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The Importance of Questions in Learning

The post’s assertions that questions are crucial learning aids are pertinent because they guarantee that students fully comprehend the subject matter being covered in class. Notably, it is the duty of the teacher to make sure that the student enjoys the educational process. When students are actively participating in class, learning is enjoyable, which gives them the motivation to like reading that they so much need. Teachers have a unique means of teaching the students thanks to the taba questioning technique. The best way to determine if pupils have understood the material in a particular reading is to put them through a variety of exams. Students cannot be able to excel in the tests if they cannot be able to recall what was taught in class (Wiggins & McTighe, 2016). Therefore, the students need to ask questions in class to boost their ability to remember what was last taught in previous classes.

The Teacher’s Responsibility

However, students cannot be able to remember what they did not understand during a class lesson, thus making it the responsibility of the teacher to ensure the students understand the concepts of a particular topic. Reading the post made me realize that, Taba’s questioning strategy can be employed in all learning platforms and at levels of learning starting from elementary to adult. Remarkably, the approach enables the teacher to create teams in the learning that learned to work together to excel (Wiggins & McTighe, 2016). Through engaging questions and discussions in class, the tutor can challenge the minds of the students and in the end, create a conducive environment of learning where the students participate in the learning process. Also, the strategy enables the teacher to assess and evaluate the understanding of the students and thus providing an avenue for the teachers to rate their teaching methodology. The points made in the post are helpful in understanding the relevance of Taba questioning strategy and its integration with the teaching strategies.


Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2016). Understanding by design. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

February 09, 2023
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