Master of Science application

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I am writing to apply for a Master of Science, Mathematical Finance option at your respected institution. The critical role that Mathematical finance plays in recognizing and resolving financial crises in developed and developing countries has inspired me to pursue a master’s degree in the field of Mathematical finance. Its significance in the brilliance of organizations and corporations that have integrated mathematical finance ideas has resulted in a profound revelation about the severity of my life’s mission. It is my strong wish to be associated with fellow financial mathematicians who have broken new ground and made significant contributions to the realm of economics. I am hereby convicted of my course in excelling in my pursuit of knowledge in Mathematical Finance.

I am an astute lady who has been performing exemplarily in my lower forms. I did perform well in mathematics assignments. I was accurate in calculations and I executed all the tasks that were assigned to me with a substantial precision. I had inherited the love and passion for mathematics from the environment where I grew in. Dad always ensured that he spent sufficiently but sparingly to avoid unnecessary wastage of resources. He made sure that there was no wastage of food. He instilled a sense of responsibility and time consciousness that enabled me to realize the correlation of time to money. The population explosion in my motherland, China, drives me in my move to master the basics and mechanics of mathematical finance so that I can chip in and liberate my people from the adverse effects of overpopulation. I would help in ensuring the resources available can be consumed sustainably for the sake of future generations. I would then be a crucial asset to the economy of my country. I would ensure that the Chinese economy dominates the top of the chart among the world’s best global economies. I will help minimize liabilities and to optimize assets in the country.

I am a female with Chinese roots. I have been undertaking my undergraduate studies in Finance and Economics at the famous University of California at Davis. I am humbled to have been endowed with a golden opportunity to join the University of California at Davis. I had to exude all manner of efforts that I had to employ in a bid to make it there. I believed and trusted in my innate intuitions anytime I undertook any academic task. I never allowed stereotypic perceptions that side-lined ladies from the field of Finance. I injected adequate attention into my assignments and, in turn, realized amazing results that carried me of my feet. I never believed that I merited that. I command impeccable quantitative skills and critical thinking that I have mastered. I have gathered the experience from units such as Financial Economics, Decision Making, Analysis of Economic Data, Banks, Money and Financial Institutions. The know-how that I have accumulated in my studies has given me a competitive edge in my Masters in Mathematical Finance. I have unsurpassed concentration skills and am keen to details. I uphold accuracy and precision in my results. Unfortunately, I am easily ruffled and that affects my studies negatively. Though, I have known how to contain my temper at those particular moments so as to maintain my high-performance index.

I decided to make an application in the great University of Sothern California because of the massive acclamation it has amassed in the past due to the equally great manpower that it has presented to the United States of America. It has a high performing personnel that is always ready to help students. It has a career coaching program that tries to streamline the students for their future endeavors in the job market. This fosters a healthy and conducive learning environment for students. The program is well-tailored to meet my demands. I will be more flexible in mobility and operation while at the University. I am prepared for the Mathematical Finance since I have had a deep interaction with material that relates to the problems associated with the field. I was blessed with a chance to work with CITIC Securities Limited Company as a research intern for a span of three months. I could do systematic approaches to the financial analysis of corporate systems, and Evaluation and Equity Research methods. I combined that with analysis of relevant laws and regulations in evaluating a public company that changed into a private one. I gathered varied analytical and research expertise that will help me while undertaking my masters’ course in Mathematical Finance. Such competencies are vital in the various tasks enshrined in the program. The skills boosted my confidence and I am assured to confirm better results while in my studies. Mathematical Finance program encompasses various topics on Financial Economic Theory, Cross-Section and Time-series Econometrics, Financial Econometrics, Analytics of Financial Data, Risk Management and Computational Finance. Professionals from this fields are integrated into the business sector as well as banks. They also work as financial consultants to different governmental parastatals and Non-governmental firms and institutions.

Mathematical Finance and its trend have assumed a great paradigm shift in its relationship with other spheres of knowledge. Mathematical Finance falls under the umbrella of mathematical sciences. Mathematical Finance does intermarry with other subjects. It borrows greatly from other fields. There are immense collaborations and interactions between professionals from various fields. Professionals from Mathematical Finance borrow and share a lot with the field of Computing since the manipulation of data and research requires advanced data analysis techniques that are deeply lodged in the field of Computing. The coordination between the various disciplines helps in devising more comprehensive approaches in the way data can be handled and disseminated. The interconnectivity of disciplines culminates in the fertilization of different fields whereby different subjects are used concurrently in of solving a problem. That fosters a comparative advantage to the parties involved in the capacity to tackle challenges. The trend has become so rampant that professionals have broken barriers that initially existed.

I would wish to gain much knowledge from my masters so that I am equipped to combat challenges related to Mathematical Finance. I will try to keep institutions and governments aware of the current trends in the financial sector. I will ensure that my proficiency is excellent in order to compete favorably in the job market. I will propagate the idea of integration of Financial Mathematics in every sector of the economy so that the acquisition and disposal of assets can be tracked and monitored closely.

May 29, 2023

Myself Learning Workforce

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