best restaurant practice for all the clients. If employed for MacDonald’s corporation, workers do not only turn out to be part training and recruitment of one of the major world brands, but a continuously growing company that provides a culture of diversity, opportunity, flexibility, and equality. Reflecting of the communities and society in which they work provides possibly one of the whole varied labor cultures in the United Kingdom (Daft 2014, p.23). He added that McDonald’s people come from the entire move of a lifecycle who share a positive common approach. Imrie (2014, p.56) argued that if they are recruiting Team Members, their rule is to ‘rent the smile.’ They assist the corporation to foster employees of individuals with a positive approach and outlook which results in a friendly atmosphere and an upbeat. Bradford et al. (2016, p.54) mentioned that it is not just around hiring glad people, but it is all about undertaking everything they may retain them smiling. Equally, keeping them laughing is ensured through offering benefits and rewards that suit in with their life, regardless of whether they are a part-time worker working to support their school education or a Beginner Business Manager.

Measuring Performance in Mac Donald’s

It is important for individuals and the corporation that in their labor it is important to measure their performance and view how good they are working. An employee must know what is required of him or her in the company and what level of production is required of them to recognize when they are attracting this demand (Daft 2014, p.44). Typically, performance management in Mac Donald’s corporation incorporates career planning, training, and growth, counseling and disciplinary procedures, selection and recruitment, performance appraisals, and benefits and compensations.

Motivation in MacDonald’s

McDonald’s managers perform the work of motivating to impel, support, and motivate people to act. McDonald’s efforts of motivation are directed towards emerging processes of the company, as well as their plans that demonstrate benefits to the staff, hence, aiding the company’s success. In fact, encouragement can highly be accomplished if employees can join their personal goals with those of the corporative (Eden 2016, p.670). He also added that motivation is the willingness to employ a higher standard of try to reach objectives of corporative, conditioned by the capability of an attempt to satisfy some personal demand. Mac Donald’s management views reward as a set of dependent and independent links that define the persistence, direction, and amplitude of an employee’s behavior in the company. As a result, McDonald’s has been recording a continuous positive output. This idea is supported by Eden (2016, p.678) who asserts that there is proof inspiring the presence of a linking between the motivational standard of a worker and their individual performance. The association between the Mac Donald’s and its staff is the one of consideration that enables staff to identify themselves with their need and with that of the company. According to Eden (2016, p.670), several signs may expose to low morale: high turnover of staff, falling output, a high occurrence of absenteeism and tardiness, enhancing many grievances, increasing several inferior goods, a large number of incidents, and excess materials.

Similarly, Mac Donald’s staff is highly encouraged team who are faithful and loyal, hence, highly supporting the actions and objectives of the company. Their development of team work has the real bearing on the value and eagerness for performance. Since what motivates employees to work may present the stage and foundation to spot the performance of workers in McDonald’s. Bradford et al.’s (2016, p.42) study has revealed the diverse motivating aspects all over the latest period and has an excellent reflection of what motivates a worker in McDonald’s. There are many types of elements that effect workforces and work satisfaction in McDonald’s Corporation, one being motivators that put optimistic work happiness and hygiene features that impact a labor unenthusiastically. These characteristics directly influence personal performance in the company. Daft (2014 p.39) stated some motivators and hygiene aspects which include management competence, salaries, psychological development, recognition for achievement, responsibilities, as well as working condition.

Improving Employee Engagement

In the company, staff approval is an action of how people like it. Mac Donald’s company has made many important features for enhancing worker’s engagement. The corporation recognizes that staff is observing to acquire more than capital from their profession and work (Bradford et al. 2016, p.63). As a result, McDonald’s strives to ensure that its staff develops both professional and personal abilities. Likewise, it as well engages workers by direct contact through linking them in critical decisions and updating them on latest modification or improvement within the corporation.

