Punctuality and Being on Time in the Marine Corps

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Punctuality, following orders, and adhering to guidelines are discipline measures in the marine military. Time is what the soldiers need to learn management. In the military, you are required to do things at the right time. Punctuality is crucial for accountability, which embraces responsibility for decisions, actions, and policy implementation. It is an accountability that helps to know where anyone is at a given time. Marine Corps must follow orders efficiently every time to adhere to the code of conduct. Primarily, the Marine Corps is trained to function like a machine. Therefore, they are required to follow the guidelines to perform the tasks appropriately.

Punctuality is important because it shows a chain of command that one is serious and committed to the job. It shows readiness and motivation towards doing the job to the best of your ability. Ideally, lateness to the convoy would lead to dire consequences as per the military guidelines (Paganelli, 2020). Marine Corps operations may fail if one person is not punctual to the convoy. When on patrol, something can come up that needs your expertise and training. Therefore, it is always recommended that soldiers keep watch of the move and follow the order to avoid dire consequences to the battle buddies.

Punctuality also shows reliability. Apart from accountability, a punctual soldier is entitled to show respect to other soldiers, units, and organizations. Being prompt makes one avoid disciplinary actions that could prevent one from achieving goals. It enhances trust and dependency during life-and-death circumstances. It creates an understanding and unity among group soldiers so that they can carry out their duties successfully. With discipline integration, punctual soldiers are probably the ones who are promoted to leadership levels in the military (Paganelli, 2020). Overall, the concern of the combat is to accomplish their tasks with unity and competency.

Punctuality in the military demonstrates readiness to capitalize on capabilities required in completing missions. Among marine corps, lateness is only acceptable when security restrictions are involved. Extensively, missions and operations are interlocking pieces that must function together. The Marine Corps has to work towards the same mission during its operations. It is the reason people in the military undergo and complete fundamental training to instil discipline and proper attitudes during operations (Corps, 2016). Therefore, it calls for aggressiveness and reliability to adhere to the code of conduct.

In extreme cases, the failure of a soldier to be on time to relieve the current guard's post can cause the guard's combat readiness and effectiveness to be greatly reduced. The issue would be due to fatigue or lack of supplies. Failure to replace a fatigue guard can compromise the security of the area. All these things can be avoided by being on time and adhering to the guidelines given during training. The Navy and Marine Corps values are honour, respect, and devotion to duty (Corps, 2016). The military value system guides how every operation is executed.

Overall, punctuality and being on time in the military indicate discipline, accountability, reliability, and capitalization of capabilities. Since time programs control, the Marine Corps can achieve its missions and operations on time while upholding military values. It is a concern to embrace unity when performing tasks as given in training programs. Being promptly promoted even coordination among Marine Corps at any given time.


Corps, U. M. (2016). Marine Corps Values: A User's Guide for Discussion Leaders.

Paganelli, M. P. (2020). Adam Smith and the Virtue of Punctuality.

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