Resume Analysis

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Recruiters are still looking for the best candidate possible by scanning resumes and conducting interviews, so tailoring an outstanding resume is critical for future career advancement. According to Kerry Hannon (2011), it takes about 10 seconds for a recruiting manager to search for a resume, and she stresses that all material submitted should be clear and well organized. Others say that any recruiter should pay attention to whether the candidate met the criteria from the ads, as well as the applicant’s tenure, experience, and position (“I Screen, You Screen, We All Screen: Resume Selection 101”, 2010). The first resume is neat and well organized and gives a full understanding of the candidate’s huge work experience in the sphere of maintenance, following all the requirements from the advertisement of the position. This applicant definitely has knowledge of power, water, and gas turnoffs and regarding the previous jobs decryptions, he will be able to perform any manual activities in the repair and maintenance tasks. A great plus is that candidate has an experience in reading the blueprints after working on the position of the Grind Hand. The first job-seeker also passed the training at Community College, Valley College and Welding and Machining classes which exceed the requirements of high school diploma and gives a substantial advantage to him. The tenure of the candidate may be questionable as during the last 10 years he has switched 3 jobs which is not a good sign for a potential long-term fit.

The second resume is well structured and organized in chronological order, being simple and fluent in reading. The background of this candidate doesn’t meet the requirements of the position he is applying for as has only 4 years of experience working as a janitor and 6 years as a laborer. Nevertheless, the applicant had been assembling parts on toilet interior and prepared toilets for shipment on his first position also designing and preparing pallets which gives him a plus, revealing the capability to perform some maintenance tasks. The second candidate meets education requirements having the High School diploma, but the tenure doesn’t show any positive advances.

The third resume is targeted for the position of maintenance technician and has the professional summary at the beginning which expertly describes the candidate’s skills needed for this position. Though this applicant doesn’t have at least 7 years of experience in property management environment, he is a certified specialist with a rich educational background including the Forklift Operator, Electrical Troubleshooting Technician, Residential Heating Technician certificates and EPA Universal Card. Regarding all candidate’s work experience it’s clear that he has strong communication and organization skills, deep theoretical and enough practical skills to perform the repair and maintenance tasks. From the other side, the tenure of this job-seeker is quite discouraging as he changed 5 jobs for less than 10 years (Smith, 2016).

Selecting the best candidate

In order to select the best candidate, a recruitment manager should possess as much information about the applicant as possible. After the candidate passes the review of his resume and meets all the requirements for the position, the company will invite him for the interview. (“The Employee Selection Process”, n.d.). There are no doubts that the first applicant with his experience and skills is the most suitable person for the position of Maintenance Technician as he is the only one, who has more than 7 years background on this position and grew in his career to the head of maintenance. During the whole interview, he was open minded and friendly, showing satisfying interpersonal and communication skills. This candidate has been doing building maintenance since his childhood, he has huge experience of working with machinery and appliances, and this fact makes him the most valuable among the other applicants. Analyzing this job seeker’s interview one obvious trait of his character raises some questions, this trait is excessive self-confidence. He describes himself as aggressive first and foremost, telling it’s just a part of his temperament. Possibly, there may be some problems with the complacency of this candidate and disobedience for the management orders as his previous position was the position of Head of Maintenance, but this will be suppressed by the organizational culture of the community. The second candidate wouldn’t be invited for the further face-to-face interview as he didn’t meet the requirement on the working experience and doesn’t have necessary skills to perform daily maintenance and repair tasks. Though he has a great background as a laborer and janitorial that can’t be compared with all the capabilities of the first candidate who has more than 20 years of working in the sphere of property management. After analyzing the resume of the third applicant the recruitment manager couldn’t miss the low tenure, which definitely serves as a negative factor for the long term cooperation. Such kind of worker may not be ambitious or flexible enough to take on new challenges, and switching the workplaces so fast may not give necessary skills so as to regard this person experienced in many fields. Moreover, most of the positions the third candidate occupied, mostly had the supervision character, which means he didn’t do much of the maintenance work manually by himself. Though he has a big list of accomplishments and great communication and organizational skills, these don’t meet the requirements needed for the position of Maintenance Technician.


All three resumes are well developed and structured presenting necessary candidate’s background information in a simple and apprehensive form. The first candidate who has the richest background and list of necessary skills passed the review step of the selection process and was invited for the face-to-face interview. After successfully passing the interview and presenting his communication skills he was hired for the position of the Maintenance Technician.


Hannon, K. (2011, August 24). Want An Unbeatable Resume? Read These Tips From A Top Recruiter. Forbes. Retrieved from

I Screen, You Screen, We All Screen: Resume Selection 101. (2010, August 27). Bright Move. Retrieved from

Smith, H. (2016, May 13). What does your job tenure say about you? Get Rich Slowly. Retrieved from

Suttle, R. (n.d.). The Employee Selection Process. Chron. Retrieved from

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