Patient case study: Vitamin C Deficiency

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A Patient with Dental Difficulties

A patient arrived to the hospital, complaining of dental difficulties. He had tried almost every type of toothpaste, but to no avail. He showed indicators of anemia, bone pain, and poor wound healing. In other occasions, he stated that he has shortness of breath and mood swings. The above-mentioned symptoms did not indicate to a specific case or condition; rather, they demanded further physical examination and lab tests to determine.

Physical Examination and Lab Tests

A physical examination was performed due to the patient’s severe symptoms. Lab tests were also performed to check the level of vitamin C in the blood. Normally, the lack of sufficient levels of vitamin C will bring such symptoms. Imaging tests revealed that the patient suffered internal damage resulting from scurvy. Vitamin C is famously known as ascorbic acid (Newson, 2017).

Prevention and Treatment of Scurvy

It is a disease that many people suffer from, but they have never known. Therefore, it is fundamental that when one suffers such fate, instead of trying to treat yourself visit the nearby hospital and get professional advice and tests. This is a curable disease, in that, all a patient needs to avoid it is consume fruits, and products with enough Vitamin C. The foods that contain vitamin C include; kiwi fruit, guava, lemons, oranges, papaya, and strawberries.

Contributing Factors and Prevention

In the follow-up questions before treating the patient, he revealed that he took a lot of alcohol, which accelerated the disease. Old age and restricted diet resulting from allergies have contributed to the poor health and change in the teeth color. Scurvy is prevented by taking vitamin C in the diet (Crosta, 2017).


Crosta, P. (2017, June 22). Scurvy: Causes, symptoms, and treatment. Retrieved November 04, 2017, from

Newson, D. L. (2015, July 25). Vitamin C Deficiency. Retrieved November 04, 2017, from

June 12, 2023

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