Oprah Winfrey Autobiography

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The essay is entirely based on Ellis’ book about being a Masters student. It thoroughly analyzes the characteristics that an individual must possess in order to be accepted as a Masters student. The traits have also been presented from the perspectives of many people, and have greatly contributed to understanding the traits’ applicability. The study will elucidate certain characteristics that a master’s student often exhibits in depth. They provide inspiration, appreciation for individuality, personality replacement, commitment, bravery, caring, generalist, procrastination, time control, and discomfort. In this essay, I this essay, Oprah Winfrey life is marked by the possession of a number of the raster student traits as stated above. We get to understand how Oprah attitudes, as well as abilities, represent those of a master’s individual. The essay further explains how I have personally applied these traits in real life.

In Ellis’s book, several traits explain the manner in which an individual can turn into a master’s student. Regarding a Masters student, it gets noted that these are individuals who possess several special skills that in most cases exceed mere techniques. These individuals often work tirelessly hard when it comes to performing their duties. It is due to this fact that their results portray excellence and perfection. They develop creative ways of solving problems they encounter. They get characterized by adopting healthy habits necessary for personal growth. It involves an intense analysis of the things that are practically possible and those that do not work well for a person. For a person to get referred to as a master’s student, these individuals need to learn as well as acknowledge the positive qualities that they possess. Relating to Oprah Winfrey autobiography, it gets noted that she possesses some of the master’s student’s traits and which have played a significant role in molding her to become successful individual both in her career as well as individual personality. It gets explained below


Masters students often get characterized by the level of motivation they possess. These individuals have a strong driving force towards what they believe is right for them. The results that they achieve is hugely dependent on the individual’s inner disposition (Ellis 5). Oprah Winfrey gets seen as a person who has often gotten motivated by her challenges, for example, even after losing her first job as a tv anchor, she still pushed on to become the most celebrated female tv host of the 21st century. Since when a person gets motivated it influences others, I have in most cases get motivated by Oprah life journey and makes me have hope for a better future ahead of me.


Masters students are often conscious of cultural differences. Since learning involves interaction with people from different backgrounds, Masters students can expand their horizon by appreciating other people ways of life as well as their racial background. Oprah Winfrey has seen a person who has effectively interacted with people from varied backgrounds (Northouse 12). Both as an employee and in her career as a tv host through her self-made channel dubbed Oprah Winfred Network, she accommodates every individual contribution despite their races, religion et al. By doing this, she gets regarded as a Masters student. In advancing my career, I have often blended with people from different background and tried learning their culture, through this, it has immensely helped me appreciate people.

Replacement of Attitudes

The trait of flexibility characterizes Masters students. They do not hold onto their challenges. Instead, they embrace change by replacing their bad feelings with the positive ones. Oprah Winfrey despite having gotten assaulted sexually at a young age and went through teenage pregnancy, she programmed her attitude to hope for the best (Garson 5). She replaced her feelings by becoming optimistic. From this, she gets viewed as possess a masters student trait. If it were not her having a positive feeling towards life, she wouldn’t have attained success in her life. from this trait; I regard myself as an optimist. My challenges strengthen my desire to be a better my life by replacing bad memories with positive future goals.


Responsibility characterizes a masters student. Attempt that people make in life is a show of being responsible for their future. Master students are the captains of their destiny by taking charge of every situation they encounter and transform them into success. Oprah Winfrey knew that failure to take responsibility at a tender age by embracing hard work, joining the university and obtaining skills necessary for her growth, she would remain in the same state of poverty as they were in their family. She had to take a step in her life. Masters students get seen as the shapers of their destiny by defining their path through taking responsibility. I also define my path by making the right life choices such as attaining the best education and meeting individuals who can help me shape my life.


Masters students are individuals who overcome the fear of the unknown. They explore both anxiety and tension within them. Oprah Winfrey gets well defined by this trait. She has courageously overcome challenges in her career to emerge among the best tv hosts with a huge following globally (Weger, Pauline, and Alicia 31). Despite her career getting dominated by Caucasian male, she struggled to have a spot in the profession amidst male chauvinism that had dominated the mass media and journalism sector. The strength to overcome her past gets seen in her contribution towards fighting for the children rights which led to the signing of a bill into law by President Bill Clinton. The bills would help profile child abusers facing conviction. I have exhibited courage in trying out new things to gauge whether they work for me or not.


According to Ellis, masters students often have a passion for ideas. They care about whether the knowledge they get exposed to help to shape their destiny. Caring gets seen in Oprah Winfrey through the numerous donations she has made to humanity. For example, supporting the education of the less fortunate by providing financial aid to her former school Tennessee state university. By attaining a university education, it shows that Oprah was keen on how the knowledge she got would help define her future career (Garson 7). It resulted in a win-win scenario that saw a predominance of both corporation and love.

A Generalist

Masters student gets interested with all that surrounds them. They possess the diverse knowledge and are quick to identify the relevant values in their specialty. Oprah Winfrey is not only a tv host but a business lady, actress, philanthropist et al. she has learned to apply all these titles in her career path hence turning successful.


The willingness of becoming uncomfortable to achieve one’s goal defines the traits of a Masters student. They get seen to endure personal discomfort for future good. Oprah Winfrey opted for rather getting criticized for choosing a Caucasian male-dominated career instead of settling on professions that would not have encouraged criticism and female oppression. She has equally parted with lots of finances by making donations her Oprah Winfrey Foundations. The action gets considered as self-sacrifice for the better good of the less fortunate. She would have instead used the money for her self-interest instead chose to help the needy. These practices have made her positively relate to various who to some extent have contributed to her success as a tv show host.


Masters students get regarded as individuals who are principled regarding the task they want to get done. They prioritize their schedules and give considerable time to activities with great importance. Through this, they effectively stick to their schedule and complete their tasks within the specified duration. Masters students meet deadlines promptly. Oprah Winfrey exhibits this trait in several ways. For example, she addresses specific issues that affect Americans in real time without postponing them. Through her show, she gets to immediately respond to her followers despite the challenging questions they pose. Oprah never looks for excuses not to answer questions directed at her. Personally, I find it difficult to postpone things that matter so much. For example, my education at the expense of engaging in business. Despite all these seeming important, I have to prioritize my education to be successful in my future business ventures.

Time Management

The trait goes hand in hand with avoidance of procrastination. Masters students get seen a time conscious individual. They meet deadlines and respond promptly to situations. Oprah Winfrey gets considered a time manager. She is never late for her shows neither does she keep her audience waiting. She responds promptly to her followers and views time wastage as a retrogressive approach towards life. I particularly consider myself as a timekeeper. Since I hate last minute rash, I often ensure that all my tasks get done within the required timeline for effective delivery. For example, making timely delivery of my assignments in class.


Dave Ellis traits of a Masters students directly relate to the characteristics that define Oprah Winfrey. It shows the reason behind her success both personally and in the career. I equally exhibit this character hence the reason for my exemplary performance in my tasks. Some of these traits such as time management, courage, and diversity if not well managed have an impact on failure. To be a successful masters student, Davis Elly recommends the above-discussed traits.

Works Cited

Ellis, Dave. Becoming a master student. Nelson Education, 2012.

Garson, Helen S. Oprah Winfrey: A Biography: A Biography. ABC-CLIO, 2011.

Northouse, Peter G. Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice. Sage Publications, 2014.

Weger, Pauline, and Alicia Williamson. Beautifully Said: Quotes by Remarkable Women and Girls, Designed to Make You Think. Rock Point Gift & Stationery, 2017.

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