Promoting The Greater Justice

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Our Commitment to Fair Trade Principles

Our company is open to joining other businesses in implementing fair trade principles that aim to increase trade equity. We think that by supporting this worthwhile cause, our customers will be more engaged than just buying a cup of coffee. In addition to supporting producers in their efforts to become more sustainable and free of poverty, they will actively raise awareness of the need to change the policies and practices of international commerce. By doing this, individuals will play an active role in the cause of more justice in the modern world. We are undertaking several steps to ensure that fair trade practices are implemented as we engage in the retailing of coffee.

Transparency for Stakeholder Evaluation

The first one is that of transparency whereby the business will openly share information regularly including financial information, business practices, production, product sources, management practices, and marketing. Our stakeholders can thereby evaluate the social and financial efficacy towards greater justice for producers.

Environmental Responsibility

Another step is that of ensuring that the concern for the environment is instituted in the company’s culture. Every stakeholder will encourage the trading of items that are friendly to the environment.

Fair Pay and Ethical Practices

An additional step is that of always ensuring that a fair pay is given to producers, which is sustainable. However, for this price to be implemented, the company will have to get an assurance from its intermediaries that no forced labor or child labor was used in the production process. Their workers should also enjoy proper health and safety conditions. Also, no forms of discrimination will be allowed in our HR. Any qualified person will be accommodated in the organization in addition to being guaranteed good working conditions.

March 15, 2023

Business Economics

Subject area:

Company Trade Customer

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