Organizational Management and Human Resource

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The relationship between organizational development and human resource is that the two functions are interconnected in any corporation. Both are primarily concerned with human processes and concentrate on distinct components within an organization. Human resources is primarily concerned with salary, policy, hiring, employee perks, and short-term problems. Human resources are primarily concerned with people, as it is the people who comprise an organization. The primary goal of human resources is to arrange people so that they can accomplish their tasks successfully. Human resource functions in this perspective perceive individuals as human assets rather than expenses to the firm. Organizational development on the hand concerns the processes through which an organization is able to improve its internal capacities in order to meet the current and the possible future plans. This translates to the fact that organizational development activities and the functions of human resources tend to overlap in various aspects (Dwyer, 2017). However, in the activities of organizational development, there are some instances where human resource functions do not apply. An example is if there is a new project, organizational development individuals are supposed to access the infrastructure available at the moment and estimate the resources which will be adequate to handle the project. The findings therein are taken to human resources department where the folks therein scrutinize it further and make adjustments if necessary. In this case though the functionalities overlap, they assume a completely different approach.

Organizational development entails issues to deal with growth in the essence of talent management and physical assets. These range from hierarchy/organizational structures, job designing, productivity and performance analysis as well as development t of a collaborative learning environment which in all terms sum up to the organizational development. Far from the regular activities of human resources, the human resource managers are tasked with the responsibility of contributing positively to the organization through the functions of organizational development (Gillon et al., 2014). In this context, we are justified to argue that most successful and impactful organizations in often times deliberate on how well they are organized, how well their work is carried out and how they can use and develop talent in order to achieve overall effectiveness. In the same context, human resources and the leaders as well deliberate about how they can drive forward the motions of organizational effectiveness mainly for the benefit of the leadership, staff and the community at large.

Some of the ways in which the functions of human resources relate to organizational development include; talent management, performance management and development management. Talent management aims at recruiting highly competent resources as well as managing the current competent resources to help with the current and the future needs of the organization (Gillon et al., 2014). In this context, managing the current competent resources requires efforts of human resource management and recruiting competent resource requires functions of organizational development. Evidently, the two functions overlap in the essence that the ultimate goal of boosting organizational competitive advantage is achieved. Performance management and development managements are initiatives of human resources department and functions but organizational development comes in handy to push forward some of the aspects of the same for the benefit of the organization.


Dwyer, M. (2017). The Role Of HR In Organizational Development. Retrieved from;

Gillon, A. C., Braganza, A., Williams, S., & McCauley-Smith, C. (2014). Organisation development in HRM: a longitudinal study contrasting evolutionary trends between the UK and USA. International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 25(7), 1002-1023. doi:10.1080/09585192.2013.815252

May 10, 2023
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