movie acting

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Today’s movie acting is different from that of the 1930s through the 1960s in that actors are free to use their own names, negotiate compensation, and have some space, whereas in the past they were not (Dancyger 18).

The interaction between the actor and the camera is crucial because it allows the actor to interpret the director’s instructions while also bringing the actor and the audience closer together. The coming of sound forced the actors to adjust their movements in the recording places and this led to the emergence of the need of coaches to help the actors polish their voices before recording can be done. Dialogue was also necessary to assist the actors to master language.

Movie stars have outstanding and exceptional talents that make them unique from the other actors while movie actors can only convey their real characters such as real voices (Dancyger 24). The movie stars are product of the movie industry because the actors are the labor in the industry and they are also what labor produces.

The following factors influence the casting of actors;

The strengths and weaknesses of the actor

The amount of finance available and the budget for the movie

The popularity of the actor

The ability of the actor to withstand the physical challenges during the acting session.

Naturalistic style is one where the actor shows the recognized human behavior for the camera while non naturalistic is where the actor’s behaviors are exaggerated and they involve actions that are not possible to be carried out by a human being (Dancyger 250).

Improvisational acting is one in which an actor performs without rehearsing and referring to any written material.

They are important in bringing out clearly the relationships between the events during the acting session.

The camera is useful in creating naturalism than it could be when the actor has to perform on stage.

The most important criteria in analyzing acting is ensuring that the movie is appropriate, there is emotionality of the actors, unity in the industry and a show of expressive coherence.

Chapter 8 Editing

The basic building block of film editing is uninterrupted run of the camera during the recording of film, video during that run.

The film editor is charged with a responsible for coordination between shots, temporary relationships that exists between shots and the film’s overall outlook.

Continuity editing is an editing that ensures that the story is logical in presentation, efficient and therefore easy to follow by the audience. It enhances the rhythm of the cinema, and also creates unity in the film creation.

180-degree system is meant to preserve the screen direction and determines where the camera should be placed.

Discontinuity editing is an editing type that seeks to achieve transitions that exist between rough, incoherent and discontinuous shots (Dancyger 27).

The following are types of match cuts;

Match On Action

This shows a continuation of motion through space in an attempt to the entire action of an object or a character.

Graphic Match Cut

It brings sense to the visual order such as the texture and color.

Eyeline Match Cut

This is where a person can look at the actor off-screen.

In parallel editing, the cuttings of lines of action that are simultaneous occur. The two types of editing enable us to experience the sides of the related actions in the filming period.

Jump cut is the flashbacking or forward flashing in which some parts of the movie are omitted.

The overall responsibility of the editor is to ensure quality of the movie is great. The editor should collaborate in the production to ensure all rights and quality is achieved.

Work cited

Dancyger, Ken. The technique of film and video editing: history, theory and practice. CRC

Press, 2014. Print.

April 06, 2023


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