National Building and Societal Interaction

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The term ‘national building’ refers to the development of a country, especially the one that has gained independence recently. However, even countries that have existed for a long also experience national building since the development of a country is a continuous process. On the other hand, societal interactions refer to the social exchange that occurs between two or more people. Interaction with other people makes people come up with various rules within which they seek guidance to them. People who interact often form social groups in society. This paper explores the various factors that affect national building and integrity and how such factors continue to influence people today.

Factors that affect national building and social interaction include identity and ethnicity. Ethnicity defines who a person is or where the person belongs in terms of culture, race or tribe. It is one of the significant effects of the national building as people will always want to interact with only those from their ethnic groups. Thus, there may be barriers between different groups, making people in a country divided (Brown and Paul 32). The definition of oneself is how people evaluate themselves on their worth with distinction to their social roles. It affects national building and social interaction as people will always want to be in social groups where there are people of their social classes. National building is affected since people are not willing to interact with all people who would be easy to develop the nation (Brown and Paul 33). Bonded group coherence is another factor, and it is a group of people with the same aims, beliefs, or qualities. These groups dictate national building since societal interaction only works for those with the same beliefs or goals. Other peoples, meaning all people in general, may dictate national building with their actions. They may have good societal interaction, but their deeds should develop the nation for them to have played a decisive role.

Today, these factors influence people in different ways. Ethnicity is a significant factor that influences people to do things because other people from their ethnic groups are doing the same. Also, factors such as the definition of oneself generate competition between people who feel they are worth certain standards (Loga, Stein, and Diefenbach 4). These competition influences are mostly found where there are people who are mainly of the same social classes. Bonded group coherence is also a factor that influences people today. All individuals in bonded group coherence have the same motives. Thus, they easily influence each other when they are in need to do certain things either as a group or individually (Loga, Stein, and Diefenbach 6). People generally influence others, especially if there is something common between them.

Conclusively, national building can only be successful if people are willing to participate and play their roles responsibly. Societal groups should include people from different ethnic groups to avoid barriers that may occur if people form groups according to their ethnicity or according to their beliefs. Societal groups aim at making people with different backgrounds, social classes, tribes, and races, among other groups come together. With this, people get to understand each other well, which helps them be in a position to work comfortably with different people. Societal interaction may at times result in the sharing of culture which makes people from different ethnicities bond together and works as one people.

Works Cited

Brown, John Seely, and Paul Duguid. The social life of information: Updated, with a new preface. Harvard Business Review Press, 2017.

Loga, Tobias, Britta Stein, and Nikolaus Diefenbach. "TABULA building typologies in 20 European countries—Making energy-related features of residential building stocks comparable." Energy and Buildings 132 (2016): 4-12.

May 29, 2024




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