According to Imrie (2014, p.27), the McDonald managers always identify workers with their motivations and aims to expand an apparent way for growth and probabilities for development within the corporation. They furthered that they have a powerful manager-employee connection that makes their staff feel what their manager is leaving, in case they are leaving the company. Lastly, Mac Donald’s company also gives continuous and excellent training for experienced and latest employees, as well as rewards and recognition for workers who excel or show a passion for their work and company.

Managing Performance in Mac Donald’s

One of the key goals of Mac Donald’s Company’s appraisal scheme is managing performance. To improve and maintain their workers’ performance, Mac Donald’s administration explores the roots of performance difficulties, directs employees and managers’ attention to those roots, empowers employees, develops action strategies to get solutions, and applies performance-concentrated communication.

Distinct managers have their approaches to managing labors, and this is significant in founding the performance of people and assisting them always to be glad and capable of growing their knowledge. Many individuals who are in the place of measuring and assessing the performance have the authority and are perhaps managers (Imrie 2014, p.52). Every specific manager in Mac Donald’s applies their personal preferences in what way to handle employees under him or her, and when they create a personal relationship informally that comprises assisting others to be more contented at work or likely ways of developing or improving results to high production. Individuals who are not performing to the expectations are advised or assisted in accomplishing their tasks (Imrie 2014, p.51). The manners in which these managers work heavily encourage staff to work better for the whole process. Measuring and assessing performance of labors are done best through observations carried out by the managers on workforce and then competently assist the problem where it is needed (Eden 2016, p.669). Managers in this company understand their workers and whether or when they require support on a particular matter.

Finally, Mac Donald’s encourages team members to hourly rewarded management locations where they partake the accountability for shift running in the restaurant (Imrie 2014, p.56). Their training starts in the restaurants with development days and Shift Management Growth Program which covers areas. Upon the end of a management entry test, staff attends a training conference apprehended by the Training Department before going back to the corporation in a position of the administration.

Planning for both McDonalds and Bradford College

In both Bradford College and McDonald’s, managers plan their work usefully. They set performance objectives and expectations for individuals and groups to channel their energies toward attaining organizational goals. Imrie (2014, p.48) writes that both organizations always get employees included in the planning process which helps the employees to know the goals of the association, what requirements are to be done, the reason why it should be done, and the best way it should be done. Besides, they both have a well-established standards and elements of workers’ performance appraisal strategies. Their performance standards and elements are verifiable, achievable, understandable, and measurable (Eden 2016, p.670). Their workforces are held answerable as people for the job responsibilities or assignments. He further claims that their worker performance plans are flexible by the management to allow adjustment for work requirements and changing program objectives. These strategic plans of Bradford College and McDonald have helped them succeed in performance.

Monitoring in McDonald and Bradford

Efficient managers observe to it that projects and assignments are monitored continuously. A proper monitoring requires consistent examines performance and giving the ongoing response to work groups and workforces on their growth to attain their goals. These aspects of control are observed in both associations (Bradford et al. 2016, p.45). They both have regulatory needs for monitoring performance, such as conducting development analyses with labors where their performance is related in contrast to their standards and elements. These organizations’ effective control provides their managers with the chances to find out how proper staff is achieving predetermined levels and to make adjustments to problematic or unrealistic standards. As a result, supervisors recognize undesirable performance at every moment during the appraisal time and deliver help to handle such performance, hence, greater production.

Developing and Training Programs for Workers

Active organizations address and evaluate the developmental requirements of their staff. Developing in a working environment entrains raising the volume to perform by improving work process, providing assignments that put in new skills or higher rate of accountability, training, or applying other techniques (Eden 2016, p.669). Bradford College and McDonald’s offer their staff developmental and training opportunities which inspire better performance, support job-related competencies and skills, and also assist workers to be updated in the working environment, for instance, the introduction of advanced technology, hence, excellent performance. Both organizations carry out the exercise of performance management which provides a brilliant opportunity for employees and supervisors and to recognize developmental needs (Bradford et al. 2016, p.45). Through the development of employees, deficiencies in performance become apparent and addressed appropriately. Similarly, areas for enhancing good performance, as well stand out, thus, assist successful staff to progress even further.

