Observations from ELL Classroom

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The learning activity depends heavily on the class language and the learning purpose. These goals are crucial because they aid in designing educational activities that provide students and teachers a clear focus (PLB, 2017). According to the lesson plan for grade 7 pupils, the objectives of the lesson were adequately explained to the students. The common core alignment, which mandates that students develop arguments with thorough justifications as indicated in the study’s purpose and findings, supports this fact.

In order to enhance English language learners’ academic growth, content and language objectives are crucial (Himmel, 2017). In this case, the instructions towards the content and language objective were pushed by the background knowledge about plastic items. This was generated through various examples that the teacher guided the students in developing.

The teaching strategy used in the above case is that the learners are allowed to take part in the discussion of the video watch about plastic items. Additionally, the interaction in the learning environment was fostered by allowing learners to work with their partners by sharing completed graphic organizers. Applications in the learning environment were implemented by allowing the learners to fill the graphic organizer based on the initiated brainstorming activity.

In the closing session, the learners were assessed in various ways. Firstly, the teacher engaged in collecting and grading the completed graphic organizer. Secondly, the teacher encouraged the students to write a persuasive letter to inspire the community to consume less plastic items. The importance of assessment in the lesson is to gauge whether the lesson or the learning did take part effectively in meeting both content and language objectives (Edutopia, 2008).


Edutopia. (2008, July 15). Why Is Assessment Important? Retrieved from edutopia: https://www.edutopia.org/assessment-guide-importance

Himmel, J. (2017). Language Objectives: The Key to Effective Content Area Instruction for English Learners. Retrieved from Colarin colorado: http://www.colorincolorado.org/article/language-objectives-key-effective-content-area-instruction-english-learners

PLB. (2017). What is the Importance of Learning Objectives? Retrieved from plb: https://k12teacherstaffdevelopment.com/tlb/importance-of-learning-objectives/

March 17, 2023




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