Relationship Preserving

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After mediating and resolving the problem in the scenario, both parties must return to work and, more significantly, maintain their strong working relationship. This paper will analyze the significance of three fundamental aspects, including reputation, trust, and justice, in the case of Michelle and Nikki. Furthermore, because the working relationship between Nikki and Michelle, as well as the rest of the staff, is strained as a result of Michelle going out of her way to disparage her boss, this paper will devise a strategy for Nikki and Michelle to repair their connection.

The views or beliefs that people have about a person, event, or thing are referred to as their reputation. Managers need to create a good reputation for the performance of the general organization. In the case of Nikki and Michelle, the reputation of Nikki can either improve or deteriorate the workers` performance. Since Michelle destroyed her reputation by bad mouthing her, the employees could assume that Nikki was wrong leading to mistrust and increase conflicts. On the other hand, because Nikki knew that Michelle bad mouthed her, Michelle`s reputation was destroyed, and their relationship got strained.


Trust is a belief that either a person or something is honest, reliable, kind, useful etc. (Sousa-Lima, Michel, & Caetano, 2013). Trust is essential in any negotiation. In case a negotiator loses the trust of another, it can damage the working relationship leading to inefficient interactions and performance. People can use emotional words or expressions to repair trust. Explanations, apologies, and accounts are some of the efforts that can help. Nikki and Michelle managed to work out a resolution that would benefit both parties. However, since Michelle was bad mouthing Nikki and she was aware of it, it broke her trust, hence, creating the need to be rebuilding the trust between them.


Sousa-Lima, Michel & Caetano (2013) also define fairness as a just and impartial treatment or behavior without discrimination or favoritism. Unfair decisions by the management usually cause conflicts and workplace misunderstandings. Managers need to make fair decisions or make their decisions be understood in case they are misinterpreted. Michelle believed that Nikki was unfair when she changed the schedules based on seniority. However, Nikki thought that she was fair to all workers. After Michelle negotiated with Nikki, they understood each other clearly, and Michelle realized that Nikki was being fair as they also came up with a proper resolution.

Building the Relationship

Michelle and Nikki can rebuild their relationship after Michelle apologizes to Nikki and explains that she was upset, and the fact that her bad mouthing was not right. After the negotiation between the two, Michelle can also apologize to her fellow workers individually for her faulty behavior regarding her bad mouthing. Nikki should also organize a meeting where she explains to the staff the intention for her new scheduling program and also urge people to meet her in case of any complaints. The actions will build the reputations of both Nikki and Michelle.

In conclusion, fairness and trust are important aspects of any relationship building at the workplace (Sousa-Lima, Michel, & Caetano, 2013). For things to be normal after a conflict and loss of trust, the working relationship needs to be repaired by the person at fault through offering an apology immediately after the resolution of the conflict. It will also build the reputation lost and create a better understanding of the circumstances leading to the conflict.


Sousa‐Lima, M., Michel, J. W., & Caetano, A. (2013). Clarifying the importance of trust in organizations as a component of effective work relationships. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(2), 418-427.

May 02, 2023

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