Resource Management and Leadership

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The Process of Leadership

The process of providing direction, creating an inspiring mission and vision, and being inventive is referred to as leadership. Leadership can take several forms, including general organizational leadership and roles of team or group leadership (Northouse, 2015). As a result, it is a leader’s responsibility to ensure that the business culture benefits both employees and other stakeholders.

Nursing Leaders and Resource Management

Pat Ebright’s Nursing Leaders film emphasizes the role of nursing leaders in resource management. Although Pat Ebright’s presentation is geared toward the nursing profession, leaders in any organization or corporation have a responsibility to play when it comes to resource management (Ebright, 2010). The leaders should be accustomed to the day to day organizational operations to ensure they are conversant with the required resource allocation and utilization. The essence of being conversant with the day to day operational routines is essential in determining the extra resources needed to ensure the firm continues to its day to data activities even in emergency situations (Dobbelstein, 2016). Moreover, the leader’s involvement in the daily organizational activities provides the management is aware of the extra amount of workload the employees can handle and the limit both the human and the material resources can handle both in emergency and non-emergency situations (Northouse, 2015).

Benefits of Leader’s Engagement

The essence of the leaders’ engagement in the day to day work activities ensure the employees and the managers develop a sense of closeness and understanding. Moreover, the leader is in a position to adequately determine the strengths and weaknesses of the staff as far as extra duties and resources are concerned (Ebright, 2010). Similarly, the conversant nature of the leaders put them in a position where they can quickly determine the group challenges with regards to emergency situations as well as resource utilization and management.


Dobbelstein, T. &. (2016). 9 Levels for Value Systems- Operationalising and Measuring the Level Resistance . Journal of applied Leadership and Management, 78- 91.

Ebright, P. (Director). (2010). Nursing Leaders [Motion Picture].

Northouse, P. G. (2015). Leadership: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc.

May 10, 2023
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