Resolution of Conflict

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Most of the time, team members partake in confrontation or dispute. There are several sources of tension, ranging from a disagreement with a coworker to an escalated strategic disagreement with management. Conflicts have a subtle effect on employee morale, efficiency, and productivity. Managers are given the task of balancing identities in order to create an atmosphere that is beneficial to all jobs. Disagreement is a constructive way for an organization to assess and resolve conflicts and disagreements. However, the method of resolving those disputes presents a significant obstacle. In the car lot organization, two approaches are adopted to solve workplace conflicts between the employees. First, the employees seek to minimize friction fostering a healthy, communicative and organizational culture. Secondly, employees skilfully provide a solution to issues arising from them. Within the organization, the following tips are allowed for use in solving the conflicts during work. As organization members, the employees must expect conflict. Expectations are considered a major drive for behavior. Tensions at the workplace are inevitable and increase with rising stress. The organization strives to identify and provide early before they grow to become much complex.

The organization defines clear roles and responsibilities of each. A primary cause of conflicts within the group is lack of clarity on the characters and responsibility of each employee. Additionally, it contributes to tension at work when an individual feels that he is the person most burdened. The organization takes its time in understanding and clarifying the expectations of its employees. The business communicates its expectations through involvement in brief communication that saves time that would be used in solving responsibility-related conflicts.

The organization decides the issues that are important. The company is involved in wise choosing of the topics and issues that are handled. The company does not address conflicts of isolated incidences. Major problems and conflicts affecting most employees are automatically discussed through identification of the central point. The issue is then closely observed and brought into focus. The management of the organization sidelines minor conflicts and do not waste much time on them.

The organization involves all the employees at every stage of conflict resolution. The manager lets the staffs assume positive intent and gets the employee conflicts solved easily. When the employees. When the employees are left to infer the positive intent, they are likely to forgive their fellows easily. Most of the conflicts are caused by functional performing people acting poorly, but the organization will always have a way of depersonalizing their feelings as the focus they focus on solving their problems.

The organization addresses employee concerns in non-confrontational manner. The employees are discouraged from giving comments that are aggressive and judgmental; they are trained on how to talk calmly ass they describe their frustration in transparent languages. The employees are prohibited from judging, attacking and interrupting since doing so is likely to generate a gap between the workers. In the conflicting situation before the workers, accepting responsibility is part of the conflict solution within the organization. It takes more two or more to be involved in a disagreement, and so taking individual responsibility is likely to defuse the situation. It also positions the workers as the solver of their problems, a strategy that is appreciated by the manager.

Formal procedures for conflict management

Formal methods for addressing conflicts aim to solve disputes occurring internally to the organization, such as conflict involving the employee and management. The procedures as well outline measure of developing dispute management procedures targeting to deal with consumer responsibilities and breach in rights. The following steps are in the organization and describe a formal process to addressing internal conflicts within the organization.

Stage 1: Policy

The stage needs some questions addressed and to consult with the workers, customers, and other related organizations before deciding on the rules adopted to solve existing conflicts within the organization. Rules and policies regarding dispute solution are made at this stage. The procedure of dispute solution is widely shared among the employees to make them aware of the stipulated process to follow in cases of conflicts. Some useful ideas are incorporated at this stage such as dealing with disputes immediately, solving disputes in meetings, protecting consumers from breach of rights, and addressing employee grievances comprehensively.

Stage 2: Operation

The stage discusses the methods of implementing the guidelines decided within the organization to address the existing conflicts; they determine how the guidelines should be practiced. Several options can be used in addressing disputes between the workers; making conflicts an agenda in the meeting gives a formal opportunity for the employees to raise their problems. During the meeting, conflicts are also automatically referred to a committee set to deal with them sooner than they occur. The meetings address the disputes according to the agreement on policies and procedures. Secondly, the meeting identifies conflict contact person who is always acceptable and whose service is available to every worker in the organization. The role of such persons is not limited to acting as the contact point but can also go ahead to solve the dispute. However, the final decision relies on the management committee. Thirdly, the management also establishes the subcommittee that has acts and strict terms f reference from the agreed policies. While solving the disputes within the organization, the subcommittee is tasked with the power of solving disputes and providing recommendations.

Stage 3: Process

After setting up the policy framework detailing the rules of solving the conflicts, then the organization as well establishes the procedures used by the committee, management or the contact person. The dispute resolution process incorporates the principles of justice. Several issues are included in the process of conflict resolution. The organization includes the following; effective communication, clear decisions democratic, time limits for the decisions made and fair warnings to the employees. The organization also has questions that need to be considered while dealing with the internal disputes since it leads to an effective decision.

How similar organizations address their conflicts

In other organizations, the procedure of addressing conflicts is slightly different. According to them, conflict is given an approach through a deliberate process that incorporates different conflict resolution styles. As a business organization, three approaches are found to be significant in solving the disputes; collaborative, aggressive and balanced approaches are successfully used in other organizations.

