Motivation and Law of FMLA

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The main nuggets that most companies employ to encourage performance, development, and sustainability are inspiration and theories of motivation. Motivation is an internal and extrinsic force that an employee has to continue in a particular company, enjoy, and want to operate (Pinder, 2014). Employees will, however, be either less motivated or highly motivated, resulting in low performance or high performance. In this regard, it is important for a company to be well informed about the variables affecting the morale of employees. The article attempts to analyze the variables that impact employee motivation, motivation myths, and the rules of the FMLA.

Theories of Motivation and Factors Influencing Employee Motivation

Proper compensation of employees is a key factor that motivates employees. Human beings naturally tend to run away from places of poor remunerations and pay to a place where they are paid well. Therefore, if organization offers good pay in terms of wages and salary in a timely manner, the employees become self-driven to deliver their best in their work stations (Miner, 2015). Consequently, the high rate of productivity and efficiency is noticed. For instance, employees when paid good salary and allowances will work fully and motivated. Money can retain and enhance workers’ working condition spirit since it is the most fundamental factor motivating the industrial employees to gain higher results.

Also, employee training and innovation helps motivate employees in any organization. Training provides a chance for employees to grow and acquire new skills and knowledge, giving an opportunity to develop their level of know-how in the organization and consequentially leading to effective working environment among the employees (Mamorsky, 2017). Eventually, dedication, passion, and determination within the entire employee fraternity are encouraged. Currently, organizations have invested more in training their workers because they intend to optimize employee potential. From past outcomes, it is evident that trained employees are more likely to stick to their current job positions than untrained employees. An organization that chooses not to embrace training to its workers, for example, threatens its future employee output.

In addition to that, the style of leadership used by the employer plays a vital role in determining the level of motivation of the workers. For instance, changes in the leadership style affects the optimum performance and how the employees view the organization. Leaders who are dictators and never listen to employees concern and bound to demoralise the employees, thus they become demotivated. Therefore, leadership should be able to strike a balance between the needs of the employees and the organization (Mamorsky, 2017).

Considering motivation, a number of theories have been developed over time to explain the art and the science of proper building of a motivated employee team in an organization.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory

One of its proponents is Abraham Maslow. It places human beings into five categories depending on the motivation to achieve the needs. Also, some needs take precedence over others. The basic needs motivate employees and dictate their behavior in a work place, especially if they are met. For instance, when needs are not met or a person has needs that pressures them, then he/she tends to be motivated so as to acquire (Miner, 2015).

Goal-Setting Theory

The theory suggests that objectives are the most vital element that influences the behaviour and inspiration of workers. The goal-setting hypothesis emphasizes the importance of particular and challenging objectives in accomplishing persuaded behaviour. Experimentally, it has been examined that the objectives that are both particular and challenging are more motivational than objectives that are moderately simple to accomplish (Miner, 2015). Goal commitment and self-efficacy are a few of the variables that may direct between specific and challenging objectives. Goal commitment essentially implies that the more committed the person is to accomplish the objectives, the more they will be spurred to apply exertion toward goal achievement. On the other hand, self-efficacy is the individual’s conviction that he or she can effectively complete a specific assignment.

Motivator-Hygiene Theory

The proponent of the theory is Frederick Herzberg. It entirely explains the motivation of individuals in the work place. According to Herzberg, the lower-level or the basic needs of a person would not motivate him/her to exert more pressure, but rather prevent from being dissatisfied. In this regard, an individual would be motivated only if the higher needs are met (Miner, 2015). Therefore, promotion, responsibility, and recognition are the basis motivators. For instance, a professional always turns to work only when the event gives a high pay and proper working conditions. However, this will not make a person work extra hard when he/she is already in the system.

Analysis of the FMLA Law

FMLA is a Family and Medical Leave Act that is a federal law giving employees a maximum of twelve workweeks unpaid leave each year with no threat of being sacked. FMLA is a US law designed for employees to balance between their job commitment and family responsibility by giving employees unpaid leave due to family and medical reasons (Noe et al., 2014). From the scenario of Julie and Steven, Julie will be eligible for the leave while Steven will not because the number of employees is below the minimum required by the law.


Miner, J. B. (2015). Organizational behaviour 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge.

Mamorsky, J. D. (2017). Employee Benefits Law: ERISA and Beyond. Law Journal Press.

Noe, R. A., Wilk, S. L., Mullen, E. J., & Wanek, J. E. (2014). Employee Development: Issues in Construct Definition and Investigation of Antecedents. Improving Training Effectiveness in Work Organizations, ed. JK Ford, SWJ Kozlowski, K. Kraiger, E. Salas, and MS Teachout (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997), 153-189.

Pinder, C. C. (2014). Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press.

August 09, 2021
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