offer advice

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The aim of my personal essay

The aim of my personal essay is to give suggestions to my intended audience about the propensity to waste time on tasks that they do not like doing. To accomplish this goal, I felt it was important to incorporate certain elements of humor in my personal essay in order to catch the interest of as many people in my audience as possible. For example, in the project, I have humorously recounted my own work experiences when describing how I resigned from my role. In the article, I also expressed my regrets for throwing myself into a self-imposed exile by serving for four years at a position I despised. I jokingly noted that I grew up in an environment where opposing my father’s word was suicidal. This made me naive at a very young age and followed me to my later work life. Whenever I see my boss who is actually very authoritative, I remember those days when my father used to punish me for disobeying his orders.

My greatest accomplishment

My greatest accomplishment will be when my audience finishes reading my essay and think about it and all the arguments in it. The essay will aim at changing the thinking of both the employers and workers. I would like the audience, who are employers, to believe my theory based on my work experience. The essay should also make them care about their employees and not try to abuse or insult them whenever they make a mistake. Furthermore, the essay should in a way inform the employers of the fact that frightening employers could make their workers hate their jobs, misbehave or go crazy while working.

Using humorous scripts

I intend to use humorous scripts to let the employers appreciate the fact that their employees are humans too and deserve some respect. In the essay, I also target the employees as my audience. I advise them to quit jobs that they do not enjoy rather shifting from sadness to ’happiness’ in a split second just to please their bosses while in the actual sense they are hurting inside. If they do not enjoy their jobs, I candidly advise them to stop wasting their time working in a place they do not like and get out and move on. Therefore, they do not need to be like me who keeps a serious and focused facial expression in 0.1 seconds when I notice my boss, no argument, and no misbehavior but later on express my frustration to my fellow workers. I used a humorous example of the day I quit my job by giving an example of my dad. Had he found himself in a situation like mine and was resigning, he would directly say to my boss, “Screw you, I quit!” The intention was to show how serious I was in convincing them to quit jobs that they do not enjoy doing. Furthermore, they should consider their family, because family is such important in everyone’s life, especially for parents. Parents usually give freedom to their children for whatever they want to be or to do as long as their children can pursue their better life; get a great job, get a house, get married, and have kids.

January 13, 2023


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