Rating in Bradford College and MacDonald’s

Bradford college managers from moment to moment find it valuable to summarize worker performance. This supports the managers to look and compare performance across a set of staff. Mac Donald’s corporations rate to know who their best staff is (Eden 2016, p.670). Within the two organizations, rating is done by evaluating worker or group performance compared to the standards and elements in an employee’s performance strategy and conveying a rating of record.

Rewarding in Bradford College and MacDonald’s

Brilliant managers know the importance of applying rewards, actually in an organization. Eden (2016, p.671) defined rewarding as identifying workers, independently and as associates of teams, for their performance, as well as recognizing their roles to the work’s mission. He added that one of the elementary principles of good management is that entire conduct is governed via its consequences. However, those consequences should and may be both informal and formal, and both negative and positive.

In McDonald’s and Bradford College, managers do not delay their associations to solicit suggestions for formal rewards before identifying good performance. To them, recognition is a continuous process of daily experience (Bradford et al. 2016, p.51). Even so, their rewards regulations offer a broad range of types that more formal awards might take, including several non-monetary items, time off, and cash. Nevertheless, these laws likewise cover a diversity of contributions that may be awarded, from proposals to group actions.

Reward Management in Bradford College and MacDonald’s

According to Imrie (2014, p.43), compensation management is the implementation and tactics and regulations that aim to award individuals consistently, equitably, and justly in accordance to worth in the organization. For these particular groups, reward management comprises of controlling and analyzing employee compensation, remuneration, and all other advantages for the workers. They aim at creating an efficiently work reward system for their organization. Their reward system usually is made up of pay practices and policy, total compensation, team reward, executive pay, full reward, and salary and payroll management. Both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are found in Mac Donald’s and Bradford College. Intrinsic rewards in the two organizations make the worker feel well in the team, whereas extrinsic rewards concentrate on the activities and performance of the staff to attain a particular result. Even though it is challenging to workers’ happiness (intrinsic) and performance (extrinsic), they have been striving to balance both (Bradford et al. 2016, p.33).

Performance Appraisal in Bradford College and MacDonald’s

Bradford College applies performance appraisal to evaluate staff’s job performance and review. Its management compares workforce employment conduct with the school’s pre-set standards to give the response to work performance. A similar method of performance appraisal is also seen in Mac Donald’s corporation. Performance appraisals motivate through either negative or positive reinforcement, depending on the result (Eden 2016, p.670). The data is attained through questionnaire and interview functions annually performed amongst management of Bradford College as a way of motivation to achieve the full potential of employees the objective of which is to manage and align entire institutional resources to get highest probable performance through improving their current staff by improving on previous mistakes, encouragement, and setting targets.

In conclusion, management of Bradford College, as well as that of Mac Donald’s, has been practicing and speaking efficient performance management executing every vital component process correctly. They do not only plan job routinely and set goals but also measure progress to set goals and provide a response to workforces. Consequently, they set higher standards and also take responsibility to grow the skills required to attain them. To maintain their prolific performance, they use informal and formal rewards to identify the behavior and outcome that achieve their mission. To sustain competitive benefits in current dynamic environment, it is vital for these organizations to invest the period to correctly reflect upon, measure, and evaluate their performance at every point against particular criteria. Managing performance exercises does not only ensure planned objectives are accomplished and stakeholder requirements are being met, but shall have a direct effect on the organization’s maintenance of return and ability to improve in the future.


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Daft, Richard L. “Faculty Director, Leadership Development Program (for Owen MBA students), Owen Graduate School of Management, 2005–2006. Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, 2001-2003 Ralph Owen Professor of Management, Vanderbilt University.” (2014).

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Imrie, Bradford William, Kevin Cox, and Allen Miller. Student assessment in higher education: a handbook for assessing performance. Routledge, 2014.

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