Balanced approach

The approach is reflected in the organization on the need to win every dispute between them and their clients. The advantages won by each party end over time. In such cases, the clients and the product providers are tough but finally negotiate their way forward. In similar businesses, arising conflicts are solved quickly. Thus it strengthens the partnership. Though the balanced negotiation approach is certainly better than others, it negatively impacts on the quality of the service and does not get any better.

Aggressive approach

This type of conflict resolution is reflected by the organization’s spirited defense to its commercial interests, with failure to consider the effect on the benefit of the other party. An example is haggling the price of an already used car than discussing the potential value to be produced the outsourcing arrangement. The approach yields results that weaken the provider-customer relationships. The aggressive approach is capable of solving the conflict. However, it contributes to a wounded partnership.

Collaborative approach

According to the collaborative approach to conflict resolution, both the involved parties seek to understand another’s concern. Both the provider and the client look for a win solution to their interests. The approach utilizes a procedure that strengthens the partnership between the involved parties. While it proves to be the best approach, it requires strong commitments from the involved persons.

When the other organizations are involved in disputes, they follow form resolution process that is slightly different from that of my organization. To them, the formal resolution to disputes includes processes like lawsuits and grievances. The companies usually recommend submission of complaint in writing to act as evidence. The written complaint is subject to consideration by the decision makers. The outcome of the complaint is also a written decision and has or has no ability for appeal. All the formal processes take place within a scheduled time; an individual presents his/her complaint but has no role in decision making.

How my organization could learn from others

The idea of conflict is a compelling topic for persons working in organizations. Often, the workers will think about justice and alternatives means of solving disputes. As well, the workers will also need to help the leaders and various teams to learn the effective address of concerns and disagreements. They must think about the organizational systems of addressing the disputes.

The organization need to share norms of complex cases

The other organizations have been successful in solving disputes involving complex cases. My company needs to develop the structural complexity of other organizations in addressing arguments effectively (Mary, 2009). The organization must venture into hard work if they consistently want to achieve success in conflict resolution. Through hard work and benchmarking other organizations structure of conflict resolution, our team is likely to adjust its policies in the formal process of addressing conflicts within the workers. For example, it’s essential to adopt multi-cultural standards applying to all people within the organization. The rules of conflict resolution need to be somehow linked to the missions of the organization. Conflicts in an organization thus should be handled using a collaborative approach where concerns of both parties are addressed.

Designing and implementing other methods of conflict resolution

The organization needs to build a system enabling its workers to learn the art of solving conflicts. For example, the organization can provide right based options of addressing a specific conflict where there was no previous provision for such. The company needs to install conflict management systems. Conflict management systems are difficult to understand since they feel tuned to only one method of solving the conflict. Therefore, the system targeting to address the disputes must incorporate rights and interest of the organization as well as the stakeholders.

The organization needs to develop several options

It’s not an easy task to implement standards, policies, and rules while addressing disputes. In reality, it’s very difficult to think about the effectiveness of conflict resolution regarding complaints without regarding the demands of the stakeholders (Mary, 2009). My organization needs to incorporate different stakeholders since they deal with conflicts differently. The plights of the stakeholders need to be addressed since leaving the plights unresolved makes the situation worse. Just like the other organization, the company I work for should adopt different methods in handling various issues. The reason for this change is because the company is faced with different conflicts ranging from personal to strategic conflicts.

Organization’s analysis of conflict resolution process

The organization does well in addressing the internal conflict between the employees. The organization does well in formal procedures of conflict management. The organization has a three-stage process that outlines procedures of going about internal conflicts. The three steps in the conflict management process include policy, operation, and process. However, the process fails to adequately address the external conflicts.

The company needs to devise a method of solving external conflicts, by making a provision that takes care of conflict between the customer and the provider. The organization as well needs to adopt effective conflict resolution techniques. An effective step to conflict resolution begins with setting the disputed scene. During the process, the organization needs t promote good relationship and mutual respect for the customer. Secondly, information needs to be gathered as a dispute resolution tool. In doing so, the process should help in understanding the customer’s needs. Thirdly, agreeing to the existence of the problem is essential since conflict resolution skills only come into play when the need is identified. The next step should be brainstorming possible solutions. The step involves gathering the conflicting parties as this makes them feel like part of the solution. The last step would be to negotiate the solution. It is the stage where the involved parties understand other’s position and negotiate to mutually agree on a solution (America Management Association, 2017).


American Management Association (2017). Five Steps to Conflict Resolution. Retrieved

on 21 Oct, 2017 from

Mary Rowe. (2009). Organizational Systems for Dealing with Conflict & Learning

from Conflict: Introduction. Retrieved on 21 Oct, 2017 from

December 15, 2022



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