Overcrowdedness in Schools

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The Key Local Problem affecting our school system

The key local problem affecting our school system today is overcrowdedness and this issue needs to be resolved before it becomes a grave problem not only at the state level but at the national level. The population of our nation has been growing exponentially and this implies that it will not stop today yet schools are already crowded. The information from different schools shows that elementary schools are way too crowded for students to learn comfortable and for teachers to be able to reach students in class conveniently. High schools are also crowded and thus, there is a dire need to configure them to allow efficiency for the taxpayers and also allow students to have better educational opportunities.

Provided that the community has been growing

Provided that the community has been growing for the past decades and it is going to continue growing and this implies that there be the need for more room for the growing population. Information on the Fort Riley indicates that with the NBAF coming, the K-State has remained a better economic engine compared to other states. This implies that there will be more students for teachers to educate. Equipping schools with adequate space for incoming students in the future makes it easy for students to learn comfortably.

The solution to this problem

The solution to this problem, as proposed, is to raise 130 million to fix the school system problem and expand school buildings locally. It is for the above problem that parents and guardians, with the help of school staffs and boards, should vote yes to the proposal at hand. The proposal is aimed at enabling the state to construct a new school outside the town on the eastern side. In addition to that, this will allow the sixth graders to be moved into the middle schools that will be expanded. This process will be a shift but it is necessary as it will facilitate a good school system both at the state and national level, for they will have the 6-8 configuration of the middle school.

Another change that the proposed solution

Another change that the proposed solution of raising 130 million to fix the school system problem and expand the school buildings is to allow for the ninth-graders to be moved back to the main high school building. This will get rid of the system whereby the ninth-graders are parked for a year at what is referred to as the ’Easter Campus’ which has been a configuration since the 1990s.

The fact is that while the population of the community continues to grow

The fact is that while the population of the community continues to grow, the population at the high school does not grow fast. MHS being used as an example is a midsize 6A high school class in Kansas State; there is no need to build a new second-high school. The primary and necessary solution to the problem of overcrowding is to fix the problem by adopting the above-proposed changes in the system.

In conclusion, to resolve the above-mentioned problem of overcrowding

In conclusion, to resolve the above-mentioned problem of overcrowding, the schools, with the help of parents and guardians, should vote yes to the proposal. It is clear that the future begs for more buildings in schools and changes in the curriculum. This problem of inadequate school buildings affects two groups of people; learners and teachers. It will be hard for students to attend class and learn in a comfortable sitting position. Teachers, on the other hand, will find it hard to move and reach each student given that the small room in classrooms will be crowded to the brim.

Works Cited


Holt, Carleton R. School Bond Success: A Strategy for Building America’s Schools. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2009. Print.

August 21, 2023


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