Organization Theory

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The theories of human resources were created by psychologists and sociologists to assist explain how managerial personalities affect employee behavior. Depending on the managerial conduct affected, the effects could be either beneficial or negative (Shafritz, Jang & Ott, 2016). Human resource theories were created with two main goals in mind: improving job performance efficiency and achieving the best level of employee motivation. The creation of such ideas is based on these two objectives. This study focuses on how these ideas are put into practice in organizations and how it affects the results.

The human resource ideas have been under heavy scrutiny, much like any other theory. Some psychologists, however, concur with the principles and attempted to provide evidence of their effectiveness (Rowley & Jackson, 2011). The research paper in that regard adheres to documenting on such evidence that second the human resource theories. All the evidence recorded at this moment, relate to proven results.


Human resource theories add value to organizations that apply them. The benefits accruing to such groups outweigh the setbacks. As a result, all agencies need to use the human resource theory for the benefit of both the organization and its employees (Rowley & Jackson, 2011). There is a need for acknowledging that all these human resource theories developed while considering some principles. These principles summarized into a single comprehensive statement put all matters under consideration. The statement may simplify as “Human beings and organizations need each other for the attainment of set goals.” In this view, it is crucial that there be a sort of fit between employees and the organization.

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and its Application in Organizations

One theory primarily practiced by most organizations universally is the Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation. Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, attempted to categorize human needs into five main categories. According to Maslow, employees get motivation from the fulfillment of their needs and thus give it their best in work. Abraham Maslow grouped human needs into five categories depending on their nature. These classes include Physiological needs, Safety needs, Social needs, Self Esteem needs, and Self-actualization needs. According to Abraham Maslow, satisfied wants no longer serve as motivators (McGuire and Maslow, 2011). Therefore all these categories of needs motivate employees into improving their work performance.

Physiological needs refer to all the basic human requirements that ensure survival. Such needs include food, Water, Shelter, and Clothing. The necessity to meet all these requirements pushes employees towards improving their performance. Improved performance call for better rewards hence needs easily achieved. Safety requirements, on the other hand, include fear of the financial crisis, personal security, and safety in administrative domains (McGuire and Maslow, 2011). Fulfillment of such needs ensures the smooth running of operations, as employees are not distracted.

Maslow further outlines social needs that describe the sense of belonging felt by employees. Need for affection also falls under this category. Self-esteem and self-actualization needs refer to the need for respect and the need for recognition respectively. Organizations that apply Abraham Maslow’s theory experience increased productivity, better communication, and proper employee motivation. Such organizations incorporate the well-being of employees in their operations and all their policies (McGuire and Maslow, 2011). They create conducive environments for working.

A practical example is that the management of an organization developed well-ventilated offices, with comfortable seats and ample space. The body also went ahead to provide employees with a playroom where employees relax during their free time. Provision of security guards on the premises of the organization led to the fulfillment of employee security needs. These efforts help to ensure that employees bond among themselves is ultimately leading to the employees fulfilling their social needs.

The organization had also developed policies allowing all employees to air out their views in all matters. Their opinions were well valued and initiated through the availing of suggestion boxes. This practice mainly led to employees feeling recognized, hence the fulfillment of self-actualization needs. The organization also provided employees with medical insurances and soft staff loans for those were in need. These enabled employees meet all their physiological needs. The agency also developed the culture of publicly recognizing efforts of employees. Attainment of the employee’s self-esteem needs came into play.

Ultimately, all these measures pay off. Happy and contented employees produce the best results (Maslow and Frager, 2007). Abraham Maslow’s theory significantly advocates for the satisfaction of employee needs as a form of motivation. Therefore, organizations that adequately implement the theory beyond reasonable doubt end up prospering.

Frederick Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and its Application

Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory as a human resource theory has not taken root in many organizations. Most organizations lack knowledge about the theory and thus have not applied it accordingly. Herzberg grouped factors into those that cause job satisfaction and those that do not cause job satisfaction at the work place (Amoako Et al., 2011). While most organizations, including the practical example used earlier, focus on the factors that cause job satisfaction, employees encounter factors that cause job dissatisfaction.

Examples of such factors that may cause job dissatisfaction include lack of vacations, lack of job security and lack of fringe benefits among others. Organizations tend to neglect such factors. There is a need for institutions to cater for such factors. Their consideration leads to improved morale among employees, loyalty, and ultimately improved work performances (Amoako Et al., 2011). There is a need for proper adherence to Herzberg’s two-factor theory for the betterment of job performance.


In conclusion, the motivation of employees is of vital importance to an organization as it leads to better performance. Organizations should, therefore, adhere to paying attention to human resource needs for best results. Avoidance of having Preferences placed on specific sectors of the human resource is vital for any organization. Inclusivity portrayed by policies governing the human resource sector of an organization is critical for success. This will ensure all employees give it their best while striving to accomplish organizational goals.


Dartey-Baah, Kwasi, Amoako, & George Kofi. (2011). Application of Frederick Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory in assessing and understanding employee motivation at work: a Ghanaian Perspective. The International Institute for Science, Technology, and Education (IISTE.

HRM THEORIES AND APPROACHES IN EMERGING MARKETS. (n.d.). Handbook of Human Resource Management in Emerging Markets, 17-18. doi:10.4337/9781781955017.00008

Maslow, A. H., & Frager, R. (2007). Motivation and personality. New Delhi: Pearson Education.

McGuire, K. J., & Maslow, A. H. (2011). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Rowley, C., & Jackson, K. (2011). Human resource management: The key concepts. London: Routledge.

Shafritz, J. M., Jang, Y. S., & Ott, J. S. (2016). Classics of organization theory. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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