Ordering of the papers is according to when they were written

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The papers are arranged in chronological order, beginning with the most recently published paper and progressing to the earliest written paper. The documents are of excellent quality, and each of the papers was chosen for its fascinating substance. I’ve mastered writing and vastly increased the consistency of my work. For example, in the first paper, I showed good writing skills and a much-improved writing style. The paper has several grammatical mistakes, indicating that the practice of writing many articles is an ideal way of ensuring students learn better writing. The first paper demonstrates my advanced quality of writing characterized by a good flow of the content with correct punctuation. The third paper is also good since I tried to use simple language and ensured accurate spelling. My writing skill highlighted by the papers is correct grammar, punctuation, and correct spelling which is very clear in each of the attached papers.
Over the course of the semester I have improved a lot in grammar as a style of writing since good papers must adhere to all grammar rules. I tried to avoid run on sentences and use of colloquial language to bring out a clear message. Before the class started I was concerned about my quality of writing especially ensuring collect spelling and punctuation all. I feel that I have improved on all three writing styles that include grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Writing a paper requires one to write grammatically correct sentences acceptable in academic. Some of the grammatical issues I have addressed include avoidance of errors that make reading of piece of work difficult. For instance, latest paper is free of typos making it easy to read and understand the message in the writing. I have learned that writing is a skill that requires one to keep on practicing to ensure quality papers that address modern Issues. Practicing one skill repeatedly perfects one’s style of writing using correct formatting styles. The commonest grammatical errors in the papers included sentence structure and spelling which I have already improved and the first essay is easy to understand. To correct the issues, I have read several research papers and concentrated on doing corrections as highlighted by my professor. While reading I was keen on sentence structure to ensure that every statement was correct and met the standards of my level.
I have a number of goals for English 101 with an aim of improving my writing skills in general. After completion of the course, I will be able to guide others writing quality academic papers at their various levels. The other goals are to advance my communication skills especially the written one. Next time I would like to learn about other skills such as listening and speaking skills. Such knowledge will empower me to write important work such as scholarly articles. Such work requires one to express ideas using perfect grammar, correct spelling, and punctuation. Once all the skills are mastered one can produce an exc4llent research paper and other written works. I want to continue improving by doing practice in various types of writing, which will promote my performance in the course as well as make my written work for captivating. Gaining more skills each day in different fields including communication is a great achievement.

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